Un Ospite di Venezia-11-2023

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement. This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement.

This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.


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Musei Civici

Museo di Storia naturale

Santa Croce 1730 |

1 Actv, Riva di Biasio

Inserito negli spazi di uno dei più noti edifici civili della città,

noto come Fondaco dei Turchi, questo museo di recente riallestito

ospita molteplici collezioni naturalistiche ed etnografiche,

con importanti sezioni di paleontologia, esplorazione,


This newly rearranged museum, located within the venues of one of

the most well-known civic buildings in the city, called the Fondaco

dei Turchi, hosts several nature and ethnographic collections, with

important sections on palaeontology, exploring and wildlife.

041.270 03 03 www.msn.visitmuve.it 10,00 | 7,50

10.00 - 17.00 (chiusura biglietteria un'ora prima) Lunedì | Monday

Casa di Carlo Goldoni

San Polo 2794 |

1-2 Actv San Tomà

Casa natale del celebre commediografo veneziano del Settecento.

Oggi l’edificio ospita un piccolo museo goldoniano, una

Biblioteca, l’Istituto internazionale per la ricerca teatrale, oltre

al celebre teatrino di marionette proveniente da Ca’ Grimani

ai Servi.

The native home of this famous 18th century Venetian playwright.

The building now houses a small Goldonian museum, a Library and

the International Institute for Theatre Research, together with the

famous puppet theatre from Ca’ Grimani ai Servi.

041 275 93 25 www.carlogoldoni.visitmuve.it 5,00 | 3,50

10.00 - 16.00 (ultimo ingresso 15.30) Mercoldì | Wednesday

Torre dell’Orologio

Piazza San Marco 1 |

1-2 Actv S. Marco / S. Zaccaria

Un suggestivo percorso all’interno dell’antica torre cinquecentesca

chiamata torre dei Mori permette di scoprire l’interessante

gioco di pulegge, pesi e contrappesi dell’antico

orologio oltre che, dalla terrazza, la straordinaria visione della

sottostante Piazza S. Marco.

A fascinating journey inside this ancient 16th century tower, called

the Moors Tower, allows a discovery of the mechanisms of pulleys,

weights and counterweights in the ancient clock, as well as an exceptional

view from the upper terrace, of St. Mark’s Square below it.

041 520 90 70 | www.torreorologio.visitmuve.it

Su prenotazione | only reservation 848082000 12,00 | 7,00

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