Un Ospite di Venezia-11-2023

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement. This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement.

This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.


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Museo del ‘700 veneziano di Ca’ Rezzonico

Dorsoduro 3136 |

1 Actv - Ca’ Rezzonico

Musei Civici

Considerato il tempio del Settecento veneziano, in un monumentale

edificio opera del Longhena e del Massari, conserva

notevoli opere pittoriche ambientate in un contesto di preziosi

arredi e suppellettili dell’epoca. Si aggiungono le Collezioni

Martini e Mestrovich.

Considered a temple to the Venetian 18th century, within a monumental

building by Longhena and Massari, it holds noteworthy paintings

set in a context of precious period furnishings and ornaments as

well as the Martini and Mestrovich collections (15th - 20th century

Venetian school paintings).

041 241 01 00 www.carezzonico.visitmuve.it - 10,00 | 7,50

10.00 - 17.00 (biglietteria un'ora prima) Martedì | Tuesday

San Marco 3780 |

Museo Fortuny

1-2 Actv - 1-2 Actv, Sant’Angelo / Rialto

In un suggestivo palazzo gotico una raccolta di dipinti, tessuti,

oggetti e una serie di scenografiche lampade raccontano la vita

e le passioni dell’eclettico artista catalano Mariano Fortuny.

La sede, inserita oggi nel circuito dei musei civici, ospita stagionalmente

mostre d’arte.

A collection of paintings, fabrics, objects and a series of scenic lamps

in a striking Gothic palace describe the life and passions of eclectic

Catalan artist Mariano Fortuny. The venue, now included within the

city museums circuit, hosts seasonal art exhibitions.

041.520 09 95 | www.fortuny.visitmuve.it | 10,00 | 7,50

10.00 - 17.00 (biglietteria un'ora prima) Martedì | Tuesday

Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo

Santa Croce 1992 |

1 Actv - San Stae

Casa-museo di ambiente settecentesco con arredi, abiti e accessori,

figurini, tessuti, libri di varie epoche. Si aggiunge una

sezione sulla storia dell’arte profumatoria veneziana ed italiana,

attraverso una collezione di oggetti, flaconi, strumenti ed

una serie di “stazioni” olfattive.

Residence-museum: an exquisite space with 18th century interiors and

a collection of dresses and accessories, fabrics, books and fashion-plates

from various periods. A section presenting the history of Venetian and

Italian perfumery art is included within the circuit, thanks to a collection of

objects, vials, instruments and a series of scent “hubs”. | www.mocenigo.visitmuve.it 10,00 | 7,50

10.00 - 17.00 (chiusura biglietteria un'ora prima) Lunedì | Monday

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