Un Ospite di Venezia-11-2023

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement. This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century. Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement.

This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.

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• CHAGALL.Il colore dei sogni.Sviluppata attraverso le raccoltedella Galleria Internazionale d’ArteModerna di Ca' Pesaro e promossadai Musei Civici di Venezia presso lasede espositiva del Centro Candianidi Mestre, questa mostra si accentrasull’opera del maestro russo del Novecentostraordinario interprete dellapittura del sogno e della fantasia.Il percorso espositivo si snoda attraverso le operedell’artista e di alcuni fondamentali autori del secoloin sei sezioni che dal sogno simbolista, giungonoall’ideale messaggio dell’artista, improntatosulla fantasia, illogica, istintiva e gioiosa.Tra le opere esposte (fino al 13.02.2024) “Il Rabbino”di Ca’ Pesaro per la prima volta affiancato a“Vitebsk. Scena di villaggio” conservato alla collezioneBatliner presso l’Albertina di Vienna.10.00 - 19.00 Lunedì Gratuito• ARTEFICI DEL NOSTRO TEMPORitorna per la quarta edizione la collettiva dedicataagli artisti under 35 vincitori del Concorsoideato dal Comune di Venezia quest’anno rivoltoal tema “Il Laboratorio del Futuro”, titolo della attualeBiennale Architettura.Alle categorie Design del vetro, Fotografia, Pitturae Street Art, si è aggiunta quest’anno la nuovadisciplina della New Media Art, dove i giovaniautori si confrontano con le tecniche di Illustrazionedigitale, Videoarte e Stampa 3D.L’esposizione resterà visibile fino al 26 novembreal Padiglione Venezia presso i Giardini dellaBiennale. Fino al 31 dicembre, si terrà invecepresso Forte Marghera, la Mostra Collettiva deglialtri autori selezionati per ciascuna categoria.12.00 - 16.00 Lunedì GratuitoOTHER EXHIBITIONS ON THE MAINLAND• CHAGALL. The colour of dreamsDeveloped through the collections of Ca' Pesaro'sInternational Gallery of Modern Art and promotedby the Venice City Museums at the showcasevenue of the Candiani Centre in Mestre, theexhibition focuses on the artwork of this Twentieth-centuryRussian master, an outstanding interpreterof painting on dreams and imagination.The exhibit circuit winds among the artist's worksand some seminal authors of the century throughsix sections, starting from the symbolist dreamand reaching the artist's ideal message, based onillogical, instinctive and joyous imagination.Until 13 February 2024.10am -7pm Monday Free• VEDOVA REVOLUTIONAt the exhibition venues of the Mestre M9 museum,an important exhibition dedicated to thisVenetian master of the informal is presenting130 artworks, between installations and wall canvases,testifying to the change in the manner ofcreating art, understood as a civil commitment.The exhibition, by curator Gabriella Belli, is presentedthrough some of the artist's seminalworks, as a novel journey choosing contemporaryart as a tool for exploring and interpreting thesocial, cultural, political and economic history ofthe Twentieth century. Until 26 November.10am - 6pm / Sat. and Sun. 10am-7pmMonday- Tuesday 10.00 - 8.00• CREATORS OF OUR TIMEThe collective exhibition dedicated to the artistsunder 35 who won the competition conceived bythe Venice Municipality is back, this year addressing“The Laboratory of the Future” theme, thetitle of the current Architecture Biennale.The exhibition will remain visible until 26 Novemberat the Venice Pavilion at the BiennaleGardens, while the Collective Exhibition of theother authors selected for each category will beheld at Forte Marghera, until 31 December.12.00am - 4.00pm Monday FreeMostre d’Arte | Art Exhibitions 39


Il colore dei sogni.

Sviluppata attraverso le raccolte

della Galleria Internazionale d’Arte

Moderna di Ca' Pesaro e promossa

dai Musei Civici di Venezia presso la

sede espositiva del Centro Candiani

di Mestre, questa mostra si accentra

sull’opera del maestro russo del Novecento

straordinario interprete della

pittura del sogno e della fantasia.

Il percorso espositivo si snoda attraverso le opere

dell’artista e di alcuni fondamentali autori del secolo

in sei sezioni che dal sogno simbolista, giungono

all’ideale messaggio dell’artista, improntato

sulla fantasia, illogica, istintiva e gioiosa.

Tra le opere esposte (fino al 13.02.2024) “Il Rabbino”

di Ca’ Pesaro per la prima volta affiancato a

“Vitebsk. Scena di villaggio” conservato alla collezione

Batliner presso l’Albertina di Vienna.

10.00 - 19.00 Lunedì Gratuito


Ritorna per la quarta edizione la collettiva dedicata

agli artisti under 35 vincitori del Concorso

ideato dal Comune di Venezia quest’anno rivolto

al tema “Il Laboratorio del Futuro”, titolo della attuale

Biennale Architettura.

Alle categorie Design del vetro, Fotografia, Pittura

e Street Art, si è aggiunta quest’anno la nuova

disciplina della New Media Art, dove i giovani

autori si confrontano con le tecniche di Illustrazione

digitale, Videoarte e Stampa 3D.

L’esposizione resterà visibile fino al 26 novembre

al Padiglione Venezia presso i Giardini della

Biennale. Fino al 31 dicembre, si terrà invece

presso Forte Marghera, la Mostra Collettiva degli

altri autori selezionati per ciascuna categoria.

12.00 - 16.00 Lunedì Gratuito


• CHAGALL. The colour of dreams

Developed through the collections of Ca' Pesaro's

International Gallery of Modern Art and promoted

by the Venice City Museums at the showcase

venue of the Candiani Centre in Mestre, the

exhibition focuses on the artwork of this Twentieth-century

Russian master, an outstanding interpreter

of painting on dreams and imagination.

The exhibit circuit winds among the artist's works

and some seminal authors of the century through

six sections, starting from the symbolist dream

and reaching the artist's ideal message, based on

illogical, instinctive and joyous imagination.

Until 13 February 2024.

10am -7pm Monday Free


At the exhibition venues of the Mestre M9 museum,

an important exhibition dedicated to this

Venetian master of the informal is presenting

130 artworks, between installations and wall canvases,

testifying to the change in the manner of

creating art, understood as a civil commitment.

The exhibition, by curator Gabriella Belli, is presented

through some of the artist's seminal

works, as a novel journey choosing contemporary

art as a tool for exploring and interpreting the

social, cultural, political and economic history of

the Twentieth century. Until 26 November.

10am - 6pm / Sat. and Sun. 10am-7pm

Monday- Tuesday 10.00 - 8.00


The collective exhibition dedicated to the artists

under 35 who won the competition conceived by

the Venice Municipality is back, this year addressing

“The Laboratory of the Future” theme, the

title of the current Architecture Biennale.

The exhibition will remain visible until 26 November

at the Venice Pavilion at the Biennale

Gardens, while the Collective Exhibition of the

other authors selected for each category will be

held at Forte Marghera, until 31 December.

12.00am - 4.00pm Monday Free

Mostre d’Arte | Art Exhibitions 39

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