Debtfree Issue 202310 - DB

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I WANT IT<br />

NOW!<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> 10 of 2023




WELL<br />

– John W. Gardner



/ Unimpaired and automated PDA systems<br />

/ Integration with top-ranked Debt Counsellor systems<br />

/ Best customer support in the country – queries are resolved within 24 hours<br />

/ Strong compliance and best-industry-practice implementation is at our centre<br />

Call Saishen Krishnan<br />

Head of Hyphen PDA | 071 884 7300<br />

Or call our friendly support centre on 011 303 0060 - Option 2<br />

or visit our website www.hyphenpda.co.za



If you have a bond don’t forget that you have<br />

insurance on the account. This could be home<br />

owners’ insurance and probably credit life<br />

insurance (in case you die, are incapacitated<br />

or lose your job).<br />

Remember: This insurance amount<br />

might go up each year.<br />

Please let your Debt Counsellor know if you<br />

get a letter from the bank about any changes<br />

to the insurance amount.


Where were you in 2014?<br />

In 2014 our team were helping host the first<br />

annual Debt Review Awards in Cape Town. Around<br />

100 guests crammed into the financially historic<br />

building on Spin street and heard the results of the<br />

various industry panels.<br />

Since then the process has changed and now an industry peer<br />

review process helps identify who will take home the Golden<br />

Piggy Bank Awards each year.<br />

This month the team were once again busy helping host the<br />

10th annual Awards event. A decade has flown by.<br />

And what do we have to show for 10 years?<br />

Well, more loadshedding, new wars in new places, global<br />

warming causing extreme weather, a weaker Rand and higher<br />

inflation. We have seen a global pandemic come and go (kinda<br />

go) and things have been tough, for sure.<br />

What we do now see is a much matured debt review industry.<br />

We now see a higher use of the NCT to help keep consumers

legal costs down. We see increase API integration between<br />

the banks and PDA systems. We see consumers and Debt<br />

Counsellors able to access account information via various<br />

portals and we see Courts that are far more familiar with the<br />

process.<br />

We have also seen the industry grow and change in interesting<br />

ways. Of the 4500 people who have qualified to be a Debt<br />

Counsellor over the years, most have since quit. Now only<br />

a small remnant of around 1700 people are actively helping<br />

consumers through the process.<br />

The industry has embraced advanced client management<br />

and calculation software and these days we see many Debt<br />

Counsellors operating together in larger sized practices pooling<br />

resources than ever before.<br />

Back then we thought one practice having 4000 clients was<br />

massive. Now, we see many practices with over 10 000 clients<br />

(and some with many more). Though the number of consumers<br />

coming into and out of the process is still similar to that in 2014<br />

(tragic) the role players have changed somewhat.<br />

Other things have also changed in a decade. Common<br />

challenges back then have fortunately come and gone. Gone<br />

are the days of mass “terminations” in an attempt to get people<br />

out of debt review.

Still, these days we see an increase in scammers trying to trick<br />

people by pretending to be able to get them out of debt review<br />

and miraculously back into the credit market even though they<br />

still have debt. Social media is rife with such rubbish.<br />

All this came to mind as we were helping prepare and run the<br />

Debt Review Awards gala this year. We were making use of<br />

social media and live streaming tricks we all embraced during<br />

Covid to reach more people than ever across the country and<br />

the venue in Gauteng was packed with the industry’s “who’s<br />

who”.<br />

This issue we have a detailed recap of the event for those who<br />

could not be there in person.<br />

We also take a look at the dangers of both the desire for instant<br />

gratification and shopping holidays like Black Friday. We have tips,<br />

news, advice, in depth looks at what is brewing in the world of<br />

debt review and how it might impact you. We hope you enjoy it.<br />

10 years can fly by.<br />

Hopefully in ten years’ time we will look back and think how<br />

bad times were in 2023 and how far we have come since. That<br />

would be great. And presumably by then we will also all be debt<br />


FROM THE<br />

DESK<br />




Financial concerns and their impact<br />

on mental well-being have become an<br />

unspoken crisis in South Africa.<br />

The nation is grappling with significant<br />

economic difficulties and worsening household<br />

financial situations. The stress and anxiety<br />

stemming from financial worries have silently<br />

affected millions of individuals and families.<br />

These financial troubles extend far beyond mere<br />

bank account balances and credit scores; they<br />

penetrate the very core of our overall wellbeing,<br />

resulting in heightened stress levels,<br />

emotional turmoil, and deteriorating mental<br />


The DebtBusters’ second annual Money Stress Tracker for July 2023<br />

surveyed website and platform users and more than 35,000 responses<br />

were collected. The findings reveal that three out of four South Africans<br />

are currently experiencing financial stress, marking a 12% increase from<br />

the previous year. Women, in particular, report feeling the impact of<br />

financial stress in their homes, workplaces, and on their health. Lowerincome<br />

earners are the most stressed, while higher earners often find<br />

themselves burdened with unsustainable debt.<br />

Psychotherapist and transactional analyst, Diane Salters, suggests that<br />

individuals facing significant debt may experience emotions like shame<br />

and fear. This emotional burden can cloud their judgment, pushing them<br />

into instinctual fight, flight, or freeze responses.<br />

Unaddressed mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety,<br />

reportedly cost the South African economy an estimated R161 billion<br />

annually, according to Investec Focus Radio SA. Recognizing the<br />

profound influence of economic challenges and poor financial habits<br />

on mental health allows us to combat the associated stigma, provide<br />

support, and foster a healthier, more resilient society. These actions can<br />

contribute to alleviating the struggles associated with both money and<br />

mental health.<br />

Rather than succumbing to automatic responses like fight, flight,<br />

or freeze, we encourage consumers to take the initial step towards<br />

regaining control of their finances. Empower yourself with information<br />

and explore available solutions for financial relief.<br />

A good starting point is to visit www.debtbusters-client.co.za to access<br />

your current credit report and gain insight into your financial and debt<br />

management risk. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed<br />

decisions about your next financial steps.

No more debt-stress.<br />

Let’s get it sorted.<br />

We’ll get your interest rates right down. You’ll<br />

make one consolidated payment a month. You’ll<br />

have more cash to live on. Your assets will be<br />

legally protected. Sorted.<br />

0861 365 910<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />



I WANT IT NOW!<br />



THE 10TH<br />



2023<br />



DEBT<br />




<strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine considers its sources reliable and verifies as<br />

much information as possible. However, reporting inaccuracies<br />

can occur, consequently readers using this information do so<br />

at their own risk. <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine makes content available<br />

with the understanding that the publisher is not rendering legal<br />

services or financial advice. Although persons and companies<br />

mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither<br />

<strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine nor any of its employees, sales executives<br />

or contributors accept any responsibility whatsoever for their<br />

activities. <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine contains material supplied to<br />

us by advertisers which does not necessarily reflect the views<br />

and opinions of the <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine team. No person,<br />

organization or party can copy or re-produce the content<br />

on this site and/or magazine or any part of this publication<br />

without a written consent from the editors’ panel and the<br />

author of the content, as applicable. <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine,<br />

authors and contributors reserve their rights with regards to<br />

copyright of their work.

I WANT IT<br />

NOW!<br />



I WANT IT NOW...<br />



People these days tend to seek instant gratification in all<br />

aspects of life.<br />

Whether it’s the impulse to buy now, rather than save up for it, to<br />

indulge in a fleeting pleasure through the use of drugs, or avoid longterm<br />

planning, the desire for instant rewards often drives our decisions.<br />

Our attention spans are shorter, and working hard for things is less<br />

desirable than ever before.<br />

Instant gratification can also affect moral decisions. People make<br />

impulsive choices in pursuit of short-lived pleasures, such as cheating<br />

on a partner or substance abuse. Criminals seldom think of the long<br />

term consequences of their actions and rather focus on the “now”.<br />

Even the planet suffers when society prioritizes immediate gains<br />

over long-term sustainability. The depletion of natural resources and<br />

rampant pollution, driven by the desire for short-term profits, has had<br />

severe ecological consequences.<br />

Say “good bye” to the Antarctic ice shelfs and “hello” to global mass<br />

refugee migration, due to rising sea levels and extreme weather.

I WANT IT NOW...<br />



Instant gratification is the pursuit of<br />

immediate satisfaction or pleasure<br />

without thinking about or worrying<br />

about the long-term consequences,<br />

e.g. when people prioritize shortterm<br />

rewards over potential future<br />

benefits.<br />

It is the opposite of delayed gratification, which<br />

often involves doing work now for future<br />

benefits. Think about studying for a big test. If<br />

you put in the effort and study ling in advance,<br />

you might not feel great instantly, but you’ll do<br />

better on the test. That’s delayed gratification,<br />

where the reward comes later.<br />

Children in particular, hate to wait, and are<br />

known for their desire for things NOW. While<br />

our impulse control may improve as we get<br />

older, many of us still have a strong desire for<br />

instant gratification. Waiting is just so boring!!!

I WANT IT NOW...<br />


& MONEY<br />

One of the dangers of instant<br />

gratification is the taking on more<br />

and more debt in the form of credit.<br />

With the ease of access to credit<br />

these days, few consumers really<br />

have to wait to get things.<br />

Impulse spending, driven by the desire for<br />

instant satisfaction or gratification, can<br />

unfortunately lead to serious financial<br />

troubles, especially when people use their<br />

credit without thinking about the long-term<br />

consequences of having to pay back the debt<br />

at high interest rates.<br />

Consumers often go for instant gratification<br />

while credit providers are looking for delayed<br />

gratification or profit making.

I WANT IT NOW...<br />

TO SAVE OR<br />

SPEND?<br />

Very few people are saving money any more. A small<br />

portion of formally employed people have some sort of<br />

retirement fund but even then, they are seldom setting<br />

aside other money towards upcoming annual expenses<br />

(eg. your car license or a car service).<br />

Increased dependence on credit and a desire for instant gratification<br />

has led to prioritizing immediate desires over setting money aside for<br />

possible emergencies, education, or retirement. This can leave people<br />

financially vulnerable when unexpected expenses come along.<br />

This is even true for people in debt review who have had professional<br />

budgeting help from a Debt Counsellor, and have been encouraged to<br />

save something each month.<br />

Have you been saving for December holidays?<br />

Have you been saving towards back to school costs in January?<br />

It’s not too late to start now.

I WANT IT NOW...<br />



Delayed gratification is like making<br />

a smart and patient choice, where<br />

you decide to wait for a reward that’s<br />

even more satisfying in the long run<br />

than short term.<br />

For example, paying off debt to become debt<br />

free.<br />

Owing a lot of credit providers on your credit<br />

cards or loans can be super stressful. It’s like<br />

having a massive weight on your shoulders,<br />

and the collections process can be unrelenting.<br />

While instant gratification would be to spend<br />

your money on something fun right now, like<br />

going out to eat, buying cool gadgets, or going<br />

on vacation, that would leave you in debt and<br />

dealing with that resulting stress.<br />

Instead of going for that instant reward, rather<br />

talk to a Debt Counsellor and make a plan to<br />

pay off your debt, bit by bit.

It means choosing to use your money to fix<br />

your financial situation before treating yourself<br />

to more luxuries. This will mean cutting<br />

back on non-essential expenses, sticking to<br />

a realistic budget, and consistently making<br />

monthly payments towards your debt.<br />

It’s not as immediately exciting as a shopping<br />

spree, but as you stick to your restructuring<br />

plan and work towards becoming debt free, the<br />

satisfaction you’ll feel when you finally achieve<br />

that goal is incredible! Each time you settle one<br />

of your smaller accounts, you have a satisfying<br />

feeling.<br />

Soon, you will be able to use all your money for<br />

things you truly value, without having to pay off<br />

any debt.<br />

One of the benefits of debt review and slowly<br />

paying off your debts one by one, is the peace<br />

of mind that you get from knowing you are<br />

finally getting free of your debt burden.

I WANT IT NOW...<br />



Life’s not always about quick fixes<br />

and instant gratification. Sometimes,<br />

you need to work hard and be<br />

patient to get the best results.<br />

Delayed gratification, for those in debt review,<br />

means sacrificing some quick joys for a much<br />

bigger and more lasting reward in the future.<br />

Sure, instant gratification is like a tasty snack,<br />

it is nice and yummy but it only lasts for a little<br />

while. And yes, we all need a little fun every<br />

now and then, but don’t forget about the big,<br />

fulfilling meal you’re working towards in the<br />

long run like getting out of debt.<br />

If you are in debt review, keep reminding<br />

yourself of the progress you are making. Track<br />

your progress. Stick to your monthly repayment<br />

plan and stick to your budget. Getting out of<br />

debt will be one of the most liberating feelings<br />

you will ever have in life.

BEWARE<br />

BLACK<br />

FRIDAY<br />



WHAT IS<br />


Black Friday is an annual shopping event that originated<br />

in the United States. Traditionally it takes place the day<br />

after the American Thanksgiving holiday (which is the<br />

fourth Thursday in November).<br />

Black Friday marks the unofficial start of the what can be called the<br />

‘holiday shopping season’. It is famous because in the USA, retailers<br />

offer amazing discounts and fabulous low cost promotions, slashing<br />

prices on various in demand products.<br />

These days, many local retailers start offering early access to Black<br />

Friday “specials” or even run a Black Friday month long event with daily<br />

specials offering discounts. And Black Friday is often followed by some<br />

sort of Cyber Monday, with lots of specials on tech and IT gadgets.<br />

Black Friday sales can be quite substantial, and it’s not uncommon for<br />

people to wait in long lines overnight or go shopping at the crack of<br />

dawn to get the best deals. We have all seen those videos of people<br />

storming into stores and knocking over old grannies to grab sales<br />




WHY<br />


The name "Black Friday" is said to have come from the<br />

idea that retailers’ financial records would go from<br />

being "in the red" (where in the olden days people wrote<br />

losses in red ink) to being "in the black" (indicating<br />

profits) on this day due to the high volume of sales.<br />

It has become a significant event for both retailers and consumers and<br />

social media and sales emails can really get you all hyped up to spend,<br />

spend, spend.<br />

It is shopping FOMO on steroids.<br />

When everyone around you is spending and talking about the amazing<br />

deals they got, it can be hard not to just join in, even if you can’t really<br />

afford it. This is why it can be difficult for those sticking to a budget to<br />

avoid giving in and splurging on something nice even if they do not<br />

really need it or really need it now.<br />

But the retailers are eager to get you in their stores spending all your<br />

money so they can go from being ‘in the red’ to ‘being in the black’.



CAREFUL!!<br />

If you are in debt review, carefully consider if you need<br />

to get something for Black Friday.<br />

Beware of the FOMO getting the best of you. While instant gratification<br />

can be fun, it can seriously impact on your saving towards other<br />

important annual costs. And if it messes with your ability to make your<br />

debt repayment in November it is simply not worth it. You can lose all<br />

the progress you have made to date. That’s a bad exchange no matter<br />

how good the deal.<br />

If you have slowly been saving towards a certain item and will do some<br />

shopping around for the best advertised deal then that’s probably ok<br />

but beware of just buying something on impulse because it is a good<br />

price.<br />

Some people who are living on less simply decide to totally ignore all<br />

the media hype and adverts instead of being sucked in. Others decide<br />

to keep an eye out for items they are actively shopping for or have<br />

been saving towards.<br />

Whatever you decide to do this year, beware of Black Friday Hysteria!


AND<br />






Many consumers have become<br />

aware that if you do not make<br />

payment on a debt nor acknowledge<br />

the debt with a credit provider for<br />

3 years, and they fail to sue you for<br />

the credit, the debt “prescribes”.<br />

This means that the debt can no longer be<br />

collected by the credit provider. The debt has<br />

died. They missed their window of opportunity<br />

to collect more funds from the consumer. The<br />

credit provider should have served a summons<br />

and gone to court during this time if they were<br />

serious.<br />

Some wonder how this applies to vehicle<br />

finance.<br />

While it is possible that the situation may<br />

come up (however unlikely) that the bank<br />

forgets to take the matter to court after so

many missed payments, there is a slight<br />

difference with vehicle finance compared to<br />

other forms of credit.<br />

When a consumer takes finance to pay off<br />

a car, the vehicle actually belongs to the<br />

bank during this time. Only once the total is<br />

repaid will the papers be signed over to the<br />

consumer.<br />

So, if a consumer defaults on debt repayments<br />

and somehow the debt prescribes, the credit<br />

provider would lose their right to collect the<br />

finance amount. What they would not lose is<br />

their right to repossess their vehicle which<br />

the consumer is simply driving around in.<br />

Just something to keep in mind should the<br />

situation ever arise.



While in debt review you will get a statement from<br />

your Payment Distribution Agent which shows your<br />

accounts and the payments made. They will also<br />

keep copies of the proof of payments in case they<br />

are ever needed.<br />

These statements can help you track your progress.<br />

You should save a copy somewhere safe.<br />

If you change your email address don’t forget to<br />

tell your Debt Counsellor and PDA so that you<br />

don’t miss these statements.

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

We won!<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

0861 365 910<br />

We’re proud to announce that we won the highest rated<br />

Debt Review Practice in the NATIONAL + category at the<br />

10th Annual Debt Review Awards 2023<br />

We’re proud to announce that we won the highest rated<br />

Debt Review Practice in the NATIONAL + category at the<br />

10th Annual Debt Review Awards 2023<br />

0861 365 910<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

We won!<br />


The annual Debt review<br />

Awards gala was held on<br />

the 20th of October 2023 in<br />

Woodmead, Gauteng. The<br />

show was live streamed to<br />

thousands of people across<br />

South Africa via YouTube.<br />

The <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine team assisted others<br />

in organising and hosting the event. Here are<br />

some of the highlights from the event.<br />

ABSA Workshop<br />

Even before the Debt Review Awards Gala,<br />

Debt Counsellors got to enjoy a linked<br />

event with ABSA. On the 19th of October<br />

2023, ABSA held an in person workshop in<br />

Johannesburg at the ABSA Towers.<br />

Around 80 Debt Counsellors go to meet and<br />

spend time with the entire ABSA team. It is<br />

always good to put a face to the name in<br />

emails or a voice on the phone.<br />

After some time getting to know each other,<br />

it was time to dive into various procedural

matters and Debt Counsellors were walked<br />

through the various steps of ABSA’s process.<br />

Along the way there were many questions<br />

from those newer in the industry and those<br />

more experienced.<br />

Much of the discussion focused on ABSA’s<br />

new portal which Debt Counsellors can use to<br />

push and pull information from. If you would<br />

like to know more about the Portal ABSA are<br />

happy to share information about how you<br />

can get the most out of this exciting piece of<br />

software.<br />

Thank you to ABSA for making their venue<br />

available and being so active in engaging with<br />

Debt Counsellors and thanks for the lunch<br />

and refreshments too!<br />

DC | CP Meet Up<br />

On the afternoon of the 19th, some guests<br />

then made their way to Nutun’s Sandton<br />

offices where they joined around 100 other<br />

Debt Counsellors, credit providers, PDAs,<br />

attorneys, representatives from the NCT and<br />

others for the DC|CP Meet Up.<br />

The idea was once again to allow those<br />

who work in different cities across SA to get<br />

together in person and spend some time

getting to know each other better. The beautiful Nutun building and<br />

the spacious auditorium allowed all who attended plenty space to<br />

dive deep into various industry hot topics.<br />

First Carl de Villiers of Nutun welcomed everyone and assured them<br />

of Nutun’s commitment to the debt review process. Then Anila Pillaye<br />

who heads up the debt review team made an exciting announcement<br />

in regard to Nutun’s brand new portal.<br />

Guests were given a preview of what the system can do. It is designed<br />

with both credit providers (who can use it to manage their debt<br />

review matters) and Debt Counsellors (to access information) in mind.<br />

After this, there was an enthusiastic panel discussion, featuring<br />

various industry role players who lead a busy discussion, into such<br />

topics as possible changes to Debt Counsellors fees (in particular the<br />

restructuring fee times) and the real cost of legal work for those in<br />

debt review.<br />

There was discussion about insurance and the risk to the industry<br />

due to the long outstanding update to PDA fees. With so many key<br />

industry people in attendance it was interesting to hear what is really<br />

going on in the industry.<br />

Special Thanks to NUTUN for hosting us at their beautiful venue and<br />

providing refreshments and snacks. We all had a great time.

Visitors Meeting & After<br />

Awards Dinners<br />

Guests who travelled in to be at the event also had the opportunity<br />

to spend some additional time together on the evening before and of<br />

the Awards Gala.<br />

Everyone had a good time chatting and sharing their “war stories” at<br />

the restaurant spots.<br />

Special Thanks To Eddie of DCCP for helping look after our visitors in<br />

the evenings. It was a great way to spend the evenings.


The Gala<br />

Held on a Friday afternoon, 200 guests from across all parts of<br />

the industry gathered in person to enjoy the Awards Gala. We had<br />

representatives from the NCR, NCT, the various PDAs, the various<br />

banks and large credit providers and lots of local and Top 10 Debt<br />

Counsellors.<br />

Guest were treated to a little bit of a welcome scare by our resident<br />

human shaped bush. Be sure to catch some of the online clips of<br />

guests getting a skrik on our social media channels.

Online Guests<br />

This year the YouTube stream attracted more<br />

guests than ever with offices across the<br />

country tuning in for a little Friday afternoon<br />

fun. Many people got dressed up and enjoyed<br />

some snack and were able to be part of all the<br />

action this year.<br />

Ai yai yai yai yai<br />

In a bit of an experiment with the effectiveness<br />

of Large Language Models commonly referred<br />

to as Ai these days, the opening words of<br />

the event were written (with some detailed<br />

prompts of course) by ChatGPT. These words<br />

were then fed into an Ai Avatar creator and Ai<br />

Zak was on hand to both amuse and terrify the<br />

guests.<br />

Speeches<br />

After a warm welcome to the event from<br />

Verushka Gilbert of the DTIC the audience<br />

were commended for their ongoing efforts<br />

by <strong>Debtfree</strong> Editor and Debt Review Awards<br />

Founder Mr Zak King (the real one).<br />

Then it was time to hear from consumers who<br />

had been through the process with the help of<br />

clients of Pioneer Debt Solutions.

Next up was an exciting debt relief<br />

announcement by Nutun’s Capital Data team.<br />

Having shortlisted several clients who were<br />

over 60 they announced 3 clients whose<br />

debt with them would be settled in full. This<br />

has resulted in the saving of thousands and<br />

thousands of rands for these consumers<br />

who have loyally been sticking to the debt<br />

repayments for some time.<br />

Congratulations to:<br />

Ms Audrey C (with National Debt Advisors)<br />

Mr Ronnie B (with Liberty 42)<br />

Mr Harry B (with DebtBusters)<br />

Their Debt Counsellors have been informed<br />

and arrangements have been made to assist<br />

these clients move closer to being debt free.<br />

Mr Trevor Bailey of the National Consumer<br />

Tribunal was one of the key speakers at<br />

the event and touted many of the new<br />

developments at the NCT which will make<br />

Debt Counsellors lives easier (incl a payment<br />

gateway and mobile phone access to their<br />

system). Trevor pointed to how the Awards are<br />

a testimony to the professionalism and service<br />

that is being offered to consumers by Debt<br />

Counsellors, PDAs, the Regulator and credit<br />


Moving to the “state of the Industry” address,<br />

Mr Saishen Krishnan “SK” of Hyphen PDA broke<br />

down some of the key industry goings on.<br />

He focused on several key improvements<br />

across the industry that benefit, consumers,<br />

credit providers and Debt Counsellors.<br />

Certain key changes to payments come into<br />

effect during October and these will greatly<br />

help the industry. SK has been at the forefront<br />

of pushing for many of these changes so it<br />

was nice to hear him speak first hand.<br />

While he did touch on ongoing challenges the<br />

PDA face (like fees and XXXX) the speech was<br />

optimistic and focused on how far the industry<br />

has come.<br />

PDAs now distribute a whopping R1.4 Billion<br />

a month from consumers back to their credit<br />

providers. Amazing.<br />

Well done to CollectNet, DC Partner, Hyphen<br />

PDA and iPDA for their hard work on behalf of<br />


Associated Awards<br />

Each year the Debt Review Awards works with<br />

a number of industry role players to recognise<br />

efforts made in the industry.<br />

First up was Slipstream Technology and Mr<br />

Scott van Staaden. This year the winner of the<br />

Slipstream Technology Adoption Award went<br />

to PayPlan Solutions.<br />

Next were the ONE Significant Contribution<br />

to the Industry Awards. Here two special<br />

Red Piggy Bank Awards are given to those<br />

individuals making a significant contribution to<br />

the debt review industry.<br />

The audience were very happy to hear CJ of<br />

ONE announce that DCASA’s Vanessa Johst<br />

was the winner of the Significant Contribution<br />

to the Debt Review Process Award. She is<br />

well known as a hard working and generous<br />

person and helps organise all things DCASA<br />

including the AGM and Annual Conference.<br />

The <strong>Debtfree</strong> team were very proud that<br />

our editor Mr Zak King was recognised and<br />

received the ONE Significant Contribution<br />

to the Debt Review Industry Award this year.<br />

It was extra sweet that this happened at the<br />

event that he was helping run on the day.<br />

Well done Zak!

NEW Category &<br />

New Award<br />

For many years the legal side of debt review<br />

has not been recognised during the Awards<br />

even though the legal fraternity (for both<br />

consumers and credit providers) are hard at<br />

work daily handling debt review matters.<br />

This year Mr Benay Sager of the National<br />

Debt Counsellors Association and Head of<br />

DebtBusters handed out two certificates of<br />

recognition. The first went to DL Attorneys<br />

(who represent Debt Counsellors and<br />

consumers) and the second to Kemp &<br />

Associates who represent credit providers. It<br />

is hoped that one day there may be Awards in<br />

this new category.<br />

In a somewhat emotional speech Mr Sager<br />

then announced a new Award. The Nousheen<br />

Pore Award. Nousheen was a well known<br />

attorney who was vibrant and a real mentor<br />

to many in the industry and the Award in her<br />

name is aimed at encouraging others to do<br />

the same. Decided by an industry expert panel<br />

the very first Nousheen Pore Award went to<br />

Cornel van Heerden of VHT Attorneys.

Steve Rosenberg of the Debt Review Awards<br />

team presented the worlds longest and most<br />

boring speech explaining all the ins and outs<br />

of the Awards process.<br />

While most people fell asleep during this<br />

part, some stayed glued to the screens as he<br />

performed a rather cheeky progressive outfit<br />

change during the speech starting in a suit<br />

and tie transitioning to a bowtie and looking<br />

far more casual. Sneaky, but we see you Steve!<br />

There was also the chance to acknowledge<br />

our Auditors for the afternoon (and whole<br />

process) Moore SA, and in particular Mr<br />

Clifford Voux.<br />

Our thanks go out to Mr Barry Fuchs of Moore<br />

SA for his ongoing help and advice with the<br />

audit process each year. Thank you Moore SA.

PDA Awards<br />

This year DC Partner PDA were very excited<br />

to take home both awards in the PDA section<br />

being recognised by both credit providers and<br />

Debt Counsellors.<br />

Credit Provider<br />

Awards<br />

ABSA went home with two Golden Piggy Bank<br />

Awards and a Certificate of recognition this<br />

year. They scooped up the Most Improved<br />

Debt Review Department certificate, the<br />

Award for Vehicle Finance Credit Provider and<br />

Banks: Secured Credit<br />

Other winners on the evening were Consumer<br />

Friend, Old Mutual, FinChoice, Nedbank<br />

and taking the Highest Rated Debt Review<br />

Department was African Bank.

Debt Counsellor<br />

Awards<br />

55 Different Debt Counselling practices of all<br />

sizes were recognised in this year’s process.<br />

These were the hard working Top 10 in the<br />

Boutique, Small, Medium, Large and National<br />

categories and the Top 5 in the National +<br />

category.<br />

This year the largest category (traditionally<br />

called “National”) was split for the first time<br />

since 2016 into:<br />

(a) National Debt Counselling Practice; and<br />

(b) the new National + category.<br />

The highest rated practices this year were:<br />

Boutique| Debt Solutions<br />

Small| Master Your Money<br />

Medium | Debt Fresh<br />

Large| Credit Matters<br />

National | Octogen<br />

National + | DebtBusters<br />

Congratulations to all those recognised!

Time To Chat<br />

After the live stream ended the guests at the venue enjoyed some<br />

delicious snacks and some time to mingle and network.<br />

The organisers want to thank the staff and owners of The Tryst for<br />

hosting the event at their wonderful venue.

We want to thank all our Sponsors and Supporters who helped make<br />

the process possible during 2022- 2023. Your contributions and

support make it possible to run the process throughout the entire<br />

year and organise the Debt Review Awards Gala and Online Show.






FEES...<br />

You may wonder what a<br />

professional, NCR registered Debt<br />

Counsellor earns each month as<br />

they assist consumers on the road to<br />

financial recovery.<br />

With the National Credit Regulator (NCR)<br />

looking at the fees that are charged for<br />

debt review <strong>Debtfree</strong> Magazine wondered<br />

about the other side of the fee’s issue, not at<br />

what consumers are paying but what Debt<br />

Counsellors are earning.<br />

According to Stats SA, in South Africa the<br />

average salary is currently R26 000/month<br />

(before tax). That’s roughly R325/hour.<br />

Now remember that an average takes into<br />

account the very highest earning individuals<br />

in SA as well (and they earn…a lot) but<br />

interestingly excludes agricultural workers<br />

according to the Stats SA report. Still, it does<br />

give some idea of whether Debt Counsellors<br />

earn above or below the middle ground in SA.


OUR<br />

SURVEY<br />

In our survey we asked Debt<br />

Counsellors about (1) the newest<br />

junior Debt Counsellors, (2) ones<br />

who have been working for some<br />

time and then (3) the original owner<br />

or most senior Debt Counsellor at<br />

their practice.<br />

Smaller Debt Counsellor practices tend to<br />

pay all their bills first (incl. for a support staff<br />

member or two) and then take what is left<br />

over each month. Those monthly bills would<br />

include rent, electricity, computers, IT support,<br />

advertising, maintenance, office supplies etc.<br />

Many times, Debt Counsellors working in a<br />

group will earn some additional commission<br />

if the client sticks with the process for a<br />

longer time and this is then factored into the<br />

replies we got from those working in a larger<br />


70% of respondents worked alone while 30%<br />

work with other Debt Counsellors as part of a<br />

bigger team or practice.<br />

Some Debt Counsellors noted that they<br />

only take on a very small number of clients a<br />

month (eg 3) even though they have been in<br />

practice for many years. They then use funds<br />

coming in from these new clients to cover the<br />

costs of running their monthly expenses in<br />

their practice.<br />

This meant that they themselves take hardly<br />

any funds home themselves. Among these<br />

Debt Counsellors around 10% take home less<br />

than R5000 a month.




Fresh off doing the NCR National Credit Act course<br />

these are brand new Debt Counsellors who have just<br />

registered with the Regulator and begun working in<br />

the industry.<br />

They may practice on their own or have been working at a larger<br />

practice in a support capacity and now qualified as Debt Counsellors<br />

themselves.<br />

R5000 30%<br />

Above R5000 – R10 000 50%<br />

Above R10 000 – R15 000 10%<br />

More 5%<br />

No Junior DCs in our practice 5%<br />

The majority of Debt Counsellors (80%) in this category earn under or<br />

close to R10 000 a month. This translates to less than R63/hour.




These Debt Counsellors now have some experience in<br />

the field and have been in practice for a few years.<br />

R5000 15%<br />

Above R5000 – R10 000 25%<br />

Above R10 000 – R15 000 25%<br />

Above R15 000 – R20 000 25%<br />

More 5%<br />

No Midlevel DCs in our practice 5%<br />

The majority of Debt Counsellors in this category (50%) earn between<br />

R10 000 and R20 000 a month with only a tiny handful earning more.




Statistically speaking* perhaps only 15% of the most<br />

senior Debt Counsellors in the entire industry earn<br />

above the National Average wage while around 85%<br />

earn below it.<br />

R5000 10%<br />

Above R5000 – R10 000 25%<br />

Above R10 000 – R15 000 20%<br />

Above R15 000 – R20 000 10%<br />

Above R20 000 – R25 000 20%<br />

Above R25 000 – R30 000 5%<br />

More 10%<br />

We even see some very senior Debt Counsellors only taking home<br />

R5000 a month despite being in the industry for many years. This<br />

means they must have other forms of employment helping them<br />

cover their own costs. Tragically their years of experience are spent<br />

helping only a handful of consumers.<br />

*<br />


The NCR will be discussing debt review fees in the months ahead but<br />

there has as yet been no indication that any detailed research has<br />

been done at CIF level in regard to the amount of time (hours) it takes<br />

to assist a consumer through debt review nor what Debt Counsellors<br />

actually earn across the country.


Did You Know?<br />

When you enter debt review your statements from your<br />

credit providers might not 100% match the statement<br />

you get each month from your Payment Distribution<br />

Agent (PDA). This is because the statements from the<br />

PDA show a rough calculation.<br />

Credit Provider statements might also be showing<br />

the incorrect balances if they have not adjusted their<br />

computer system to match your debt review.

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