Novas Annual Report 2022


Annual Report 2022AUDIT AND FINANCEThe Audit and Finance Sub-Committee monitors and reviews financialperformance. The committee meets four times per year and consists of BoardMembers and NOVAS executives. The functions of the committee are:> Consider and recommend to the Board an annual budget of income andexpenditure.> Monitor & Review Quarterly Financial Performance and advise on points of risk.> Monitor the integrity of our financial statements and any formal announcementsrelating to financial performance.> Review Fundraising income and grant applications in process.> Monitor the sustainability and maintenance of sinking fund allocation.> Review our financial control systems and control and risk management systems.> Review and make recommendations to the Board for new or revised HumanResources Policies> Review arrangements by which staff may, in confidence, raise concerns aboutany possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting or other matters.> Make a recommendation on the appointment, reappointment, and removal of anexternal auditor.> Each year, consider whether there is a need for an internal audit function andmake recommendations to the Board.> Monitor the participation of external statutory and funder audits of financialprocedures.67

Annual Report 2022QUALITY CLIENT’S SERVICESThe Client & Quality Services Sub-Committee monitors and reviews serviceprovision and practices associated with service delivery. The committeemeets four times per year and consists of Board Members, NOVAS executivesand volunteers. The functions of the committee are:> Communicate discussion items to the Board.> Ensure the voice of the client informs decision making about servicedevelopment.> Review defined key performance indicators.> Review national public policy research and advocacy work conducted by NOVASor in collaboration with sector or academic partner.> Support the development of operational policies for the effective and safedelivery of quality Homeless and Children’s services.> Ensure preparation of annual funding applications and service level agreementsare proceeding effectively.> Review and oversight of the implementation of recommendations that arise frominternal Quality Audits.> Ensure services are following the applicable National Quality StandardsFramework.> Oversight of the effective management of client complaints.> Review incident trends to identify safety and risk factors.> Review and oversight of risk registers associated with service delivery.68

Annual Report 2022


The Audit and Finance Sub-Committee monitors and reviews financial

performance. The committee meets four times per year and consists of Board

Members and NOVAS executives. The functions of the committee are:

> Consider and recommend to the Board an annual budget of income and


> Monitor & Review Quarterly Financial Performance and advise on points of risk.

> Monitor the integrity of our financial statements and any formal announcements

relating to financial performance.

> Review Fundraising income and grant applications in process.

> Monitor the sustainability and maintenance of sinking fund allocation.

> Review our financial control systems and control and risk management systems.

> Review and make recommendations to the Board for new or revised Human

Resources Policies

> Review arrangements by which staff may, in confidence, raise concerns about

any possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting or other matters.

> Make a recommendation on the appointment, reappointment, and removal of an

external auditor.

> Each year, consider whether there is a need for an internal audit function and

make recommendations to the Board.

> Monitor the participation of external statutory and funder audits of financial



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