Novas Annual Report 2022



Annual Report 2022NOVAS warmly welcomed thepublication of the Youth HomelessStrategy in November 2022. As amember of the Irish Coalition to EndYouth Homelessness, we had beenadvocating for such a strategy for anumber of years. The coalition is anassociation of 19 organisations acrossthe housing, homelessness and youthsectors working together to end youthhomelessness.In early 2022, in advance of thestrategy publication, NOVAS made adetailed submission to the Departmentof Housing, Local Government andHeritage, as part of the consultationphase of the strategy. We also contributed to the submission made by thecoalition, which represented the broad views of organisations working acrossthe sector and advocated particularly for ring-fenced housing for youngpeople as a means of preventing further homelessness and creating exitpathways from emergency accommodation for this group. The government’scommitment to developing Supported Housing for Youth (SHY) within thestrategy is most welcome and we look forward to the roll-out of this model ofhousing in 2023.NOVAS’ DIAL House residential and outreach services in Limerick and thecontinued support for young adults leaving Bellevue House Children’sHome in Dublin demonstrates our commitment to targeted interventions foryoung people. These are effective services in preventing homelessness andpreparing young people to live independent lives in the communitywith strong social support networks.52



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