Novas Annual Report 2022

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Annual Report 2022

In 2022, NOVAS provided support, accommodation and housing to 6,088

people, an increase of 1.8% compared to the previous 12-month period and

202% over 10 years.

Across this 10-year period, there was a substantial rise in people supported

by NOVAS, however the rate of growth has slowed recently, despite

unprecedented demand for services and a simultaneous rise in NOVAS’ social

housing stock. This is largely due to the reduction in the number of people

moving through NOVAS’ Temporary Supported Accommodation (STA). Moveon

from homeless accommodation has slowed considerably in recent years,

due to the lack of exit pathways for single individuals. Services designed

for stays of six-months or less have unintentionally become long-term

accommodation for many. Single people bear the brunt of this.

A dearth of one-bed units of accommodation in the private rented market,

soaring rents and an under supply of social housing stock, means that single

people can spend years living in emergency accommodation. At a time when

demand for such accommodation is higher than ever, fewer people are able

to access because of the length of time existing clients are living there, which

often exceeds the recommended duration.

Of residents who left our accommodation services last year, 19% had been

there for longer than six months and for those who were unsuccessful

in moving on, just over 30% has been there for longer than six months,

with 9% living in our services for more than two years. 1 This is a sectorwide

issue, with significant implications for the people stuck in emergency

accommodation for protracted periods of time, which often leads to

deteriorating mental and physical health, institutionalisation and exacerbated

issues relating to addiction.

However, despite these difficulties in securing long-term units of

accommodation, many clients successfully moved on to properties in the

private rented market and social housing provided by local authorities and

approved housing bodies, including NOVAS’ own stock. Indeed, our 2023-2027

Strategic Plan, has identified this need and has committed to developing more

units of housing for single homeless people during the length of the plan.

1. These statistics do not account for people living in different homeless services,

which would have increased length of stay even further.


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