Sustainability Report 2022_23

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Safeguarding Our Future with <strong>Sustainability</strong><br />

8<br />

Central aspects of corporate<br />

governance<br />

As an internationally active stock company with its registered<br />

seat in Altenberge, Schmitz Cargobull AG is subject to the<br />

regulations of German stock corporation law, capital market<br />

law, and co-determination law as well as the provisions of<br />

its Articles of Association. Schmitz Cargobull is not listed on<br />

the stock exchange.<br />

With its two bodies, the Management Board and the Supervisory<br />

Board, Schmitz Cargobull maintains a two-tier management<br />

and supervisory structure. An intensive, continuous<br />

dialogue between the Management Board and the Supervisory<br />

Board forms the foundation for efficient company<br />

management. Furthermore, the family council serves as<br />

an organisation to express the owners’ will. Supervisory<br />

board members are nominated by the family council on<br />

the employer side and by the IG Metall trade union on the<br />

employee side in accordance with the requirements of the<br />

German Stock Corporation Act. The Supervisory Board<br />

advises and monitors the Management Board and appoints<br />

its members. It has equal representation in accordance with<br />

the German Stock Corporation Act and meets four times a<br />

year to be informed about current company developments.<br />

In addition, a financial audit committee meets on a regular<br />

basis.<br />

The Management Board and Supervisory Board conduct<br />

a regular dialogue on strategic measures, planning, business<br />

development, the risk situation, and management and<br />

corporate compliance. With regard to the strategic development<br />

of the company in terms of sustainability, the Supervisory<br />

Board acts in a supervisory and advisory capacity.<br />

The <strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Report</strong> is reviewed and approved by<br />

the Supervisory Board.<br />

Utilising the existing mechanisms, the Supervisory Board<br />

ensures that conflicts of interest are avoided or mitigated.<br />

These mechanisms include the Code of Conduct, employment<br />

contracts, the four-eyes principle or functional controls<br />

Fulfilment of our due diligence obligations<br />

Schmitz Cargobull is conscious of its corporate responsibility<br />

and has committed itself to fulfilling its corporate due<br />

diligence obligations towards people and the environment in<br />

the form of a Declaration of Principle. This applies to the<br />

company’s own area of business as well as to the upstream<br />

and downstream activities in the value chain.<br />

Employees, business partners and other stakeholders can<br />

submit information on possible violations of our due diligence<br />

obligations with regard to human rights or and the environment<br />

at any time – anonymously and through various channels.<br />

Schmitz Cargobull has appointed external ombuds persons<br />

for this purpose. As lawyers, they are subject to statutory<br />

confidentiality obligations.<br />

The contact details for our ombudspersons can be<br />

found on our website.<br />

Nevertheless, violations of our due diligence<br />

obligations with regard to human rights and or environment<br />

can occur despite our preventative and control measures.<br />

If a possible violation is identified, we will immediately initiate<br />

a regulatory process to prevent any negative impact on<br />

human rights and the environment. The effective implementation<br />

of our due diligence obligations with regard to human<br />

rights and the environment is constantly reviewed and<br />

adapted as part of a continuous improvement process. We<br />

will report on future developments and progress to ensure<br />

the fulfilment of our due diligence obligations in our regular<br />

sustainability reporting and also as part of the annual<br />

Federal Office of Economics and Export Control <strong>Report</strong><br />

(BAFA).<br />

➔ GRI 2-1, 2-9, 2-10, 2-12, 2-14, 2-15, 2-16, 2-<strong>23</strong>, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26

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