
Understand What is Diabetes and Their Different Types of Diabetes #diabetes #typesDiabetes #diabetesspecialist #diabetesdoctor Understand What is Diabetes and Their Different Types of Diabetes

#diabetes #typesDiabetes #diabetesspecialist #diabetesdoctor

What is Diabetes?

Different Types of


What is Diabetes?

• Diabetes is a health condition where your body has

trouble managing the sugar in your blood. Our

bodies need sugar for energy, but it needs to be

controlled. Imagine sugar as fuel for a car, and

your body is the car. Diabetes is like a problem with

the car's fuel gauge. It can lead to too much or too

little sugar in your blood, which can cause health


Importance of Diabetes

Understanding diabetes is super important because it helps you and your doctor know how to keep you healthy.

Here's why:

• Feeling Good: When you understand diabetes, you can do things to make sure you feel good every day.

• Eating Right: Knowing about diabetes helps you choose the right foods that keep your energy level stable.

• Staying Safe: You'll know how to stay safe and avoid any problems that can happen if you don't control your

blood sugar.

• Preventing Problems: You can keep an eye on your health and prevent big problems like heart trouble, eye

issues, and feeling sick.

• Helping Others: If you understand diabetes, you can help friends or family who have it, too. Being supportive is

super nice.

Different Types of Diabetes

Type 1


Type 2




Type 1 Diabetes

Cause: Type 1 diabetes happens when

your immune system mistakenly attacks

and destroys the cells in your pancreas

that make insulin.

Insulin: People with Type 1 diabetes must

take insulin every day because their

bodies can't make it.

Common in: Often starts in childhood or

young adulthood.

Type 2 Diabetes

Cause: Type 2 diabetes usually happens

when your body can't use insulin properly,

and your pancreas can't make enough

insulin to keep your blood sugar in check.

Insulin: Some people with Type 2

diabetes may need to take insulin, but

many can manage it with diet, exercise,

and sometimes medication.

Common in: Often diagnosed in adults,

but it's becoming more common in

younger people due to lifestyle factors.

Gestational Diabetes

Cause: This type of diabetes occurs

during pregnancy when the body can't

make enough insulin to meet the

increased needs.

Insulin: It's usually managed with diet and

sometimes medication.

Common in: Pregnant women, but it

usually goes away after childbirth.

Thank You

• moxitendocrino@gmail.com

• www.endocrinologistinahmedabad.com

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