26th Issue

26 edition

26 edition


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ISSUE 26 Oct 2023<br />


Kindness in Times of need<br />

PAGE 4<br />

Showing Kindness to Yourself<br />

PAGE 5<br />

CKY Opening Ceremony<br />

PAGE 10<br />

Big Brother Big Sister<br />

PAGE 11<br />

Chinese Field Trip<br />

PAGE 12<br />

Fancy Friday<br />

PAGE 14<br />

Teacher's STEM Workshop<br />

PAGE 15<br />

New Student Orientation<br />

PAGE 16<br />

Year 1 Orientation<br />

PAGE 18<br />

Annual Musical Play<br />

PAGE 20<br />

Study Tours<br />

PAGE 22<br />

And many more

Head Principal’s Words<br />

校 ⻑ 的 話<br />

Kindness to Yourself and Self-Care<br />

There is a certain something that binds our school community together. CKY students, staff<br />

and parents are characterised by the kindness and care they show each other day in, day<br />

out. Small acts of kindness take many forms, from warm words of comfort and<br />

encouragement, to thoughtful and caring gestures. Each of these genuine kindnesses share<br />

a common aim: to put others before ourselves and lift each other up. By showing other<br />

people that we care about them, our kindness has far-reaching benefits on the emotional<br />

wellbeing of everybody. One of the surest ways to happiness is found in serving others. The<br />

kindness that we show spurs others to share their own kindnesses in turn. Our school<br />

theme this year, Let Kindness Blossom, reflects our wish to see kindness grow in the hearts<br />

of all of our children. This year, we hope to see kindness in full bloom by placing this special<br />

quality at the forefront of everything we do.<br />

Cultivating kindness in each of these young hearts<br />


Celebrating the medals of some of our Primary athletes!<br />

This edition of the Newsletter focuses on our first sub-theme for the term of<br />

Kindness to Yourself and Self-Care. We should all recognise that to give the best<br />

of ourselves to others, we must also build habits in taking care of ourselves,<br />

physically, mentally and emotionally. In this edition, several of our students and<br />

teachers share their favourite ways of ensuring they are well-balanced and<br />

happier, which enables them to share that sense of positivity and wellbeing with<br />

the people around them. Also featured are some of our new Year 1 and insert<br />

students, and the kindnesses they have been shown since joining the CKY Family,<br />

not least from their class buddy and older role models. As usual, this edition<br />

includes a host of school events and activities, including a few held at the tailend of<br />

last year. From CKY Idol and local tours, to STEM workshops and global sports<br />

competitions, the sheer variety of enrichment found at CKY reflects a school<br />

community full of energy, excitement and vibrancy!<br />

Ms. Jenny Chong<br />

Head Principal<br />


Founding Principal’s<br />

Storytime<br />

Our school theme focuses on sharing and spreading kindness<br />

每 逢 周 會 講 故 事 已 經 是 ⼗ 多 年 的<br />

習 慣 了 , 除 了 孩 ⼦ 們 愛 聽 故 事 外 , 也 藉<br />

此 增 進 彼 此 的 溝 通 , 品 德 情 意 的 分 享 和<br />

交 流 , 在 疫 情 的 幾 年 裹 , 我 也 對 着 空 洞<br />

的 禮 堂 說 故 事 , 在 網 絡 上 仍 然 得 以 和 師<br />

⽣ 家 ⻑ 們 保 持 聯 繫 , 是 何 等 的 樂 事 。 學<br />

校 每 學 年 都 有 ⼀ 個 學 習 主 題 , 今 年 的 主<br />

題 是 「 讓 仁 慈 綻 放 」, 我 說 的 故 事 都 盡<br />

量 和 主 題 相 連 , 今 天 更 想 說 ⼀ 個 「⼀ 件<br />

⼩ 事 」 的 故 事 , 故 事 出 ⾃ 我 們 尊 敬 的 魯<br />

迅 先 ⽣, 是 他 坐 ⼈⼒⾞ 的 ⼀ 次 經 歷 ,⾞<br />

夫 對 差 點 給 撞 倒 路 ⼈ 的 負 責 ⾏ 為 , 攙 扶<br />

她 並 陪 同 到 巡 警 分 所 , 魯 迅 先 ⽣ 當 時 是<br />

分 不 認 同 的 , 覺 得 ⾞ 夫 愚 蠢 , 實 在 不 需<br />

要 負 上 責 任 , 但 最 後 ⾞ 夫 仁 慈 的 ⾏ 為 感<br />

動 了 他 , 令 他 慚 愧 , 更 成 為 他 ⼀⽣ 難 忘<br />

的 「⼀ 件 ⼩ 事 」 ! 他 寫 的 ⽂ 章 「⼀ 件<br />

⼩ 事 」 也 ⼀ 直 流 傳 , 近 百 年 來 成 為 學 ⼦<br />

們 必 讀 的 ⼀ 篇 ⽂ 章 。<br />

Telling stories each week at assembly has been a habit of mine<br />

for over ten years. In addition to children’s love of listening to stories,<br />

telling stories also enhances our communication with each other by<br />

sharing moral values and building closer bonds. During the years of the<br />

pandemic, I also faced an empty auditorium. What a joy it was to<br />

tell stories in the auditorium while still keeping in touch with teachers,<br />

students and parents online. The school has a new theme and focus<br />

each academic year. This year's theme is "Let Kindness Blossom."<br />

The stories I share are as relevant to the theme as possible. In this<br />

issue, the story is about "a small thing", and the tale is inspired by an<br />

experience that our respected Mr. Lu Xun ( 魯 迅 ) had while riding a<br />

rickshaw. Although the rickshaw driver almost knocked down a<br />

pedestrian, he acted responsibly by helping her and accompanying her<br />

to the patrol officers. Mr. Lu strongly disagreed with this at the time. He<br />

felt that the driver was foolish and did not need to take such<br />

responsibility. But in the end the rickshaw driver’s kind and selfless<br />

behaviour touched his heart, and made him feel ashamed. This act of<br />

kindness became "a small thing" which he never forgot for the rest of his<br />

life! The article he wrote ‘A Small Thing’, has been circulated widely and<br />

became a must-read article for students during the past century.<br />

Dr. LAU, Siu-Ling<br />

Founding Principal<br />


Kindness<br />

In times ! need<br />

Super Typhoon Saola swept through Hong Kong during the first weekend of September and left a trail of<br />

destruction in its wake. The CKY campus was not spared and we are exceedingly grateful to all the janitors,<br />

technicians and security guards who worked throughout the Sunday to ensure our campus was safe and clean<br />

enough to reopen the day after. These teams work tirelessly in the background to help keep everything ticking<br />

at our school, and we appreciate each of them for the kindness and care they bring to their work every day. Thank<br />

you from us all!<br />

超 強 颱 ⾵「 蘇 拉 」 在 九 ⽉ 的 第 ⼀ 個 週 末 橫 掃 ⾹ 港 , 吹 襲 期 間 , 造 成 了 嚴 重 的 破 壞 , 有 些 樹 ⽊ 被 連 根 拔 起 , 我 們<br />

的 校 園 也 未 能 倖 免 。⾮ 常 感 謝 學 校 相 關 部 ⾨ 的 職 員 ( 技 術 ⼈ 員 、 辦 公 室 ⼈ 員 、 保 安 和 清 潔 ⼯⼈ 等 ) 週 ⽇ 到 校 幫 忙 清 理 和<br />

維 修 , 以 確 保 我 們 校 園 的 安 全 和 整 潔 , 以 便 星 期 ⼀ 如 常 開 放 。 這 個 團 隊 不 顧 ⾟ 勞 , 默 默 奉 獻 , 只 為 了 學 校 的 ⼀ 切 正 常<br />

運 轉 , 在 此 , 我 們 感 謝 他 們 每 個 ⼈ 在 ⼯ 作 所 帶 來 的 善 意 , 以 及 對 CKY 社 群 展 示 的 關 懷 之 情 。 感 謝 ⼤ 家 !<br />


Kindness to myself<br />

means spending time<br />

with my family and<br />

friends, doing things I<br />

enjoy like playing the<br />

piano, rugby and<br />

gymnastics and baking<br />

cupcakes!<br />

2B Sasha Bogle<br />

Sometimes when I need to take my<br />

mind off stress and anxiety, playing<br />

violin is one of the ways to relax<br />

myself and make me feel better.<br />

Through practising the violin, I<br />

have also learned how to tackle<br />

problems when I play some difficult<br />

songs or challenging techniques.<br />

Most importantly, stay positive at<br />

all times!<br />

3C Abigail Tse<br />

We can show kindness to<br />

anyone, anywhere anytime.<br />

Kindness doesn’t have to be<br />

something big, it can be<br />

something small. Maybe it’s<br />

giving. Maybe it’s helping.<br />

Maybe it’s saying hello and<br />

good morning. Or maybe<br />

reading a book to your little<br />

brother.<br />

3E Hailey Yip<br />





A FRESH START TO 2023-24<br />

In the 2023 CKY Opening<br />

Ceremony, Founding Principal Lau told us<br />

about the new topic. This year, we should<br />

let kindness blossom. We should treat<br />

others the way we want them to treat us.<br />

Additionally, we shared ideas of things we<br />

could do as a class to spread kindness<br />

around the school. Head Principal<br />

Chong also told us about goals we should<br />

try to achieve throughout the school year.<br />

5E Ashley Tam & 5E Sophie Tsoi<br />

Every class wrote a promise.<br />

Students placing their kindness<br />

promise onto the display.<br />

Log into your school account and scan<br />

this QR code to watch the opening<br />

ceremony!<br />



Primary Section<br />

Fancy<br />

Friday<br />

27TH OCTOBER '23<br />

Get ready for the first Fun Friday<br />

this year and come to school in your<br />

favourite Fancy Dress Costume!<br />


THINK<br />

DESIGN<br />

CREATE<br />

Teacher's STEM Workshop<br />

STEM education continues to be a focus for CKY this year, so the school arranged a<br />

STEM training workshop for our teaching staff. Through this workshop, teachers were<br />

able to further develop their skills and knowledge in the planning, designing and<br />

delivering of fun STEM activities. So get excited, because CKY students can look<br />

forward to engaging and hands-on activities this year!<br />





At the start of each year, we kindly<br />

welcome several new (also known as insert)<br />

students in different year-levels to our<br />

school community. Below, two of our new<br />

students reflect on their experience of joining<br />

and settling into the CKY Family!<br />

I am really glad to say that these two<br />

weeks have been going very smoothly for<br />

me. Here I’ve been introduced to new<br />

learning methods, which are quite different<br />

to the traditional style used in local schools.<br />

Overall, I am settling into CKY very well.<br />

My schoolmates here are welcoming and<br />

friendly; from the start I thought that I might<br />

not fit into this enormous school community,<br />

but turns out I was wrong. The teachers here<br />

are kind and enthusiastic about teaching their<br />

subjects. Although I am still getting to know<br />

them all, I’m certain they will provide me with<br />

enough support to thrive throughout this<br />

year.<br />

Most of all, I must thank my form tutor,<br />

Ms Shum, for sharing insights with me on the<br />

new school system that I am now becoming<br />

used to. My thanks also to my class buddy,<br />

Aiden, who has been helping me keep track<br />

of my homework and projects and guiding<br />

me on how to finish them. My most favourite<br />

thing about the school so far and let me<br />

clarify myself, is that the food here is<br />

AMAZING!!<br />

“I’ve been introduced to<br />

new learning methods...”<br />

Anyway, for this year I’ll be most looking<br />

forward to getting to know more about<br />

basically everyone in my form group and<br />

making some new friends. I look forward to<br />

studying with you all and will try to fit in better<br />

to my new environment. All the best to<br />

everyone!<br />

8C Clayton Tang<br />


Hi everyone, I’m Felice. As the new<br />

academic year begins, I’m absolutely thrilled<br />

to be introducing myself as a new student of<br />

CKY. Transferring to CKY is an exciting<br />

chapter of my life and I’m confident that this<br />

environment will inspire me to reach new<br />

heights and make the best out of myself.<br />

Starting afresh at a new school can be<br />

both exciting and nerve wracking, but as I<br />

entered my classroom, a few classmates<br />

already approached me and introduced<br />

themselves. Now, we are really good friends<br />

and hang out all the time. I'm really thankful<br />

for my classmates for being willing to accept<br />

me as the new student and assist me in<br />

adapting to my new school.<br />

My form tutor, Mr Elliot Wong is also one<br />

of the friendliest people in the school; he<br />

welcomed me into 9D and supported me<br />

when needed. I’m also very grateful to our<br />

IGCSE coordinators for giving me valuable<br />

advice on subject selections.<br />

The insert orientation day arranged a few<br />

days before my official school day was very<br />

warm as well. I’m really glad to be assigned<br />

into 9D; it has potential to become my<br />

favourite class of all time. In the coming days, I<br />

look forward to creating many more<br />

unforgettable memories with my newly made<br />

friends and embarking on this incredible<br />

journey together.<br />

9D Felice Law<br />

“I’m confident that this<br />

environment will inspire me<br />

to reach new heights...”<br />



Annual Musical Play<br />

I believe everyone has heard of the musical play<br />

in last year’s Annual concert (2023), Peter Pan: The<br />

British Musical. After the cast auditions, I was chosen<br />

to play the role of “Captain Hook”, the ultimate villain of<br />

the play. It was certainly a “tough-but-worthwhile”<br />

process. The cast and I spent the last month of the<br />

academic year preparing for the show. From nine o’clock<br />

in the morning till 6 o’clock in the evening, we made<br />

significant progress in terms of delivering the play.<br />

Although everyone was exhausted by the<br />

long and toilsome rehearsals, we all felt that it was<br />

worth it. Through this process, we have understood<br />

the quote “Teamwork makes the dream work”. When<br />

the tears of joy ran down our eyes, we knew the<br />

process was worth it. Down to my personal growth, I<br />

have learned a lot in the rehearsal process. When I<br />

was notified that I will be a main cast member, and<br />

play the role “Captain Hook”, I was in shock. Since this<br />

was my first year joining CKY’s musical play, I never<br />

thought that I would play such an important role.<br />

As Captain Hook’s characteristics were<br />

almost completely opposite to mine, I had a hard time in<br />

terms of understanding the character and actually<br />

“Playing in” character. Thanks to all the support from<br />

Ms. Yip, Ms. Wong, Ms. Sin, and Mr. Tsui, I have had a<br />

brand new perspective on the character, and the<br />

character “Captain Hook” was presented on stage to the<br />

audience. Through the musical play, I have learned a lot<br />

of acting skills, vocal skills, and dancing skills. Not only<br />

this, but we also had lots of “Life lessons”, from our<br />

director, Mr. Alz. Overall, the musical was a valuable<br />

experience, or, I would say, a lesson, and now I’m<br />

hooked; I look forward to future musical plays and hope<br />

to participate and be a part of it!<br />

1 0 B R Y A20<br />




Due to the pandemic, our cohort was only able to experience the Beijing study tour, missing out on a<br />

large part of what it means to study at CKY. Therefore, we were still incredibly grateful that the school could<br />

arrange such a memorable local study tour for last year‘s year 8. It gave us a chance to understand the<br />

unique colonial history and culture of places in Hong Kong, as well as letting us taste the unique part of<br />

being a CKY student. As we went with our two year classes, the tour has also reminded us of our theme this<br />

year: let kindness blossom.<br />

9E Bryan Li<br />

On the first day of our trip, we set off to Tai Kwun to explore British influence on Hong Kong. We were<br />

fascinated by the architectural style of the structures. After a short stay at the vibrant Central Market, we<br />

had Korean barbecue for lunch before we headed to Sharp Island. The tombolo was famous for its<br />

pineapple-bun shaped rocks. We created a small tower from rocks and pebbles as there were beliefs where<br />

the higher your “rock tower”, the more likely your wishes will come true. Breathing in the salty fragrance of<br />

the clear waters and hearing the waves in Sai Kung crash onto the shore while we were with our friends<br />

made it a refreshing and surreal experience. As we were eating our dinner, I noticed how close of a class we<br />

were - we would always use the shared chopsticks to get food for our classmates. We then had our first<br />

night in our rooms, of which I’m sure will be a cherished memory for us.<br />

9E Kara Wong<br />

“The study tour opened our eyes to the many places of cultural<br />

significance in Hong Kong, letting us learn in ways we have never<br />

before in the year while also making priceless memories.”<br />

Going on to the second day of our trip, we had a buffet breakfast at our hotel, and then we went on with<br />

the first location of the day - the Bethanie Chapel, a historical building complex located in Pok Fu Lam.<br />

Unfortunately, as people were filming inside the chapel, we didn’t have a chance to go inside the chapel and<br />

appreciate its intricate design. In the afternoon, we got on a boat to Lamma island to see the Lamma Winds.<br />

We had to hike for 45 minutes before we reached the top, and we found it quite challenging due to the hot<br />

weather. But as a class, we would care about our classmates from time to time, passing on paper towels for<br />

each of us to wipe off our sweat.As we chatted with our friends, the journey seemed to have felt shorter and<br />

more enjoyable than expected. The wind turbine was large and a worthy tourist attraction for us since we<br />

studied a little about reusable energy at school simultaneously. The opportunity to see such a large wind<br />

turbine was rare, especially in a small place like Hong Kong. Finally, we went to have a splendid seafood<br />

dinner, but unfortunately some of our friends are allergic to seafood, so they never got to try the delicacies<br />

which were out of this world. We ended the day with a boat ride back to the hotel when it was already dark,<br />

letting us marvel at the view of Victoria Harbour.<br />

9A Adrian Chung<br />



EUGENIA MA 11C<br />

A N E Y E - O P E N I N G P E R F O R M A N C E<br />

Last year, I was a participant in the final round of CKY Idol. It was one of the best<br />

experiences of my life! Stepping onto the auditorium stage all by myself is one of<br />

the most terrifying, yet thrilling moments I have ever experienced. Although I was<br />

very nervous, the cheers of support from my friends, classmates, teachers and<br />

fellow members of my House encouraged me to shed my anxiety and to do my<br />

best. All at once, I realised that my worries and fears of failure could be looked at<br />

from an entirely different angle — this was a learning experience, and all I had to<br />

do was perform to the best of my ability! I left the stage satisfied and delighted.<br />

Not only did I learn how to look at things differently, I also learned a lot from my<br />

fellow competitors. I am truly grateful that I was given the opportunity to<br />

compete!<br />




Class of 2020<br />

Hello everyone, it’s been a while! After 12 years at<br />

CKY, the outside world did seem pretty daunting at<br />

first! I’ve been living in London for three years now,<br />

with two more years to go until I graduate with my<br />

Bachelors degree in Veterinary Medicine at Royal<br />

Veterinary College.<br />

The best part of my degree is being able to work<br />

almost anywhere! I have been to veterinary practices<br />

with the most scenic views in The Lake District, Wales,<br />

Devon and now interning at a few practices back in<br />

Hong Kong; treating our small furry friends to horses<br />

and cows! From conducting consultations to<br />

scrubbing in for surgeries, I am learning something<br />

new every day!<br />

Admittedly, the studying portion is difficult and the<br />

cold winter nights certainly made it mentally<br />

challenging. However, I have been exploring different<br />

ways to find a good work-life balance; from joining<br />

the rowing team to becoming president of the<br />

Student Small Animal Veterinary Society. Of course,<br />

the weekend getaways around Europe were definitely<br />

unforgettable. You have to learn to work hard AND<br />

play hard!<br />

From time to time I do look back at the wonderful<br />

memories that brought me to where I am now. What I<br />

want to say is, the world is your oyster and as long as<br />

you find your passion and persevere, you will<br />

definitely achieve your goals! As we all say, “Every<br />

child is good at something!” :)<br />

It still seems too surreal to move across the globe,<br />

being able to do the things I love. And I will always be<br />

grateful for friends and family who have supported<br />

me through this journey!<br />


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