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International Salon of Press Cartoons and Satirical Visual Arts

!ART with capital A cannot be stolen!

By Petronela Daniela SOLOVASTRU

Throughout its entire journey on

this beautiful blue planet, humanity

has documented the pearls of its own

evolution through its artistic

expression, as the pinnacle of its

consciousness. Thus, all known

civilizations to date have documented

their own systems of thinking, feeling,

and experiencing through everything

that visual artistic expression

accompanied by mathematical

precision has meant.

Axis Mundi of Satirical Visual

Arts, The City of Timisoara,

Romania celebrates the title of World

Capital of Press Cartoons and

Satirical Visual Arts in 2023, reaching


its 11 edition, a jubilee edition

featuring the most significant satirical

visual artworks from around the world

over the past decade. It represents

the epicenter for visual artists,

caricaturists from all six continents.

"To develop a complete mind,

study the science of art, study the art

of science, and most importantly,

learn to see how everything connects

to everything else." - Leonardo da


With this awareness in mind,

visual art and its evolution play a vital

f u n c t i o n i n t h e c o l l e c t i v e

subconscious. In simpler terms, it is a

mirror through which all of humanity

gazes at itself from it's past towards

it's future. That's why I love satirical

visual art: it has the courage and

madness to anchor itself in the

present like no other art can, with

perfect ease and the rigor of a

samurai spirit.

Satirical art becomes a sharp

sword that cuts through the illusions

society intoxicates itself with, serving

only cold water. Why is it a katana?

Because it has a sacred mission and

a precise purpose: to reveal the true

truth as it actually is. Even if it disturbs

or offends, the satirical artist holds a

vital function, especially in today's

society: it lifts the veil from the eyes

and directs the viewer's gaze towards

revelatory truths that often hurt.

Deception, half-truths, the

repetitive chorus lies that have

become the modern man's mantra,

confused about what he is and what

he wants to become: these are the

realities that the satirical artist paints

on canvas, achieving the nearly

i m p o s s i b l e p h e n o m e n o n o f

awareness in minds that have

become confused. Gangrene must be

cut to heal the sick, and so it is with the

human conscience: repeated lies can

become a common false truth, yet

once the eyes have gazed upon the

Light of Truth, the conscience knows

how to recognize the traps of illusion.

The story of caricaturists is

always about the courage to

express what is necessary to live

beautifully and harmoniously. It is

about the overflowing creativity of

those who constantly find new

methods and techniques to capture

what others have never dared to think

of: they are the pioneers and visionaries

of the World of Tomorrow,

nourished by the Live Fire of Present

Truth, creating ever-new perspectives

on the beautiful and luminous

potential of Man in Harmony with the

Universe and all of Humankind.


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