
DECO2015 Responsible Design for Innovation Assignment 03 Prepared By: Chanel Li | chli7877 Mingna Zang | mzan8153 Jayden Lee Jian Lin | jlee2621 Ashley Kuan Shu Lin | skua8198

DECO2015 Responsible Design for Innovation
Assignment 03

Prepared By:
Chanel Li | chli7877
Mingna Zang | mzan8153
Jayden Lee Jian Lin | jlee2621
Ashley Kuan Shu Lin | skua8198


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Using Aurora’s stolen data, he impersonated

Justin’s best friend, mimicking their

interactions, intimate moments, and more. Jake

knew it was a golden opportunity to strike while

Aurora was emotionally fragile from the recent

events, exploiting the stolen data of the intimate

interactions between Aurora and Justin from

Phoenix. Thereafter, Jake conversed with

Aurora accordingly to capture her attention.

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