
DECO2015 Responsible Design for Innovation Assignment 03 Prepared By: Chanel Li | chli7877 Mingna Zang | mzan8153 Jayden Lee Jian Lin | jlee2621 Ashley Kuan Shu Lin | skua8198

DECO2015 Responsible Design for Innovation
Assignment 03

Prepared By:
Chanel Li | chli7877
Mingna Zang | mzan8153
Jayden Lee Jian Lin | jlee2621
Ashley Kuan Shu Lin | skua8198


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Prepared By:

Chanel Li | chli7877

Mingna Zang | mzan8153

Jayden Lee Jian Lin | jlee2621

Ashley Kuan Shu Lin | skua8198

Four simple steps:

Start sharing today!


User Profile


Record, Re-live



Body Scan

Inner Circle


Introducing Phoenix, the innovative device that takes sharing your life with friends and

loved ones to a new dimension. Gone are the days of sharing mere 2D pictures and videos;

with Phoenix, you can immerse your friends and family in the 3D realm of

your experiences.

With Phoenix, you can effortlessly record yourself and your surroundings, creating a digital

archive of your life. This rich data can then be securely shared with your trusted inner

circle. But here's where the magic happens: we harness the power of this data, combining it

with personality insights, to create a lifelike AI version of you. This AI avatar not only

looks like you but also mimics your behavior.

And there's a peace of mind in knowing your legacy is in good hands. Once you've moved

on, your closest friends and family, those you've granted access to beforehand, can continue

to engage with the AI version of you, preserving your memory and personality. Phoenix

empowers you to decide who gets to access your data, ensuring your privacy and control

even after you've left this world.



On / Off button

Indent for better gripping

Camera /

Hologram projector

Flippable screen


User Profile Creation: To commence your Phoenix experience, turn on the device,

and a holographic interface will welcome you. Using voice control or a virtual

keyboard that appears before you, create your user profile. Share essential details like

your preferred pronouns, gender, name, ethnicity, religion, age, and any other

information you wish to include. This step ensures that your Phoenix journey is

personalised to your unique identity and preferences.

Personality Assessment: Similar to the well-known MBTI 16 personality test, you'll

respond to a series of questions that cover emotions, logic, ethics, culture, and more.

This assessment is pivotal in shaping the AI avatar to closely mirror your

unique personality.

At-Home Body Scan (Optional): Phoenix offers an at-home body scan. This process

is simple – stand in front of a black wall wearing skin-tight clothing and let Phoenix

capture the details. This scan creates an incredibly life-like virtual representation of

you in the digital realm. It's important to note that this step is entirely optional, and

your privacy remains our utmost concern. You have the freedom to choose the level of

realism you desire.

Inner Circle Connection: After completing the initial setup, it's time to build your

digital inner circle. Connect with your friends and family through our intuitive inner

circle system.

Justin and Aurora were in a 3-year relationship. Their

relationship was filled with shared dreams, whispered

secrets, and countless memories. Their unbreakable bond

felt like a force that could withstand any challenge.

However, life, with its unpredictable twists, had other

plans. Justin had always been the pillar of strength in their

relationship, but a sudden arrival of illness revealed a grim

diagnosis: terminal cancer.

The news was cruel, casting a shadow over their oncebright

future. Justin grappled with the weight of his

approaching death, haunted by the thought of leaving

Aurora alone in a world without him.

It was during this tumultuous

time that a glimmer of hope

appeared. A flyer arrived in

Justin’s mailbox, advertising

a life-changing device.

Combining the power of

artificial intelligence (AI),

deep learning, and deep fake

technology, this device

presented a method to

immortalise one’s presence.

It could record everyday

activities and, upon the user’s

passing, create a life-like

hologram for loved ones to

interact with.





It seemed like the perfect solution for Justin to ensure

Aurora would not be alone after his passing. Upon

purchasing the device, secretly, he began recording

their shared moments, capturing their laughter,

conversations, love, and other intimate moments, all

without Aurora’s knowledge. He hoped that this device

would serve as comfort for her grief, a way for her to

find solace in their memories.

“ Sorry


Two months later, Justin passed on and left a handwritten

letter with the device for Aurora. Upon reading the letter,

Aurora cried and was very sad and heartbroken.

Aurora activated the device, and

a hologram of Justin appeared,

his smile as radiant as Aurora

remembered, and his familiar

voice filled the room. “Hey,

babe, I’m back,” the hologram

greeted with a voice that was a

perfect replica of Justin's. The

experience was therapeutic, and

Aurora was moved to tears.

At first, the device was a comfort to Aurora’s aching heart.

She would spend hours talking to the hologram,

reminiscing about their shared memories, laughing at old

jokes, and even crying together.

It felt like Justin was still there with her, and the pain of

losing him was momentarily eased. However, Aurora's

reliance on the device grew as days turned into weeks.

Monday Tuesday

Sunday Wednesday

Saturday Thursday


The lines between the past, the holographic present, and reality

became dangerously blurred. She began to lose track of time.

The hologram would remind her of the presence of her

boyfriend, and Aurora did not wish for it to stop. Aurora’s

friends and family grew concerned, noticing her increasing

detachment from the real world and deteriorated health from

being too attached to the device.

The device’s subscription was a financial drain. As the

subscription’s renewal date got closer each time, Aurora,

desperate to hold onto the semblance of Justin, found

herself spending beyond her means. Bills piled up, and

Aurora’s savings dwindled. She took out loans, spiralling

into debts, all to maintain her digital connection with her

boyfriend, Justin.

After resorting and exhausting all the efforts to maintain the

connection, Aurora emailed the company as a last resort to

request for alternative methods to keep the subscription

plan alive. Seeing her struggling financially, the device’s

company offered Aurora an opportunity to sell her data

(accumulated from the device) in exchange for keeping her

subscription plan alive.

Desperate and seeing no other

methods, Aurora did not

hesitate a moment nor

reconsider the implications of

selling her personal data to

the company.

After swiftly scanning the terms and conditions, she complied

and agreed to the exchange of her personal data with the

company. However, it was a decision she would soon come to

realisation and regret.

The company used their customers' data to understand, and

improve their marketing strategies and more accurately

curate for their customers. Little did they know, a

fraudulent third-party organisation was gradually hacking

and infiltrating the database due to their weak firewall

security set-up.

One day, a fraudulent

organisation managed to

hack and infiltrate the

database of the device’s

company. Jake, one of

the members of the

organisation, saw this

golden opportunity.

Holding the autonomy

control over these leaked

data, Jake devised a

bulletproof plan to target

Aurora’s finances

through manipulating

her emotions and

vulnerable self.

Using Aurora’s stolen data, he impersonated

Justin’s best friend, mimicking their

interactions, intimate moments, and more. Jake

knew it was a golden opportunity to strike while

Aurora was emotionally fragile from the recent

events, exploiting the stolen data of the intimate

interactions between Aurora and Justin from

Phoenix. Thereafter, Jake conversed with

Aurora accordingly to capture her attention.

Jake shared fabricated experiences with Justin in order to

trick Aurora, sharing his false concern and moral support in

order to build a stronger trust and appeal. Through the

weeks of conversation they shared, Aurora grew a sense of

familiarity and dependency to Jake as her pillar of support

after the loss of Justin.

Hey what are you doing?

I’m having lunch virtually with

Justin now!

Fun! Justin told me a lot about


What? What did you guys talk


Just tell me omg


You might be embarrassed haha

As they built a deeper emotional connection, Jake took the

opportunity to ask Aurora for $2,000 for an “urgent” use.

Due to the strong bond they built over time, Aurora's

emotions were soft and she did not have any moments of

doubt that it might pose any risk.

Although Aurora's family saw a glimpse of hope that Aurora

was recovering from the dark moments, they also suspected

the motives of Jake and warned her about the potential risk

of the huge loan she was about to give. However, feeling

emotionally attached to Jake as though he was a part of her

past with Justin, she hastily agreed and wired the money

without any second thoughts.

Unknowingly, the loaned amount to

Jake began to pile rapidly, every

request from Jake, Aurora complied

and her finances steeped into danger.

Without her realisation, Jake gradually

removed his digital traces when he

reached his goal as instructed by

the fraudulent orgnisation.

Upon attempts to reach Jake a few days later, Aurora

realised he failed to respond and contact him but he

vanished to nowhere.

Upon conducting a thorough investigation, Aurora hit the

hard reality that she had been cheated of all her hard-earned

savings and trust. Aurora’s world crumbled, unable to

recover from the shock and fraud that she had fallen victim

to, leaving a deep trauma on her.

I’m sorry... I’m running out of money

Hey ??

Where are you ??

Did you get the money

Where did you go....

Please don’t leave me

I have money now, I just earned it

from today’s paycheck


As Justin uses this product to record his daily life, he feels

very happy and willing to use it. He thought that this

product could immortalize his presence, and that he could

stay with Aurora forever. Justin failed to overcome the

disease in the end. What he left behind is a data body that

needs to be maintained by money. The holographic version

of Justin quickly got her out of the pain of losing him.

The blurred lines between reality and virtuality had

consequences Aurora could never have imagined. This

story reminds us of the dangers of becoming too reliant on

technology, especially when it plays with our most intimate

and vulnerable emotions. The problem surfaced when she

started relying on this device. Aurora‘s family is worried

about her state and gives feedback to the device’s company.

The company proposed to check up on the user’s

experience with the device, assess user’s mental health

often and, give suggestions or intervene in the use, for

example, setting a time limit when using the device.

This device is not non-profit, a paid monthly subscription is

required. Aurora’s finances began to be emptied little by

little, and she chose to sell data to the device’s company to

continue using the device.

Due to the company's vulnerability and weak security

protection, it provided an opportunity for fraud

organizations to gain control and access to the company’s

database which stores crucial customer data. Aurora was

one of the victims. This caused another problem, Jake used

the stolen data from Aurora to approach Aurora through

messaging and establish an intimate relationship with her.

Aurora had a strong affection for Justin, and Jake’s

behavior made Aurora feel familiar and comfortable. She

fell into this carefully crafted trap setup by Jake. Exploiting

his close relationship with Aurora, Jake kept asking Aurora

for money, and she conceded to Jake’s request regardless of

any conditions. When Aurora was cheated of all her

savings, Jack vanished into thin air.

When the customer’s data is leaked, fraudulent

organizations can use the data to mimic someone’s

information and personality, such as home address, phone

number, and other details. They exploit the data and

commit fraud. Other parties might be keen to purchase

another user’s data for identity theft. Victims may be

cheated out of their money and psychological damage

might be caused.

In response to the breach of personal data, the device’s

company stated that they would take steps to immediately

stop the intrusion, isolate affected systems, enhance

security measures, and conduct staff training. In addition,

notify the affected users and contact the relevant legal

departments to protect the interests of the company and

users. If the user's loss is too serious, the company should

give appropriate compensation.

Regarding the inclusive value of the product, the needs of

different cultural, linguistic and social groups should be

considered in the product development to ensure that the

product is friendly to all communities. This might require

diverse and inclusive teams to better understand and meet

the needs of different communities. Users representing

disadvantaged communities can be invited to participate in

the product development and testing phase to get their

feedback and insights to ensure that the product does not

exclude any community.

Though the device might have some flaws, it helps us to

see people who no longer exist in the moral realm.

Some users may over-rely on the product and get addicted,

but still, it brings users happiness by being able to interact

with their loved ones who are no longer present.

The power of data is harnessed through these solutions but

is guided by the principles of fairness, justice and respect

for individual rights. As this story unfolds, the future of

data holds great value, it must be used with proper ethics

and responsibility.



Akyurt, E., & Pixabay. (n.d.). Cloud and blue sky [Review of Cloud

and blue sky]. https://www.canva.com/photos/MADQ44dOCMw/

Trendify . (n.d.). Retro cartoon cassette tape [Review of Retro cartoon

cassette tape ]. https://www.canva.com/icons/MAE_Eauw-g0/

Wongsa, S. (2017). grayscale photography of man standing beside door

[Website]. In Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/x583QhdLZXk

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