2023 META24 Course Catalog-7

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GP 11 Writing

Descriptive Research


Skills 1: Students will be able to generate research questions, find sources, organize and outline their

research, avoid plagiarism, and format in MLA. They will be able to properly use subject and verb


Skills 2: Students will analyze their writing for adequate supporting evidence. They will write a draft

using dialogue and pacing effectively.

Skills 3: Students will distinguish between vague and precise language and use each effectively in

their descriptive writing. They will understand and effectively use figures of speech and literary devices

in their writing.


• Literary and informational texts

• Generating research questions

• Sources

• Outlining

• Plagiarism

• Shifts in pronoun

• Vague/precise

• Figures of speech

• Allusions

• Themes through literature

(Ovid, Shakespeare, Bible)

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