2023 META24 Course Catalog-7

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Reading Skill 1: Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the text, analyzing each

medium’s portrayal of the subject (e.g., how the delivery of a speech affects the impact of the words). Evaluate

the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to

present a particular topic or idea. Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a

person’s life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account.

Grammar Skill 1: Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional,

absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add

variety and interest to writing or presentations. Clauses (main, , noun, subordinate).

Writing Skill 1: EXPOSITORY Draft. effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

Reading Skill 2: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning

is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claims; recognize when irrelevant evidence is

introduced; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

Grammar Skill 2: Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional,

absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add

variety and interest to writing or presentations.

Writing Skill 2: EXPOSITORY Draft. creating self-generated questions, Introducing a topic; organizing complex

ideas, concepts, and information, drawing evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and

research, and provide a list of sources.

Reading Skill 3: Analyze how two or more authors writing about the same topic shape their presentations of key

information by emphasizing different evidence or advancing different interpretations of facts. Analyze a case in

which two or more texts provide conflicting information on the same topic and identify where the texts disagree

on matters of fact or interpretation. Analyze seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g.,

Washington’s Farewell Address, the Gettysburg Address, Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech, King’s “Letter from

Birmingham Jail”), including how they address related themes and concepts.

Grammar Skill 3: Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional,

absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add

variety and interest to writing or presentations. Clauses (simple, compound, complex).

Writing Skill 3: EXPOSITORY Draft. Precise and specific language: Informal and formal diction.


• Compare and contrast multiple mediums, author’s purpose, theme, summary.

• Main idea (argument), Supporting Details (evidence), Opinion vs. Fact

• Analyze an author’s presentation of events compared to the presentation of another author.

• Clauses (simple, compound, complex).

• Expository Writing

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