Blueprint of a Brand: A Design Manifesto

This design manifesto shares the perils of using formulated approaches to brand design. Written and designed by Noah Alejo, Jacob Junxiang, and Mariely Marquez, "Blueprint of a Brand" touches on ideas such as simplifying rebrands, branding trends, and brand transparency.

This design manifesto shares the perils of using formulated approaches to brand design. Written and designed by Noah Alejo, Jacob Junxiang, and Mariely Marquez, "Blueprint of a Brand" touches on ideas such as simplifying rebrands, branding trends, and brand transparency.


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blueprint OF A:

Warning: Following formulas will kill your brand.

by Noah Alejo

help provided by ChatGPT

Recently, many brands have pushed minimalism to its extreme,

resulting in an unsettling homogeneity within the branding landscape.

Numerous brands have forsaken their unique attributes in their eagerness

to conform, contributing to a disconcerting sameness. What initially emerged as

a reaction to the visual clutter of early internet design has paradoxically fueled a

crisis of identity in the modern era.

The Imperative of Standing Out in the Modern Branding


Brand loyalty transcends the mere exchange of products; it hinges on emotional

bonds and resonance. Therefore, brands must distinguish themselves, make

memorable statements, and emotionally engage their audience.

fig. 1

In modern consumerism, a troubling trend has surfaced—an increasing visual

uniformity among brands. It’s almost as if they’re all drawing from the same

blueprint, saturating the market with a monotonous sea of brands lacking

distinctiveness and excitement.

Minimalism: A Dual-Edged Sword

Minimalism, renowned for its devotion to simplicity, brevity, and a laser-like

focus on essential elements, boasts its merits in the world of branding. This

design ethos, marked by clean lines and crystalline clarity, exudes an air of

sophistication and timelessness. Yet, like any instrument, it can be wielded with

precision or deployed clumsily.

fig. 2

A. calligraphic look, implies


B. hyphen

C. tails, implies hand lettering

Consider iconic brands such as Apple and Coca-Cola. They are cherished not

merely for their products but for their distinct personalities and storied legacies.

Apple, renowned for groundbreaking innovations, stands out in the technology

sector due to its design philosophy. On the

other hand, Coca-Cola’s enduring red logo

and classic bottle shape evoke nostalgia

and an all-American tradition. These brands

celebrate their distinctiveness, leveraging it

to cultivate deep consumer connections.

A. bite taken from apple

B. apple shape, connection to

Issac Newton

C. leaf

8 fig. 3


The Neglected Art of Storytelling in Brand Identity

One potent avenue for infusing creativity into branding is storytelling. Every brand

possesses a unique narrative, whether it’s a tale of innovation, resilience, or

a steadfast commitment to a particular cause. Regrettably, many brands have

relegated storytelling to the shadows in favor of the broader minimalist agenda.

Storytelling imparts context, depth, and character to a brand’s identity, akin to

how medical history provides crucial insights into a patient’s condition. It enables

brands to convey the “why” behind their existence, values, and vision, fostering

an emotional connection with consumers. Storytelling allows brands to engage

with their audience on a deeper level, transcending the transactional aspects of


Injecting Vitality and Innovation: A Remedial Approach

To reintroduce creativity into branding, brands must venture beyond the

conventional and embrace imaginative elements. This infusion of vitality can

manifest in diverse ways, including innovative packaging, immersive in-store

experiences, captivating online content, and interactive promotional campaigns.

Navigating the Path Forward: Striking a Harmonious Balance

Advocating for heightened creativity in branding calls for a nuanced approach.

Not all brands should forsake minimalism or gravitate toward ostentatious,

attention-seeking designs. Minimalism still holds value, especially for brands

seeking to communicate the virtues of simplicity, efficiency, and sustainability.

The crux lies in harmonizing minimalism and creativity, ensuring the visual

identity and messaging coalesce seamlessly with the brand’s essence and

values. Brands should invest in market research to fathom the preferences

of their target audience, harnessing these insights to craft meaningful and

distinctive experiences.

Conclusion: A Forecast for a Branding Renaissance

In an era where brands teeter on the brink of becoming indistinguishable,

there exists a unique opportunity for them to stand out—not by clamoring for

attention but by narrating their stories with authenticity and creativity. The epoch

of uniform, minimalist branding has reached its zenith; the time for a branding

renaissance is at hand.

Consumers crave brands that dare to be distinct, that infuse life and creativity

into their identities. Brands must embrace their uniqueness, convey their

narratives with conviction and clarity, and establish profound connections with

individuals. In doing so, they will revitalize their identities and rekindle the spark

of innovation within the branding domain, reminding us all that creativity and

authenticity continue to wield the power to captivate hearts and minds, much like

a potent elixir in the marketing realm.

fig. 4

A. blackletter typeface

B. synonym of water

C. kills thirst

D. heavy metal look

Consider the ascendancy of experiential marketing, where brands curate

memorable real-world encounters for their clientele. These experiences

transcend traditional advertising, etching indelible imprints on the consumer

psyche. Brands like Nike have transformed shopping into an adventure through

their flagship stores, while Red Bull has redefined its image through extreme

sports and daring exploits.

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The Illusion of Transparency: When Brands

Overshare and Underdeliver by Jacob Junxiang

The Illusion of Transparency in Branding

In today's digital age, the concept

of "transparency" has become a

buzzword for many brands, hoping

to foster trust and loyalty among their


This push for openness has ushered

in an era where companies strive to

be perceived as genuine, candid,

and trustworthy. This intersection

of transparency, authenticity, and

branding raises critical questions for

companies navigating the complex

landscape of modern consumer



Understanding the Illusion of Transparency

The Repercussions of Underdelivering

In the branding realm, this manifests

as companies oversharing information,

assuming that this will make them

appear more genuine and trustworthy.

The rise of social media has only

amplified this notion, as platforms

encourage 'behind-the-scenes' insights

and continuous updates, pressuring

brands to consistently share.

While the quest for authenticity in

branding is noble, it must be navigated

with discernment. Brands need to

recognize that true transparency is

not about oversharing but about being

genuine, relevant, and consistent in

their messaging and actions. Only then

can they truly foster trust and loyalty

among their consumers.

14 15

Trends Do Not Equal Brand Solutions

Issue no. 1, Article III

Research Thesis

October 3, 2023

fig. 1

that “funky” colovr palette will

not look good forever.

fig. 3

stop being a copy cat designer.

its not good for you.

fig. 2

nothing wrong with being inspired,

just make informed choices.



by Mariely Marquez

Trends Do Not Equal Brand Solutions

Issue no. 1, Article III

Research Thesis

October 3, 2023


trends do not always fit the needs

of the brand.

In a creative sphere as ever-changing and fast-paced as that of graphic design,

exciting new design concepts flood our social feeds every day. Every so often, we

view a design idea that seems so cutting-edge and inspiring that we can’t help but

want to try it out for ourselves. Except- one interesting design quickly becomes 10

designs that use that same concept. Before we know it, it seems like everyone has

incorporated that concept into their own work, and it all starts to blur together.

Graphic design trends gain popularity because they are visually appealing and

contemporary. When everyone takes part in a trend, it may start as a creative

inspiration. However, when fleeting trends are applied to design problems requiring

long-term solutions, designers risk the brand’s authenticity, relevance, and

homogenize the market.

18 19

Trends Do Not Equal Brand Solutions

Issue no. 1, Article III

Research Thesis

October 3, 2023


trends are fleeting and

will wither over time.

time progression

“T” = Design Trend

When thinking about branding, we’ve been taught that we need to create systems

that will not only represent the brand accurately, but will be sustainable for at least a

few years. Design trends are transient in nature. What we may consider interesting

today, might be considered cliche tomorrow. To make a brand “trendy” may appear

as a good tactic to make your design visually appealing. But after that appeal wears

off, you’re left with a look and feel that no longer serves the brand, and you could

realize that the trendy color palette doesn’t actually make sense for the company.

Of course, trends exist within branding too. If you think about how to brand a

bottled-water company, is your first instinct to use cool tones and a clean,

sans-serif font? When we compare Aquafina, Dasani, and Fiji labels, we see how

homogenized brands come to be through common design choices. But if we look at

Liquid Death, we don’t necessarily think “water company” at first glance.

Design trends can inadvertently stifle creativity, sidelining innovative and custom

design abilities. Relying on trends can become a crutch that hinders the exploration

of unique and tailor-made solutions that might better suit the brand’s specific

needs. Additionally, there is a risk of homogeneity when multiple brands in the

same industry adopt the same trendy design elements, making it challenging for

consumers to distinguish between competing brands. Overcomplicated trends can

hinder communication, and lack of timelessness may lead to constant rebranding,

resulting in inconsistency and brand confusion.

The brand is more than just a logo or a color scheme; it represents the company’s

values, mission, and identity. Blindly adopting a design trend that doesn’t align

with these core elements can create an image that is inauthentic and irrelevant.

Consumers are astute and can detect when a brand is merely trying to ride a trend

wave without a genuine connection to it. Such inauthenticity can erode trust and

loyalty among your target audience. Don’t be blind.

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Final Warning: Following formulas will kill your brand.

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