Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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4.5 Report of the statutory


HELPCODE Financial statement as of 12.31.2021


Expense report of the monitoring activities and results


During the 2021 financial year, as per Art. 30, par. 7 of the Code of the Service

Sector, I monitored HELPCODE’s compliance with its civic and solidarity goals,

as well as its goals pertaining to social utility, with particular reference to the

provisions of Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Code of the Service Sector.

This monitoring activity has been performed in line with the current legal

framework and is especially focused on:

• Auditing the fiscal year exclusively or mainly as regards one or more activities

of general interest as described by Article 5, par. 1, so as to ascertain

their goals as civic, in solidarity or of social utility, in compliance with the

specific rules governing the fiscal year, and, where applicable, verifying

activities other than those indicated by Article 5, par. 1 of the Code of

the Service Sector. These auditing activities must comply with what the

Statutes state and with secondary and functional criteria as per Ministerial

Decree 19.5.2021, n. 107;

• As regards fund-raising activities carried out during the period under examination,

the respect of principles of truth, transparency and fairness in

relationships with supporters and the general public. Said verification activities

was carried out during the emission of the ministerial guidelines, as

described by Article 7 of the Code of the Service Sector, on the basis of a

comprehensive analysis of the existing rules and best practices currently

in use;

• The pursuit of the non-profit nature of the organization must be guaranteed

through assigning assets, including all components (revenues, income,

receipts, or any type of income), to be used to perform statutory

activities. Thee ban of distributing, even indirectly, earnings, surplus of

operating funds, funds and reserves to founders, associates, workers and

collaborators, administrators or any other members of the administrative

bodies must be observed, taking into account the indices defined by Article

8, par. 3, letters a) to e), of the Service Sector Code.


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