Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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professional skepticism for the entire duration

of the audit. Moreover:

We identified and evaluated the risk for significant

errors in the year-end report due to fraud or to

unintentional events or behavior; we defined and

performed auditing procedures to respond to

said risk; we acquired sufficient and appropriate

probative elements on which to base our

judgment. The risk of not identifying a significant

error deriving due to fraud is higher with respect to

the risk of not identifying a significant error deriving

from unintentional events or behavior since fraud

may imply the existence of collusion, falsifications,

intentional omission, misleading representations or

stretching of internal control;

we acquired an understanding of the internal

control relevant for the purposes of auditing with

goal of defining appropriate auditing procedures

in the circumstances and not for expressing

a judgment on the efficiency of the Agency’s

internal control;

we evaluated the appropriateness of the accounting

principles used as well as the reasonable nature

of the accounting estimates performed by the

Executive Council, including the related report;

we arrived at a conclusion on the appropriateness

of the use on the part of the Executive Council

of the assumption of business continuity and on

the basis of the probative elements acquired, on

the possible existence of significant uncertainty

regarding events or circumstances that can cause

significant doubts about the Agency’s ability

to continue to work as a functioning entity. In

the presence of significant uncertainty, we are

compelled to call attention in the auditing report

to the related notes of the financial statement,

that is to say, should said report be inadequate, to

reflect such a circumstance in the formulation of

our judgment. Our conclusions are based on the

probative elements acquired up to the date of the

current report. In any case, subsequent events or

circumstances may entail that the Agency cease

operations as a functioning entity;

we have evaluated the presentation, structure and

contents of the Year-End Report overall, including

the notes, and if the Financial Statement represents

the operations and underlying events in such a way

as to furnish a correct representation.

We have communicated with those who are

responsible for governance, identified at an

appropriate level as required by ISA Italia, among

other aspects, the range and timing planned for

the audit and the significant results which emerged,

including possible significant lacks in the internal

control identified over the course of the audit.

Report on Other Legal Norms

Judgment in Accordance with Art. 14, comma 2,

letter e), of Law 39/10

The Executive Council of HELP CODE Italia is

responsible for drafting the sections that illustrate

the Agency’s economic and financial performance

and the methods of pursuing the statutory goals

included in HELP CODE Italia’s Mission Report

dated December 31, 2021, including its coherence

with the related year-end report and financial

statement and its compliance to the law.

We performed the procedures indicated in the

principle of auditing (SA Italia) 720B with the goal

of expressing a judgment on the coherence of the

sections that illustrate the economic and financial

performance of the Agency and the methods of

pursuing the statutory goals included in HELP

CODE Italia’s Mission Report dated December 31,

2021, and on the conformity of the same to the

regulations of law, as well as issuing a declaration

about possible significant errors.In our judgment,

the sections that illustrate the economic and

financial performance of the Agency and the

methods of pursuing the statutory goals included

in the Mission Report are coherent with the yearend

report of HELP CODE ITALIA as of December

31, 2021 and have been drafted in compliance with

the law.

With reference to the declaration as described in

Art. 14, comma 2, letter e), of Law 39/10, issued on

the basis of the knowledge and understanding of

the Agency and its relative context acquired over

the course of the audit, we have nothing to report.

Milano, May 13, 2022

PKF Italia S.p.A.

Michele Riva



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