Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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The Balance Sheet is drafted according to the outline indicated by the Non-Profit Companies Commission of the National

Council of Chartered Accountants.

The Balance Sheet as of 31.12.2021 has a positive outcome for a total of € 16,000.00


A) Costs and charges from activities

of general interest

1) Raw materials, supplies, consumables

and goods

31/12/2021 31/12/2021



A) Revenues, annuities and income

from activities of general interest

1) Incames from membership fees

and contributions from the founders

2) Services 1,516,705 2) Incames from members for mutual aid activities -

3) Use of third party assets 101,227

3) Revenues from services and transfers

to associates and founders

4) Staff 1,035,110 4) Liberal donations 150

5) Depreciation - 5) Incomes of 5 per thousand 61,692

5 bis) Write-downs of tangible and intangible

fixed assets



- 6) Contributions from private subjects 132,273

6) Provisions for risks and charges - 7) Revenues from services and sales to third parties -

7) Various management charges 23,825 8) Contributions from public bodies 2,377,809

8) Initial inventories - 9) Incames from contracts with public bodies -

9) Allocation to restricted reserve by decision

of the iboard

10) Use of restricted reserve by decision

of the board

- 10) Other revenues and income 949,208

- 11) Final inventories -

Total 3,479,221 Total 3,524,556

Surplus / Deficit in general interest assets (+/-) 45,335

B) Costs and charges from various activities B) Revenues and income from various activities

1) Raw materials, supplies, consumables and



1) Revenues from services and transfers

to associates and founders

2) Services 1,394 2) Contributions from private subjects -

3) Use of third party assets - 3) Revenues from services and sales to third parties -

4) Staff - 4) Contributions from public bodies 4,164

5) Depreciation - 5) Incames from contracts with public bodies -

5 bis) Write-downs of tangible and intangible

fixed assets

- 6) Other revenues and income 1,639

6) Provisions for risks and charges - 7) Final inventories 3,840

7) Various management charges -

8) Initial inventories 5,774

Total 11,210 Total 9,643

Fundraising surplus / deficit (+/-) -1,568


C) Costs and charges from fundraising


C) Revenues and income from

fundraising activities

1) Charges for usual fundraising 237,902 1) Income from regular fundraising 1,103,895

2) Charges for occasional fundraising 126,322 2) Income from occasional fundraising 89,571

3) Other charges 398,852 3) Other income 248,392

Total 763,076 Total 1,441,858

Fundraising surplus / deficit (+/-) 678,782



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