Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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In Yemen, one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world more than 20 million people need

humanitarian aid and protection. The country is exhausted from a civil war that has been ongoing

since 2015 and that has destroyed the lives of millions of people and brought levels of

suffering never before seen. The Covid-19 pandemic has only worsened things, with a death

rate in Yemen that is among the highest in the world. In this context in 2021 we consolidate our

activities of giving urgent humanitarian aid in the area of Ad Dhale and especially by increasing

access to food for the most vulnerable groups of the population, and creating the opportunity

for evacuee children to go to school

At the end of 2021 we started up explorative activities to also respond to the emergency in

Sahel, in particular in Burkina Faso, where a great number of people are displaced, still for terroristic

attacks. Starting in 2022 we have also been active in Slovakia working to help refugees

coming from nearby Ukraine.


Protected and safe access to WASH for evacuee population in Mueda



District of Mueda, Cabo Delgado (Mozambique)


Duration 01/04/2021 – 28/02/2022

Spent in 2021 € 243,367


Contributing to guarantee access to water, latrines and a safe and healthy

environment, reducing the risk of transmitting disease internally displaced

and local population in the District of Mueda




• Installation of distribution points for drinkable water in camps for

internally displaced

• Renovation of parts of the public water distribution system

• Providing families with material for water treatment

• Training community activists to circulate good practices for

health and hygiene in the camps

• Installing latrines, emergency showers and hand-washing stations

• Support for family self-built latrines through training and

distribution of cement labs

• Solid waste management in internally-displaced camps

Distribution of hygiene kits for families, schools and healthcare


6,200 people

District Service for Infrastructures and Planning in Mueda


It was the middle of the night when we heard them arrive. I woke the children and

with my husband we escaped and hid all night in the forest..

When we got back to the village there was nothing left but burnt remains and bodies

on the ground. We had nothing left. All our things had been destroyed. We were welcomed

by a nearby village but after a little while news came that there were other attacks

near, and so we decided to escape again. We walked for days and days.

Malika, evacuee in the Mueda camp



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