Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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I have four children, two boys and two girls. The three oldest ones went to school

only up to fourth grade in elementary school and then had to stop. Our family supports

itself through the sale of coal and fishing, and paying for school fees for all of

them is impossible. Srey Nich is the youngest, and she is very committed to her schooling.

For her, having a bike to go to school makes the difference. I really hope she can manage

to complete her education in the upper grades.

Chann, mother of Srey Nich, one of the beneficiaries of the Pink Bicycles project


In 2021, in addition to the answer to the pandemic crisis and the subsequent measures taken to

contain it, we worked in two of the main humanitarian emergencies that are still ongoing today:

the one in Cabo Delgado in Mozambique, and the one in Yemen.

The crisis in Cabo Delgado, which began in 2017, rapidly extended due to the conflict, insecurity

and violence that according to estimates has struck 1.3 million people who need humanitarian

aid and protection. Attacks on the part of non-state armed groups have spread geographically

and intensified for a good part of 2021, significantly increasing the risks for protection, above

all for women and girls, people with disabilities, elderly, and children that make up over 50% of

the population displaced in the various districts of Cabo Delgado and the bordering Provinces.

Despite the fact that in some zones governmental and supporting foreign troops have regained

control, and some of the displaced have started returning to the zones of their origins, the needs

of the local people who were evacuated are still enormous and require a rapid and coordinated

response across all sectors.


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