Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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All boys and girls have to have the chance to express their potential, to grow and realize

their dreams in the communities they live in: this is why our projects promote children’s

rights and fight against every form of abuse.

Our activities in the field of Childhood Protection are aimed especially at protecting boys

and girls from abuse and violence with special attention to the areas where natural disaster

strikes, or where there is political instability and emergencies. Our activities are concentrated

on the most vulnerable boys and girls, aimed at their safety and well-being.

With an increase in our work in the sector of emergency response and humanitarian crises, the

area of protection has grown with respect to prior years to include, in addition to protecting

children’s rights, a broader range of activities that have the goal of guaranteeing respect

for individual rights and especially those of the most vulnerable in line with principles

sanctioned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international humanitarian law.

At Helpcode taking care of protection means contributing to the guarantee of safety and

survival for people in contexts of crisis and humanitarian emergency, and re-establishing

access to rights – such as the right to health, education, freedom from violence including

gender-based violence.

In this area, in 2021 we started up important partnerships with two organizations of the

United Nations, UNCHR and UNFPA. This was to respond respectively to the need to monitor

the need for protection of victims of the Cabo Delgado conflict in northern Mozambique

(and starting from here, structure the answer to the emergency) and to satisfy the needs of

vulnerable women and girls in the Covid-19 crisis and the increased risk of gender-based



Meeting the needs of vulnerable women and girls in the context of the crisis COVID-19



Town of Beira, Province of Sofala (Mozambique)


Duration 01/04/2021 – 31/10/2021

Spent in 2021 € 76,545


Improve hygiene, menstrual health, sexual and reproductive health, prevent

risks linked to COVID-19 for vulnerable women and girls through

the use of electronic vouchers




Development of a system for distribution of materials for personal

hygiene based on electronic vouchers

Identifying and training business owners as regards system of vouchers

and procedures for prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse

Telephone campaign for information on the use of vouchers for women

and girls, beneficiaries of the project

Rigorous monitoring of use of vouchers on the part of women at the

selected businesses

Radio campaign of information against gender-based violence

2000 women and girls

Town of Beira, Provincial Service for Health, Women and Welfare of

Sofala, Vodacom


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