Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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In the countries where we work, we strive to ensure access to primary and secondary quality

education and school participation both through direct intervention (for example with the

distribution of school kits) as well as with projects that aim to improve the economic conditions

of families. In fact, chronic poverty is often the main reason for absenteeism and school dropout,

which was aggravated during the pandemic.

As already in 2020 and again in 2021, periods of lockdown and restrictions for containing the

pandemic caused a crisis of global proportions in terms of access to school and missed learning

opportunities, also for psycho-physical health and social development and nutrition for children.

Over the course of 2021, with the regular reopening of schools in the majority of countries where

we work, we found we had to deal with an increase in school drop-out rates and early marriages,

and even difficulty for teachers and children to recuperate a year of lost education. The crisis

linked to Covid has moreover contributed to increasing inequality in the sector of education all

over the world, including in Italy.

This has meant having to re-think support activities for schools and adapt them to new

scenarios including furnishing material for cleaning and disinfecting, masks and hand sanitizer

liquids, installing hand-washing stations, providing support materials for teachers, improving

school infrastructure, with special attention to latrines. We initiated campaigns for increasing

awareness for returning to school.

We have continued in this way to make as many schools as possible safe, strengthening existing

partnerships and extending our work to new areas.

Our goal for 2021 has been to bring as many children as possible back to school: we reached

the goal with an increase in children who had access to school services from 21,374 (in 2020)

to 27,108 (+27%).



27,108 children had access to education thanks to

• distribution of school kits

• purchase of school uniforms

• payment of school fees

• distribution of hygiene and disinfectant materials

• support for safe mobility of girl students

• consciousness-raising activities on importance of access to school

• training of School Councils

• distribution of kits for teachers

28 school infrastructures benefitted from rehabilitation and improvement:

• 24 primary schools

• 4 secondary schools


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