Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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One of the worst humanitarian crises in the world (together with

the more recent emergency in Ukraine) is currently underway in

Yemen. A violent conflict has been ongoing since 2015 and it

has created an extremely unstable situation, exacerbated by

a series of natural disasters and healthcare crisis which

have caused millions of internally displaced.

It is very complicated to work in Yemen given the lack of

safety and extreme difficulty in accessing the country.

But in safer zones, it is necessary to start working

to lay the groundwork of a perspective for coming

out of the state of emergency toward normalization

and recovery. We decided to intervene in one of the

relatively stable regions to contribute to improving

living conditions for the local population: in the

governorate of Al-Dhale’e in the South of Yemen

there are more than 50,000 internally displaced living

in a condition of extreme poverty.

Our first objective is to make sure children have access

to food security, adequate for guaranteeing full psychophysical

development. Work for restructuring the public

infrastructures are another main focus of our work. This is a task

given to members of the most vulnerable families, indicated by the

very same local communities, who will receive for this a daily salary with which

to access essential goods and services such as food baskets for children.

We have been here since 2020

In 2021 we invested € 29,979,64



2 Eliminate hunger

We contributed

to the following SDGs

4 Quality education

6 Water and hygiene and healthcare services

Active projects in 2021 2

Regions of operation

Governorates of Aden and Ad Dhale

Partners 2

Full-time workers and collaborators 4

Minors benefitted 1,871

Total beneficiaries 13,095


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