Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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Tunisia, 10 years after the revolution, is dealing

with significant economic challenges. Economic

growth has been slow with the IMF forecasting

growth of the GNP of 3.8% in 2021. This after a

decline of 8.2% in 2020. National unemployment

rates are constantly at about 15%. Because of

Covid-19 and the subsequent economic recession,

national unemployment has reached 17.4% in the

fourth trimester of 2020. Women and young people

and especially young college graduates were

disproportionately hit, with unemployment at 24.9%

for women and about 30% for young graduates.

Young people have a greater chance of being

informally employed, which puts them in a precarious

working condition. This is in part influenced by the

low number of work opportunities, and in part by a

deficit of skills. The Covid-19 pandemic has further

increased the vulnerability of women and young

people since they are the ones mostly involved

in micro-, small- and medium-sized businesses.

Unemployment increases even the risk of violent


This is why we are present with activities that

promote socio-economic empowerment and

gender equality, enhancing the crucial and active

role women can play against radicalization through

training opportunities, and sustainable and inclusive

business integrated in the market.

We have been here since 2017

In 2021 we invested € 62,015


Education • Gender equality

We contributed

to the following SDGs

4 Quality education

5 Gender equality

Active projects in 2021 1

Regions of operation

Tunisia and Region of Medenine

Partners 2

Full-time workers and collaborators 3

Minors benefitted 29,383

Total beneficiaries 29,447



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