Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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Since 2011 Libya has been experiencing

instability with about 803,000 people in

need of humanitarian assistance. At the

end of 2021, there were 200,000 internally

displaced in the country. Returning to the

place of origin continues to be hampered

by instability, damage to the public

infrastructure and lack of basic services.

The country hosts about 621,000 migrants

of whom more than 42,000 are asking for

asylum as refugees as of December 2021.

Even if the overall number of people that require

humanitarian aid decreased in 2021, thanks to an

improved safety situation with respect to the year

before, it is still a very high number in relationship to

the overall population.

In this context, the bad state of basic infrastructures, such

as healthcare facilities and the impact of the pandemic, continue to represent an enormous

challenge both for the local population as well as for the migrants and asylum seekers. The

803,000 people in need of humanitarian aid do not have constant access to primary or secondary

healthcare assistance. Almost 90% of the primary healthcare assistance centers are closed,

while a third of all the healthcare structures in the South and East of Libya do not function. In the

South 73% are partially functional and in the East

47% are partially functional.

Thanks to the collaboration with other organizations and institutions, we promote emergency

interventions and stabilization in Fezzan. In particular, we work to improve access to basic

healthcare services, supporting first and second level healthcare structures in peripheral areas

of Ghat and Ubari District

We have been here since 2017

In 2021 we invested € 1,268,864


Health • Childhood protection

We contributed

to the following SDGs

3 Health and Well-being

6 Water and hygiene and healthcare services

Active projects in 2021 3

Regions of operation

Districts of Ghat and Ubari

Partners 2

Full-time workers and collaborators 8

Minors benefitted 78,228

Total beneficiaries 171,570



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