Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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Cambodia, between 2000 and 2018, registered an impressive reduction in the

rate of poverty and levels of inequality. Nevertheless, since then progress

has been slow and more recently influenced by the consequences

of the pandemic. Already prior to the Covid crisis more than 30%

of children under 5 suffered from malnutrition, with long term

negative effects on human development and economic progress

of the country.

Since the pandemic brought about an increase in the rate of

poverty, food safety and levels of malnutrition are bound to

increase further and might not only slow down but jeopardize

the progress achieved in recent years. The country still has

a way to go to guarantee fair access to quality education.

The prolonged closure of schools in 2020 and again in 2021

due to the pandemic exacerbated the pre-existing inequality

in access to schooling. Growth in Cambodia has also brought

about a loss in biodiversity with devastating effects of flooding

and erosion, and an increase in climate-related vulnerability.

In Cambodia, Helpcode’s work focuses on supporting the

education sector both through providing school materials to

contribute to guaranteeing that children attend school, as well as through

infrastructural improvement

Two important programs for Helpode in this country regard furnishing bicycles to girls, to

allow them to reach school safely, and the creation of swimming and water safety classes

for students: it is estimated that 5 children die by drowning every day in Cambodia.

We have been here since 2006

In 2021 we invested € 102,250


Education • Water • Gender equality • Childhood protection

3 Health and Well-being

We contributed

to the following SDGs

4 Quality education

5 Gender equality

6 Water and hygiene and healthcare services

Active projects in 2021 6

Regions of operation

Sihanoukville, Kandal, Kampot, Phnom Penh and the islands Koh

Rong and Koh Rong Sanloem

Partners 5

Full-time workers and collaborators 5

Minors benefitted 6,000

Total beneficiaries 26,000



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