Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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• Azienda pubblica MIXURA

• Azienda pubblica ARCOS

• Cooperativa ANUPI Educazione

• Associazione Prometeo

• Mani Tese Sicilia

• Mani Tese Campania

• Caretta Calabria Conservation

• Demetra ONLUS

• City of Campomorone

• ANPI Campomorone

• AUSER Genova e Liguria

• Unione Donne Italiane, UDI Genova


• Provincial Directorate for Health, Women and

Social Affairs of the Maputo, Sofala, Inhambane


• Provincial Directorate for Education of the

Maputo, Sofala, Inhambane Province

• Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Food

Security of the Maputo Province

• National Irrigation Institute (INIR)

• Agronomic Research Institute of Mozambique


• District offices for Education, Youth Policy and

Technology of Moamba, Marracuene, Manhiça,

Magude, Vilankulos, Gorongosa, Maringue

• District offices for Planning and Infrastructures

of Marracuene, Moamba, Manhiça, Magude,

Vilankulos, Gorongosa, Maringue

• District office for Economic Affairs of Gorongosa,

Maringue, Moamba, Magude, Marracuene,


• Provincial Directorate for Health, Women

and Social Affairs of Gorongosa, Moamba,


• Training centre on public administration and

autarky (IFAPA Beira)

• ORAM Delegation, Sofala

• ADEL, Sofala

• Gorongosa District Farmers’ Union

• Maringue District Farmers’ Union

• Grupo de Mulheres pela Partilha de Ideias de



• International Nepal Association

• Ministry of Education

• National Committee for Early Childhood Care

and Education (NECCD)

• Social Welfare Council

Democratic Republic of the Congo

• Bukavu Archdiocese

• Ek’abana Foyer

• Movimento Lotta alla Fame nel Mondo (MLFM)

• Associazione Amici di Silvana


• International Institute of Human Development


• Montesole School of Peace

• Terre des Hommes Italy

• Office du Développement du Sud (ODS)


• Organization of Development Pioneers (ODP)

• Terre des Hommes Italy


• Yemen Peace School

In order to coordinate with other organizations based in the target countries, Helpcode participates in coordinating

international NGOs when they exist (e.g. in Libya, Tunisia, Mozambique) and, in emergency contexts,

it is an active member of sector clusters managed by UN-OCHA (e.g. the Health and Protection cluster in

Libya; the Education and Protection cluster in Yemen; the Protection cluster, WASH, Education in Emergency,

the Nutrition cluster and the Food Security and Livelihood cluster in Mozambique).

2.7 Suppliers

Helpcode selects its suppliers on the basis of specific procurement procedures,

in line with the criteria set by the main institutional donors with whom

we work.



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