Annual report Helpcode Italia - EN

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The Supervisory Board is composed of 3 members, one of whom is in-house staff and holds this position

for 3 years. In March 2021, the supervisory board was appointed by the Boards of Directors for

the Helpcode organization to comply with the Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, which establishes rules

concerning the responsibility of agencies in case of administrative offences.

Among those things provided for by Model based on Legislative Decree 231 is whistleblowing protection,

which allows employees to report violations of the Code of Ethics, of the Model itself, and also

fraud, crimes, offences or any illegal conduct or actions taken by members of the organization.

Helpcode asks its stakeholders to comply with the principles included in our Code of Ethics and in the

“Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo” (Organization, Management and Control Model)

required by the above-mentioned law.

Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 provides for the protection of whistle-blowers, i.e. staff telling someone

in authority about violations of the Code of Ethics or the above-mentioned model, as well as about fraud,

crimes, offences or any illegal conduct or actions taken by staff members.



• by mail to: Supervisory Board 231 HELP CODE ITALIA Onlus,

Via XXV Aprile 12/B, 16123 Genova (GE)

• by sending an e-mail to the Supervisory Board: odv@helpcode.org

• by sending an e-mail to this address: safeguarding@helpcode.org

In 2021, the members of the Supervisory Board were Mr. Giovanni E. Viscovi (chairman), Ms. Alessandra

Cassone, attorney, and Mr. Alessandro Grassini, engineer (in-house staff, resigning in 2022).

The Supervisory Board is in charge of adjusting and updating Model 231. It also monitors proper

implementation; manages training and information activities aimed at disseminating knowledge of

Model 231 to target audiences; and it manages and follows up on information it receives. It must keep

the Board of Directors informed; it spreads information and organizes training activities.

As of April 2021, the role of the Compliance Manager has been added to our staff. The Compliance

Manager is in charge of controlling:

• risk assessment standards and monitoring quality in our offices and projects/programs;

• strengthening staff skills to be able to properly manage risks, having the organization accredited by

donors and complying with policies;

• keeping the in-house control system running and updated;

• compliance with and improvement of policies on protection from risks, as well as safety and risk

management on the job and concerning staff;

• the due diligence process (on the topic of anti-corruption, protection of minors, PSEA, conflict of

interest, anti-money laundering practices and financing of terrorism) involving international partners,

and aimed at implementing mechanisms to assess third parties.

For details on the General Assembly, the Board of Directors and other roles at Helpcode, please see

section 2.4.


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