Un Ospite di Venezia |Event Calendar | October 2023-No. 10

OCTOBER IN VENICE There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October. First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide. But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.

There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October.

First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide.

But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.


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Ville Venete


Via Cornuda, 7 - Maser (Treviso)

Sita in uno dei più bei contesti collinari del trevigiano, a breve

distanza dall’antico borgo di Asolo, rappresenta forse la più importante

villa del Palladio del territorio trevigiano. Alle architetture

disegnate dal Palladio che comprendono il famoso tempietto,

si affianca lo straordinario ciclo pittorico del Veronese.

Situated in one of the loveliest Treviso hillside contexts, at a short

distance from the ancient village of Asolo, it is possibly Palladio’s

most important villa in the Treviso territory.

The architecture designed by Palladio, including the famous little

temple, is accompanied by Veronese’s amazing painting cycle.

0423 92.30.04 www.villadimaser.it Lunedì | Monday

10.00 - 18.00 9,00 | 7,00


Via Nazionale, 420 - Mira (Venezia)

Ideale esempio della villa veneta sviluppata su tre piani e circondata

da un parco monumentale è arredata con mobili d’epoca,

lampadari in vetro di Murano e tendaggi broccati. Tra i

suoi tesori uno dei pochi esemplari di felze, tradizionale copertura

delle imbarcazioni veneziane.

An ideal example of a Veneto villa, developed over three floors and

surrounded by a monumental park, it is furnished with period furniture,

Murano glass chandeliers and brocade curtains. Its treasures

include one of the few examples of a felze, the traditional roofing for

a Venetian boat.

041 42.49.73 www.villawidmann.servizimetropolitani.ve.it

10.00 – 13.00 / 13.30 – 16.30 Lunedì | Monday 6,00 / 5,00


Via Doge Pisani, 7 - Stra (Venezia)

È la più maestosa tra le ville venete, oggi Museo nazionale.

Situata lungo il corso del fiume Brenta a breve distanza da Padova

e collegata a Venezia sia via acqua che via terra è considerata tra

i massimi esempi di sfarzo e bellezza raggiunto dalle ville venete.

Oltre al vasto parco e al labirinto si ammirano opere del 7/800.

Now a National Museum, it is the most majestic of the Veneto villas.

Situated along the Brenta river at a short distance from Padua, and

linked to Venice both via water and via land, it is considered among

the top examples of opulence and beauty achieved by Veneto villas

049 50.20.740 www.villapisani.beniculturali.it

9.00 - 20.00 (fino al 30 settembre)

Lunedì - Monday 7,50 | 4,50 solo parco - only park

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