Un Ospite di Venezia |Event Calendar | October 2023-No. 10

OCTOBER IN VENICE There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October. First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide. But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.

There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October.

First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide.

But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.


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Altri musei


Piazza San Marco 105

1-2 Actv Vallaresso

Al terzo piano delle Procuratie Vecchie su una superficie di

circa 3000mq trova sede un’innovativa esposizione interattiva

aperta a tutti, incentrata sulla consapevolezza personale e

sullo sviluppo del potenziale umano. Si affiancano spazi per

l’interazione, la condivisione e il dialogo.

An innovative interactive exhibition open to all may be found over a

surface of about 3000sqm on the third floor at the Old Procuratie,

focusing on personal awareness and on the development of human

potential. It is accompanied by areas for interacting, sharing and


041 503 7449 www.thehumansafetynet.org

10.00 - 19.00 Martedì | Tuesday 12,00


San Polo 2128/A 1 - 2 Actv - San Tomà

Inserito in uno dei più begli esempi di architettura rinascimentale,

oggi residenza del Comando Regionale Veneto della Guardia

di Finanza questa sezione del museo storico del Corpo consente

di ammirare alcuni pregevoli esempi di opere e riproduzioni

appartenute a collezioni d’arte, tra cui un Tiepolo originale.

Set inside one of the loveliest examples of Renaissance architecture,

currently the seat of the Veneto Regional Headquarters of

the Guardia di Finanza, this section of the Corps' historical museum

allows one to admire some valuable examples of artworks and

reproductions formerly belonging to art collections.

041 771 29 40 www.palazzocornermocenigo.it Free

Lun - Ven | Mon - Fri: 11 – 12 – 15.30

Sab - Dom e festivi | Sat - Sun and Hol. 10 – 11– 12 – 13– 14 – 15.30

Isola di Torcello


12 Actv - / 9 Actv Torcello

Articolato in due sezioni il museo prende inizio dai primi

scambi commerciali che coinvolgevano la laguna e i suoi abitanti,

per passare a testimonianze venete, preromane, romane,

bizantine, fino ad arrivare al XIX secolo.

Structured in two sections, this museum starts with the initial trading

involving the lagoon and its inhabitants, moving on to Veneto,

pre-Roman, Roman and Byzantine heritage, up to the 19th century.

041 2501780-4 www.museotorcello.servizimetropolitani.ve.it

10.30 - 17.30 Lunedì | Monday 3,00 | 1,50

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