Un Ospite di Venezia |Event Calendar | October 2023-No. 10

OCTOBER IN VENICE There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October. First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide. But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.

There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October.

First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide.

But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.


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15 / 10 – h. 20.00.

Info: tel. 041 2722699

Concerto nelle Sale Apollinee

del Tetro La Fenice. organizzato

in collaborazione con Archivio

Musicale Guido Alberto Fano.

In programma brani di Fano, Malipiero,

Monteverdi, Debussy.

Ingresso a pagamento.

Concert at the Apollonian Rooms

in La Fenice Theatre. organised in

collaboration with the Guido Alberto

Fano Music Archive. Programme

with compositions by Fano, Malipiero,

Monteverdi, Debussy.

Admission ticket.


Tutti i giorni (no lunedì) - h. 20.30

Every day (not Monday) at 8.30pm

Info tel.

Un’orchestra in costume d’epoca

propone, nell’esclusiva cornice

del Salone Capitolare della

Scuola Grande di San Teodoro,

le celebri ed emozionanti “Quattro

Stagioni” di Antonio Vivaldi

e le più belle arie d’opera della

tradizione italiana.

Ingresso a pagamento.

Barocco e Opera:

3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 31


Le Quattro Stagioni di Vivaldi:

1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29


An orchestra in vintage costume,

offering Antonio Vivaldi’s famed

and thrilling “Four Seasons” and the

most beautiful opera arias in Italian

tradition, within the exclusive

framework of the Chapter Salon at

the Scuola Grande of San Teodoro.

Admission ticket.


26 / 10 – h. 18.00

Info: tel. 041 2722699

Riprende nelle Sale Apollinee

del Teatro la Fenice il ciclo di

concerti ideato per promuovere

i giovani interpreti in collaborazione

con le principali istituzioni

culturali e musicali italiane.

Il primo appuntamento della

stagione è con un concerto dedicato

al compositore Sergej

Rachmaninov in occasione dei

150 anni dalla nascita eseguito

da Enrico Bronzi al violoncello e

Giovanni Bertolazzi al pianoforte.

Ingresso a pagamento.

The series of concerts designed to

promote young performers resumes

in the Sale Apollinee of La Fenice

Theatre, in collaboration with the

main Italian cultural and musical institutions.

The first rendez-vous of

the season is a concert dedicated to

composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, on

the occasion of the 150th anniversary

of his birth, performed by with

Enrico Bronzi on cello and Giovanni

Bertolazzi on pianoforte.

Admission ticket.

Concediti un’esperienza esclusiva nel

rinnovato ristorante Canova by Sadler,

a pochi passi da Piazza San Marco: una

cucina gourmet raffinata, salutare e

sostenibile, firmata dallo Chef Stellato

Claudio Sadler.

Enjoy an exclusive experience at the

renovated restaurant Canova by Sadler,

just a few steps from St. Mark’s Square: an

elegant, healthy and sustainable gourmet

cuisine, signed by the Michelin-starred

Chef Claudio Sadler.

Canova Restaurant by Sadler

Baglioni Hotel Luna

San Marco,1243 - 30124 Venezia

Tel. + 39 041 5289840


Musica | Music 19

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