Un Ospite di Venezia |Event Calendar | October 2023-No. 10

OCTOBER IN VENICE There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October. First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide. But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.

There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October.

First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide.

But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.


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15 / 10 – h. 19.00.

Info: tel. 041 2722699

Il Galà di Danza, organizzato

dalla Fondazione Giovani Leoni

ETS presso il Teatro Malibran,

si pone lo scopo di raccogliere

fondi a sostegno del progetto

di ricerca scientifica “Brain up”

che mira alla riabilitazione precoce

dei bambini con paralisi

cerebrale attraverso il metodo

Feldenkrais. L'occasione vedrà

la partecipazione di ballerini di

fama internazionale.

Ingresso a pagamento.

This ballet Gala, organised by the

Giovani Leoni ETS Foundation at the

Malibran Theatre, with the aim of

raising funds to support the “Brain

up” scientific research project, targeting

the early rehabilitation of

children with cerebral palsy through

the Feldenkrais method, features

the participation of internationally

renowned dancers.

Admission ticket.


4, 8, 24, 25 / 10 - h. 20.00

5 / 10 - h. 17.00


Riprende l’attività concertistica

di Musikàmera. Nel mese di ottobre

la programmazione prevede

l’esecuzione di tre concerti

alle Sale Apollinee del Teatro

la Fenice, due dei quali con replica

la sera successiva.

Ingresso a pagamento.


Musikàmera’s concert activity resumes.

In the month of October,

its programme foresees the performance

of three concerts at La

Fenice Theatre Apollonian Rooms,

two of which repeated on the following


Admission ticket.



27 / 10 – h. 20.00

Info: tel. 041 2722699

Il rinomato direttore d’orchestra

e pianista statunitense guiderà

l’Orchestra e il Coro del Teatro

La Fenice nell’esecuzione

di opere di Gabrieli/Maderna,

Strauss (R.), e Holst.

Ingresso a pagamento.

The renowned American conductor

and pianist will head the Fenice

Theatre Orchestra and Choir in the

performance of music by Gabrieli/

Maderna, Strauss (R.), and Holst.

Ingresso a pagamento.

un Ospite di Venezia


3 / 10 – h. 20.00.

Info: tel. 3200517000

Un concerto tra suono e pathos

da vivere nelle Sale Apollinee

del Tetro La Fenice con la

magia della chitarra di Andrea

Vettoretti e le sue inconfondibili

composizioni che hanno creato

il genere musicale New Classical


Ingresso a pagamento.

The magic of Andrea Vettoretti’s

guitar and his unmistakable compositions,

which have created the New

Classical World musical genre, an experience.

A concert between sound

and pathos, to be experienced at

the La Fenice Theatre Apollonian


Admission ticket.


22 / 10 – h. 19.00.

Info: tel. 041 2722699

Opera lirica in 2 atti che intreccia

passato, presente e futuro

di Venezia. Questa produzione,

creata per celebrare i 1600 anni

dalla fondazione della città e

portata in scena sul palco del

Teatro Malibran, rappresenta

un canto di amore e morte con

Venezia come protagonista,

La storia racconta di una donna

colpita dal destino, ma che trova

il coraggio di rialzarsi e guardare

all’eternità della città.

Ingresso a pagamento.

Opera in 2 acts interweaving the

past, present and future of Venice.

This production, created to celebrate

the 1600th anniversary since

the city foundation, and staged at

the Malibran Theatre, embodies a

song of love and death, with Venice

as its protagonist, exploring her

weaknesses, griefs, passions and

enthusiasms. The plot tells of a

fate-stricken woman, who finds the

courage to stand up again and view

the eternity of the city, in spite of all.

Admission ticket.

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