Un Ospite di Venezia |Event Calendar | October 2023-No. 10

OCTOBER IN VENICE There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October. First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide. But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.

There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Venice, even more so if it falls in the month of October.

First and foremost, the mild climate that heralds the winter season but also offers the pleasures that only a few cities can provide.

But what to recommend?... Without a doubt, the simplest things. For example, getting intoxicated by a lagoon sunset or strolling until you get lost (only to find yourself again) along the labyrinth of alleys; crossing the Grand Canal by water aboard one of the last gondola ferries or being captivated by the multitude of shop windows and boutiques, or yet, enjoying an aperitif, a coffee, an ice cream, a dinner while savoring the city's small squares or climbing one of the many bell towers and being enchanted by a bird's-eye view.


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If nearby Trieste is confirmed these days as the

capital city of sailing with its Barcolana, an exceptional

regatta known throughout the world, Venice,

which has always been a marine city, certainly

does not wish to appear to a lesser extent.

It is well known that its history has passed

through sailing, understood not as a sport but as

an actual lifestyle. Through sailing, the Venetians

reached all the boundaries of the Mediterranean,

from the Aegean to the Holy Land, up to Egypt

and even beyond, touching unknown lands for

the time, such as Cabo Verde, the extreme western

protrusion of Africa and the Lofoten islands,

in the north of Norway.

The very history of the ancient Republic has

passed through the famous Arsenal, even mentioned

by Dante. Here they forged the fleet

which took the Serenissima’s dominion for centuries

over the entire Adriatic, driving its flourishing

commerce from here along the Silk Road.

Such history and such passion are both distant

today, but are brought back to life in town ideally,

thanks to two spectacular regattas, differing

from each other, nevertheless still conforming to

that ancient spirit.

They are two occasions which will not fail to draw

their participants and the public into a true sailing


The Venice Hospitality Challenge, a veritable

challenge between sporting passion and glamour,

starts with its tenth edition on Saturday 14 October

(at 1.30pm), on maxi yachts each paired with

the same number of Venetian hôtellerie excellences.

The event will be linked for this occasion to

a celebratory exhibition, visible until 15 October

at Palazzo Vittoria, headquarters

of the VAC Foundation, at the


The following Sunday, on 15

October, the rendez-vous will

be with the Veleziana, a festive

sailing gathering, filling Saint

Mark’s Basin with over 250 boats

of all sorts and colours, offering

a unique opportunity for a moment

to re-experience the spirit

of friendship and passion for the

sea, which took Venice so far.

Both events may be watched

freely from the quaysides of

Saint Mark and from the Giudecca

and San Giorgio islands.


Sono vari i motivi per cui consigliare un soggiorno

veneziano, ancor più, se questo cade nel mese di


Innanzitutto la dolcezza di un clima che prelude

alla stagione invernale ma che riserva quei piaceri

che solo poche città possono offrire.

Ma cosa consigliare?... Senza dubbio le cose più

semplici. Quella per esempio di lasciarsi inebriare

da un tramonto in laguna o di passeggiare fino a

perdersi (per poi ritrovarsi) lungo il labirinto di calli;

di attraversare a pelo d’acqua il Canal Grande a

bordo di uno degli ultimi traghetti di gondole o di

lasciarsi ammaliare dalla moltitudine di vetrine di

botteghe e negozi o ancora, di gustarsi un aperitivo,

un caffè, un gelato, una cena godendo del

plateatico della città o di salire su uno dei tanti

campanili e lasciarsi incantare da una veduta “a

volo d’uccello”.

Per chi poi può prendersi la libertà (e il tempo) per

un breve viaggio, ecco la possibilità di scoprire il

fascino emanato dalla laguna e dalle sue piccole

isole o lasciarsi emozionare dalla visione del mare

lungo la spiaggia del Lido.

Ma c’è ancora un lato che può conquistare l’attenzione

e la voglia di fare nuove scoperte: sono gli

eventi che la città, praticamente tutto l’anno, offre

ai suoi ospiti. Eventi in gran parte unici che toccano

gli ambiti (e le passioni) più diverse.

Ecco allora presentarsi una scelta che ben pochi

luoghi possono vantare: mostre d’arte, esposizioni,

concerti, spettacoli, incontri, appuntamenti

sportivi e occasioni per il tempo libero…

Da buona agenda turistica cerchiamo di presentarle

tutte, come sempre, con la massima sintesi

e ordine nelle pagine a seguire.

Editoriale | Editorial


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