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SEPT 2023

4S Sailing

Brand Presentation




Eirini Dragataki

Creative Brief Recap

Project: 4S Sailing Branding - Logo Design

Primary Text: 4S Sailing

Supportive elements: Sailing Yacht, 4 S (designed)

Client inspo provided

Inclusion in the Logo:

Sailing Yacht illustration

Artistic rendering of "4 S"

Brand Colors: Blue, Teal, Yellow or Orange

Business Focus:

4S Sailing specializes in providing unforgettable sailing experiences,

offering both Weekly Booking in Sailing Yachts in the

scenic Saronic Gulf and Cyclades Isles, as well as Daily Sailing

Escapes to the beautiful islands along the Athens Riviera Coast.

Design Direction:

The logo should embody the spirit of sailing, adventure, and the

sea. Incorporate elements that reflect the exhilaration of sailing

and the serenity of the open water. The design should be

modern, evoking a sense of sophistication and excitement,

while maintaining a clean and memorable look.


Istion Yachting

Vernicos Yachts


Kavas Yachting

MG Yachts

MedSail Group



Summer Sail



Colour Palette

Aegean Breeze

Inspired by the Aegean Sea, this

blue hue conveys a sense of

adventure and exploration,

reflecting the beautiful waters

where sailing adventures unfold.

Sunset Blaze

This vibrant orange hue represents

the warmth and energy of the sun

setting over the horizon,

embodying the adventurous spirit

and excitement of sailing.

The Palette:

The orange-blue color scheme represents

a harmonious blend of energizing warmth

(orange) and calming depth (blue), mirroring

the exhilarating and serene aspects

of sailing. It creates a vibrant, eye-catching

brand identity while maintaining a

sense of balance and sophistication. The

complimentary colors add depth and versatility,

enhancing the overall visual

appeal and allowing for creative flexibility

in branding applications.

Overall, this palette works well for 4S Sailing,

aligning with the adventure, joy, and

luxury associated with sailing experiences

while conveying a strong brand identity.

Typography Proposal

Concept A


The brandmark embodies an abstract sailing boat created

through geometric shapes forming the numbers "4" and "S."

This design approach combines the precision and stability

of geometric shapes with the adventurous spirit of sailing.

Geometric Shape: The design is based on Geometric

Shapes forming an abstratc boat. Signifies the sailing experience,

promising excitement and the thrill of the sea.


The logomark features a clean, sans-serif font, embodying

a modern and sleek aesthetic, aligning with our commitment

to a contemporary sailing experience.

Reflects a modern and streamlined approach, highlighting

efficiency and professionalism.

4S: Reinforces our brand name in a memorable and visually

appealing manner, emphasizing our identity.

S Symbol: Integrated to mirror waves/wind, representing

the dynamic and fluid nature of sailing, and highlighting the

"S" in "4S."

Brand in action

Concept B


The brandmark is inspired by the image given from G. Prinos:

inspired by

I used brush strokes. The brandmark creatively uses brush

strokes to craft the numbers "4" and "S," symbolizing a sailboat

and a wave, respectively. This artistic representation embodies

the creativity and fluidity of sailing.


The logomark is created using a light-weight, wide-body

sans-serif font, incorporating both uppercase and lowercase

letters in a unicase design. This font choice embodies a modern

and stylish aesthetic, reflecting the trendy aspects of contemporary

sans-serif typefaces.

Sans-serif Font (Light-weight, Wide-body): Adds a modern and

stylish touch, aligning with the trendy sans-serif typefaces prevalent

in contemporary design.

Unicase Design: Blends uppercase and lowercase letter forms,

resulting in a unique and distinctive visual appeal.

Brand in action

Concept C


The brandmark ingeniously combines the numbers "4" and

"S" to form an abstract sailboat and wave.


The logomark features a wide and panoramic sans-serif

font, where the letters are so expansive that they create a

panoramic effect. This choice brings a unique and expansive

quality to the design.

Brand in action






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