October 2023 Persecution Magazine

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The sun blazes mercilessly and the air is heavy with<br />

dust in rural Pakistan, where a man named Rahim<br />

toils his days away. He was a brick kiln worker, a man<br />

who had known the taste of labor from the moment he<br />

could remember. For generations, his family had toiled<br />

under the scorching sun, their lives intertwined with the<br />

clay that would become the building blocks of the world.<br />

Rahim was a Christian, a devoted husband, and a father to<br />

two young children, Maria and Ali. Every morning, before<br />

the sun had even begun its ascent, Rahim would rise from<br />

his makeshift bed, a thin mat laid on the hard ground.<br />

His hands, calloused from years of molding and shaping<br />

bricks, would shake off the numbness of sleep. He would<br />

glance at Maria and Ali, their innocent faces peaceful in<br />

slumber, and his heart would swell with a mixture of love<br />

and determination.<br />

The brick kiln was a<br />

place of torment, an<br />

inferno where hopes<br />

and dreams evaporated<br />

like water on heated<br />

clay. As the morning sun<br />

cast its fiery glow, Rahim<br />

and his fellow workers<br />

would gather around the<br />

massive pits, shoveling<br />

clay into molds, pressing<br />

it with all their might,<br />

forming the bricks that<br />

would become the<br />

backbone of cities. The<br />

heat was unbearable,<br />

like standing before<br />

the gates of hell itself.<br />

Sweat poured from their<br />

brows, mingling with the<br />

clay, their bodies caked<br />

in a mixture of dirt and<br />

sweat.<br />

Amid the ceaseless toil,<br />

Rahim found solace in<br />

his faith. Whenever he could steal a moment, he would<br />

close his eyes and pray, seeking strength from the Lord<br />

to endure the hardships that life had thrust upon him.<br />

His worn Bible, its pages tattered and stained, held the<br />

promise of a better life, a life free from the chains that<br />

bound him to the kiln.<br />

Rahim’s heart ached for Maria and Ali. They were too<br />

young to understand the gravity of their situation, too<br />

innocent to comprehend the cruel world they were born<br />

into. He yearned to see them laugh freely, to witness the<br />

sparkle in their eyes as they learned and played. But the<br />

kiln’s grip was unyielding, its demands relentless.<br />

One fateful day, tragedy struck. Ali fell ill, his small<br />

body wracked with fever. Rahim’s heart clenched as he<br />

watched his son suffer, his frail body burning with heat<br />

“The Lord is close to<br />

the brokenhearted<br />

and saves those<br />

who are crushed in<br />

spirit.”<br />

Psalm 34:18<br />

that mirrored the kiln itself. Desperation gnawed at<br />

Rahim’s soul as he held Ali, his hands trembling, his eyes<br />

welling up with tears. He had no money for medicine, no<br />

means to alleviate his son’s agony.<br />

As Ali’s condition worsened, Rahim made a heartwrenching<br />

decision. He approached the kiln owner,<br />

his voice a whisper, and pleaded for an advance on his<br />

meager wages. The kiln owner’s eyes gleamed with a<br />

predatory glint as he agreed, knowing full well the cycle<br />

he was perpetuating. The debt mounted, like shackles on<br />

Rahim’s shoulders, and with every brick he molded, his<br />

heart grew heavier.<br />

Weeks turned into months, and Ali’s condition<br />

remained dire. Rahim’s shoulders sagged under the<br />

weight of his burden;<br />

his eyes dimmed with<br />

exhaustion. He could<br />

feel himself becoming<br />

a ghost, a hollow shell<br />

of the man he once<br />

was. His faith wavered,<br />

and he found himself<br />

questioning the fairness<br />

of a world that could<br />

inflict such suffering on<br />

the innocent.<br />

As the days turned into<br />

weeks, the kiln’s brutality<br />

began to recede, like the<br />

embers of a dying fire.<br />

Rahim’s hands, once<br />

resigned to molding<br />

bricks, began to mold a<br />

different kind of future<br />

for his family. With the<br />

support of the activists,<br />

he started sending Maria<br />

to a makeshift school,<br />

where she clung to the<br />

promise of knowledge<br />

like a lifeline.<br />

And amid this awakening, Ali’s fever broke. His small body,<br />

fragile yet resilient, fought back against the darkness that<br />

had threatened to consume him.<br />

The journey was long and arduous, but Rahim’s<br />

unwavering spirit and the help of those who believed<br />

in his family’s worth brought change to their lives. With<br />

every brick he shaped, he chiseled away at the chains<br />

that had bound them for generations.<br />

And as the sun set over the brick kilns, casting a golden<br />

hue over the horizon, Rahim looked at Maria and Ali,<br />

their faces illuminated by the soft glow. The kiln might<br />

have been their past, but it would not define their future.<br />

They were survivors, warriors who had emerged from the<br />

crucible of suffering, ready to rebuild their lives, brick by<br />

brick, with love and resilience as their foundation.<br />


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