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Discover Greece

Greece: where ancient colonnaded temples

and vibrant modern cities glisten under

the same sun. Considered the birthplace

of Western civilisation, this Mediterranean

destination is woven with a rich mythology,

and offers up a trove of celebrated art

and architecture.

Beyond mainland attractions such as

the Acropolis of Athens, there are some

1,400 islands to explore, including Crete,

homeland of the Minoans; the sandy

Cyclades; and oft-overlooked Evia. Cox &

Kings can pair a tour of mainland Greece

with an island-hopping itinerary to give you

an all-encompassing experience.


Ancient theatre of Epidaurus

Sample the famous truffes • Visit Byzantine


When medieval monks stumbled upon vast

sandstone pillars jutting out of Thessaly’s

green hills, they saw potential. The dramatic

precipices of Meteora (meaning ‘suspended

in the air’) became the base of some 24

monasteries – six of which survive today.

These rock-top complexes are now a UNESCO

World Heritage Site and a major draw. The

thick forests beneath, meanwhile, shelter

prized wild truffes, allowing you to combine a

visit to the monasteries with a truffe hunting

and tasting experience.



Visit the Minoan Palace of Knossos • Taste

authentic Cretan honey

Crete is Greece’s largest island, and its

1,000-kilometre coastline is replete with

attractive bays, peninsulas, coves and sandy

beaches. It’s also historically important.

This is where Europe’s first civilisation, the

Minoan kingdom, arose during the Bronze

Age. The ruined Minoan city of Knossos and

its famous palace offer insights into these

mysterious people. Crete also preserves

Venetian fortresses, most strikingly the

16th-century Castello a Mare, as well as

medieval monasteries and Ottoman-era

mosques. The landscape is diverse, with

mountain ranges and gorges, Europe’s only

palm tree forest, and vast plains and plateaux

to explore.

Palace of Knossos


View our full range of itineraries, hotels and experiences at CoxandKings.co.uk

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