Low Ash Prospectus

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Learn - Achieve - Persevere - Succeed

The School Day

Nursery AM Nursery PM Nursery Full Time

Start 8:30am Start 12:30pm Start 8:30am

End 11:30am End 3:30pm End 3:30pm







Nursery and Reception

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 1


Nursery Full Time


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3 & 4

Year 5 & 6

Outdoor provision throughout the day

10:30am – 10:45am

10:45am – 11:00am

11:30am – 12:30pm

11:35am – 12:35pm

11:50am – 12:50pm

12:00pm – 1:00pm

12:15pm – 1:00pm

(straight to the hall, then out to play after eating


12:15pm – 1:00pm

(play out 12:15pm-12:30pm then come in for lunch at

12:30pm, then go out to play after eating lunch)


School commences at 8.45am. Punctuality is expected.

Registration is important as it ensures your child has a positive start to the day.

It is a time when learning is often recapped.

If your child arrives after the close of registration, then their lateness is counted

as an unauthorised absence and they should go to the school office to have their

name logged in the late book.

Low Ash Primary School

Child Protection and Safeguarding


At Low Ash Primary, safeguarding children is everybody's business. Safeguarding Children means protecting

children from physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect. It also means improving their life chances by

supporting children to grow up to be confident, healthy and happy adults.

Low Ash Primary School recognises the importance of creating an ethos within school that will help children feel

safe and confident that they will be listened to. Because of their day to day contact with individual children during

the school terms, teachers and other school staff are particularly well placed to observe the outward signs of

abuse, changes in behaviour or failure to develop.

Safe Working Practice

Low Ash Primary School has developed a clear code of practice that staff understand and have agreed to. The

code of practice offers guidance to staff on the way they should behave when working with children.

Child Protection Procedures

Low Ash Primary School adheres to child protection procedures that have been agreed locally through the Local

Children’s Safeguarding Board.

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school. There are five main elements to

our policy:

• Ensuring we practise safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with


• Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them


• Developing and then implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases,

of abuse.

• Supporting pupils who have been abused in accordance with his/her agreed child protection plan.

• Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop.

The school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy gives greater detail. A copy can be requested from the

office and it is available for viewing on the school website.

The Named Persons at Low Ash Primary School from September 2023 are:

• Mrs Beth Medhurst – Co-Headteacher (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

• Mrs Fiona Meer – Co-Headteacher

• Mr Dan Hurst – Deputy Headteacher

• Mrs Louise Robinson – Assistant Headteacher

• Mrs Claire Dyson – Learning Mentor

• Mr. Brian Padden – Pastoral and Family Support Officer

The Named Governor is Mrs Lisa Clark

School Uniform for Nursery

Although there is no obligation to wear the school uniform in Nursery, many children

do wear it and feel part of the school community. Below is a list of the uniform should

you choose this option for your child.


Long grey tailored trousers

Grey skirt or pinafore dress

White, red or grey shirt with short/long sleeves

Red pullover/jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan

White or grey socks or tights (red tights allowed, but no pattern)


Short grey trousers as an option

White, red or grey shirt

White or grey socks

Red/white check gingham dress is an option

Red pullover/jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan

Red sweatshirt printed with our school logo


Sensible school shoes, winter and summer (not boots) should be worn.

Outdoor Play

Each child will need a pair of wellington boots for outdoor play (all year round)


In the interests of health and safety, the wearing of jewellery in school is NOT

ALLOWED. If children have pierced ears, then only small stud type earrings are


All items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name

School Uniform for Reception

We rely on the cooperation of parents/carers in supporting school uniform at Low Ash and ask you to ensure

that your child wears the correct uniform. Please refer to the list below identifying the uniform, PE uniform

and rules regarding jewellery. Please note that garments worn underneath uniform should be unobtrusive

(eg a white vest under a white shirt).

Uniform List


Long grey tailored trousers

Grey skirt or pinafore dress

White, red or grey shirt with short/long sleeves

Red pullover/jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan

White or grey socks or tights (red tights allowed, but no pattern)

Sensible school shoes should be worn winter and summer (not boots)

We suggest that a spare pair of indoor shoes/pumps are kept in school, particularly during periods of bad

weather. Pupils may journey to and from school in boots and wear them outside at break times but they

are not permitted inside school.


Short grey trousers as an option

White, red or grey shirt

White or grey socks

Red/white check gingham dress is an option

Red pullover/jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan

Red sweatshirts printed with our school logo

Outdoor Play

A pair of wellington boots for outdoor play (all year round)

PE List


Washable draw string pump bag

Pair of pumps

Pair of black or navy shorts

Plain white t-shirt or with school logo

Leotards may also be worn


In the interests of health and safety, the wearing of jewellery in school is NOT ALLOWED. If children have

pierced ears, then only small stud type earrings are acceptable.

Nail varnish should not be worn

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name

School Uniform for Years 1-6

We rely on the cooperation of parents/carers in supporting school uniform at Low Ash and ask you to ensure

that your child wears the correct uniform. Please refer to the list below identifying the uniform, PE uniform

and rules regarding jewellery. Please note that garments worn underneath should be unobtrusive (eg a

white vest under a white shirt).

Uniform List


• Long grey tailored trousers

• Grey skirt or pinafore dress

• White, red or grey shirt or collared t-shirt with short/long sleeves

• Red pullover/jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan (can be with or without school logo)

• White, grey or black socks or tights (red tights are also allowed, but no patterned tights please)

• Black sensible school shoes should be worn winter and summer

• Wellies for outdoor play

• Waterproof coat and trousers for outdoor play


• Short grey trousers as an option

• White, red or grey shirt

• White or grey socks

• Red/white check gingham dress is an option

• Red pullover/jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan

• Red sweatshirts printed with our school logo

PE List


Pair of pumps

Pair of black or navy shorts

Plain white t-shirt or with school logo

Leotards may also be worn


Black or navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms

Plain white t shirt or with school logo

Black or navy blue tracksuit top


All items should be plain. Football kits etc. are not acceptable.


In the interests of health and safety, the wearing of jewellery in school is NOT ALLOWED. If children have

pierced ears, then only small stud type earrings are acceptable.

Nail varnish should not be worn

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name




Thursday 31 st August INSET Day (School Closed)

Friday 1 st September INSET Day (School Closed)

Monday 4 th September School re-opens for children

Friday 20 th October School closes - Half Term

Monday 30 th October School re-opens for children

Tuesday 19 th December School closes - Christmas


Wednesday 3 rd January INSET Day (School Closed)

Thursday 4 th January School re-opens for children

Friday 9 th February School closes - Half Term

Monday 19 th February School re-opens for children

Friday 22 nd March School closes - Easter


Monday 8 th April School re-opens for children

Monday 6 th May School closed - May Day

Friday 24 th May School closes - Spring Bank

Monday 10 th June School re-opens for children

Tuesday 23 rd July School closes - End of Summer Term

Low Ash Primary School, Wrose Road, Wrose, Shipley BD18 1AA

Tel: 01274 582927 Email: office@lowash.bradford.sch.uk

Dear Parent/Carer

ParentPay Information

ParentPay allows payments for dinners, events and school visits to be made online using

a secure website which offers you the freedom to make payments 24 hours a day, 7 days

a week using the highest internet security available.

Payment can also be made through local convenience stores where you see the PayPoint

logo, the nearest one to school is the Coop on Wrose Road.

The reason for using this system is to eliminate cash and cheques being sent to school

and to create flexibility for busy parents to pay online.

New children will be issued with a letter giving their account details and a unique set of

activation codes when they start at Low Ash. Once the account is activated, online

payments can be made straight away. Please visit www.parentpay.com, click Login.

When you first login, you will be prompted to change these codes and create your own

secure username and password. Please call school if you have any problems. Once logged

in you will be able to merge accounts if you have more than one child.

Making payment is straightforward. Debit/Credit card details will not be stored in any

part of the system. ParentPay will keep an electronic record of your payments for your

reference. Cash payments can be made at local convenience stores displaying the

PayPoint logo, please contact the school office to request this option.

If you need any help with ParentPay please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you in

anticipation of your support.


Mrs B. Medhurst & Mrs F. Meer

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all children and expects staff and

volunteers to share this commitment.


Wrose Road, Shipley, BD18 1AA

Tel: 01274 582927


Email: office@lowash.bradford.sch.uk


Status Name Term of office

Chair of Governors Mrs E Lister July 2020 – July 2024

Vice Chair Mrs S Allport July 2021- July 2025

Co-Headteacher – ex officio

Co-Headteacher – ex officio

Mrs E Medhurst

Mrs F Meer

Staff Governor Mr D Hurst September 2020-September 2024

LA Governor Mrs S Abbasi April 2023 – April 2027

Parent Governor Miss C Jones January 2023- January 2027

Parent Governor Mrs H Derham July 2021 – July 2025

Co-opted Governor Mrs L Clark January 2023 – January 2027

Co-opted Governor Ms S Hardy July 2021 – July 2025

Clerk to Governors

Mrs S Giedrojt

General Data Protection Regulation GDPR

(Effective from 25 th May 2018)

Privacy Notice for Pupils and Families


Everybody has a right to have their personal information (data) kept confidential; this includes the

children who attend Low Ash Primary School and their families. The school recognises the importance of

protecting pupils’ and families’ privacy. These rights are also part of the law, the General Data Protection

Regulation (May 2018) which is a European Union regulation that the UK government has decided to keep

into the future.

Why does school have to issue this Privacy Statement?

Low Ash is classed as a ‘Data Processor’ because the school processes data, for example, it shares some

assessment data with the Department for Education (DfE) or the Local Authority. The school has some

internal systems, such as making sure that everyone is safe in school, so the school is also a ‘Data

Controller’. The law requires that we must keep personal information (data) confidential and secure. We

must also tell families about what data we keep, why and how we intend to keep it secure.

Why do we keep data?

The school uses data (personal information) for the following main reasons:

to record who is on the school roll (our admissions)

to record school attendance

to assess how well pupils are progressing and what help they might need to achieve more

to help keep children safe and healthy (protecting pupils’ welfare)

to make sure that we give equal treatment to all children

to arrange activities beyond the school day (after school clubs, for example)

The school receives this data, uses it, stores it and shares it with others on the legal basis of Public Task.

This means that the activities are tasks that school has to carry out.

The school will also ask families for consent to our using other data, such as photographs of pupils.

Keeping pupil and family information private

The school will make every effort to keep your information private. We will safely store paper records and

make sure that our computer systems are secure. We will work hard to:

prevent any data being lost

prevent any data being stolen

prevent data from being deleted inappropriately

prevent data from being seen by people who have no right to see it

prevent data being altered inappropriately

We make sure that our laptop and desktop computers and other portable devices are protected with

passwords and encryption. Our computer system is kept secure, the hard disks do not leave school. Staff

do not share passwords or leave equipment or paper records in vulnerable places. The school has a strict

policy on the use of mobile phones and cameras in school and at school events elsewhere.

To help keep children safe it is important that the adults looking after children in school know if there are

any health issues they have. Although we will share this information, we will only share it with people

who need to know it to keep your children safe and healthy.

Mrs Medhurst & Mrs Meer, as co-headteachers, are responsible for making sure all members of staff look

after pupils’ information. We have also appointed a Data Protection Officer, called My Adrian Stygall, who

advises and visits the school. He has been a Headteacher and now works for a company called

Safeguarding Monitor.

The Governing Body has a governor who is responsible for making sure pupil information is looked after

too. Their name is Emma Lister.

Pupils’ and Families’ Data

The sort of data that is personal and which should be kept private includes:

your children’s full names and addresses and your family details

anything to do with your children’s health and their safety

anything to do with your children’s religion (if you follow a religion) and their ethnicity

how they are getting on in school

The school will expect every family to play their part in protecting other people’s personal information (or

data) which is why we ask all the children in Key Stage 2 to follow our Acceptable Use Policy for computing

and using the internet. You have the right to have your data kept confidential and you have the duty to

maintain other people’s confidentiality.

What are your rights?

Parents and pupils have the following rights in relation to the processing of their personal data.

You have the right to:

be informed about how we use your personal data

request access to the personal data that we hold

request that your personal data is changed if it is inaccurate or incomplete

request that your personal data is erased where there is no compelling reason for its continued


request that the processing of your data is restricted

object to your personal data being processed

Where the processing of your data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent

at any time.

If you have a concern about the way Low Ash Primary School and/or the DfE is collecting or using your

personal data, you can raise a concern with the information Commissioner’s Officer (ICO). The ICO can be

contacted on 0303 123 1113, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.

Where can you find out more information?

If you would like to find out more information about how we and/or the DfE collect, use and store your

personal data, please visit our website.

The school might have to change this notice if there are changes to the law or if the school decides policy

changes are needed.

Free School Meals

If your child attends a tax-payer funded nursery or school, full time and in the Bradford district

you may be able to get Free School Meals.

Can I apply for free school meals?

You can apply for school meals if you receive:

Income Support

Income Based Jobseekers Allowance

Income Related Employment and Support Allowance

Child Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £16,190, provided you are not receiving

Working Tax Credit

the ‘Guaranteed’ element of the State Pension Credit

support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (you will need to apply

directly to the school or call the Education Service on 01274 439393)

Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax


Universal Credit with an annual net earned income threshold of less than £7,400

How to apply

You can apply online using our online form at


373215274. We can tell you straight away if you qualify. Please note, you may not be able to

apply online if you fall into these categories:

if your child attends a school outside the Bradford area - apply to the local authority

where the school is

if your child goes to Appleton Academy, Bradford Academy or a further education college

- contact the school to apply

for new communities people (such as asylum seekers) and for travellers – call the

Education Service on 01274 439393

School meals are free for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - why do I still need to


All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 get free school meals, but if you receive one of

the benefits from the list above you may also get help with:

the cost of residential school trips (speak to your school about this)

travel costs to school

school uniform costs (speak to your school about this)

council run music lessons at school

For each child registered for free school meals, schools receive a pupil premium of £1,300

(Primary schools) or £935 (Secondary schools) per year. This money is to help your child

achieve their best at school.

What if my circumstances change?

If your circumstances change or your child changes school you need to tell us as your

entitlement may change.

Contact details

Bradford Council

Call us: 01274 432772

Text message: 07786 208 100

Email: benefits@bradford.gov.uk

Write to us at:

Housing Benefits and Reductions

PO Box 1251



To help improve communication between school and parents/carers we use a service called ‘SchoolPing’.

SchoolPing is a free to download app which allows you to receive instant messages straight to your smartphone,

wherever you are. Whether you're at work, at home or on the go, all you need is an internet connection to stay upto-date

with all of the school's news. SchoolPing allows us to communicate quickly and securely with the option of

attaching documents, images and videos which can all be viewed within the app. If you do not have access to a

smartphone, you can also receive messages via email or by logging in to your account on the web.

The benefits of using SchoolPing:

• Complete consent/trip forms in seconds

• Messages will be delivered straight to your smartphone via the SchoolPing app

• Notifications will alert you to new messages, meaning you will never miss anything important

• It is free to download the SchoolPing app and it is available on iOS and Android devices

• You choose how to view your messages, whether it’s on your phone, tablet or computer

• See those special school moments with photos, videos, sound clips and documents, all viewable within the app

To use SchoolPing and issue your welcome invitation, we will require your email address. Please provide the name

and email address for each contact you would like to receive SchoolPing messages on the tear off slip below and

return it to the school office at your earliest convenience.

When you first login, you will be prompted to change these codes and create your own secure username and

password. Please call school if you have any problems.

If you need any help with SchoolPing, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Low Ash Primary School – SchoolPing Welcome Invitation

Child’s Name: _________________________________________

Class: ______________

Priority Contact One:

Parent/Carer Name:

Email Address:



Priority Contact Two:

Parent/Carer Name:

Email Address:



Signed: _________________________________ (Parent/Carer)

Date: __________________

Low Ash Primary School

Wrose Road, Wrose,

Shipley West Yorkshire, BD18 1AA

T: 01274 582927 F: 01274 586503

E: office@lowash.bradford.sch.uk

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