Low Ash News Summer 2023

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In this edition

• Year Group News

• Mental Health

• Farewell for summer

…and much more

Twitter and Facebook Year Group News!

Here is a selection of some Twitter and Facebook posts from some year groups from the

summer term.

Please click on the link to view all of the Facebook posts.

Low Ash Primary School | Bradford | Facebook

Art & DT at Low Ash

Just like every other term this year, we have been super busy doing a range of different

things within our Art and DT curriculum. We have continued to work in our own

sketchbooks to practise skills and prepare for a full three days of Art and DT at the end of

every half term. There was a buzz around school as it was clear in every classroom just how

much the children enjoyed it and were thriving. Our Year 6 children also had the

opportunity to contribute towards the Shipley Arts Festival – they greatly enjoyed creating

their letter.

Sport at Low Ash

It has been a fantastic year for sport at Low Ash Primary with lots of children taking part in

lots of different sports, with lots of successes.

Recently our Under 11s boys went to the Bradford Schools’ football finals at Horsfall

Stadium. 14 schools took part with each school playing against each other twice. Each game

played was extremely close and the league table was changing constantly throughout the

day. It went down to the final game with Low Ash needing a win to win the league. The

boys gave the last game everything they had and managed to win the game convincingly.

This meant they were the Bradford Schools Under 11s Champions!

We also had children taking part in the Under 9s girls & boys, West Yorkshire cricket finals,

at Pudsey St Lawrence. Some of our children went to the John Charles Sports Centre to

compete in the West Yorkshire Panathlon finals and we had an Under 11s girls’ football

team compete in the Bradford schools football finals.

We hope everybody has had a fantastic year, we have had lots of children across KS1 take

part in a variety of sports and we are extremely proud of what they have achieved.

School Environment

We have been extremely busy during the summer terms getting our inner garden looking

fantastic. Lots of the children along with Mr Brook have worked tirelessly in after school

clubs and during our fantastic Friday sessions to complete the project. The children have

gained great experience and knowledge while creating our nurture garden and we now

have some very keen gardeners on our hands. There is a wide variety of different plants in

the garden to attract wildlife into the area. We have our very own vegetable patch that has

already provided food for our Rethink food stall. But most of all, we feel that we have

created a peaceful space for children to have their sensory needs stimulated. Mr Brook

could not wait to get back from the school holidays last half term to see if his tomatoes had

ripened. A special thanks goes to Wrose Parish Council for all their support in creating the

perfect area for our students to enjoy.

Healthy Schools Week

We had a hectic week towards the end of this half term for Healthy Schools Week. It was

amazing to see so many parents/carers come to support their children on their Sports Days.

All the children had the opportunity to participate in lots of different events and get into

the competitive spirit. Many staff commented on how lovely it was to see different year

groups showing each other support and encouragement. We really do have great

sportsmanship attitudes here at Low Ash. Also during the week, we had many visitors

talking about jobs related to physical activity or mental health. Some children also visited a

local cricket ground and climbing wall as well as took part in crown green bowling and

football at Goals.

Trips & Residentials

This half-term, from April 17 th - April 19 th , Year 5 went on a fantastic school residential to

Nell Bank. The Nell Bank staff were very pleased to see us on the first day and greeted us

with welcoming, warm smiles. We were sorted into our dorms and then immediately got to

the very interesting activities. We then took part in a seven mile walk which all pupils

enjoyed very much and Sam from Nell Bank said, “This is one of our best year groups and

they completed the walk very quickly and with no moaning.” The students who attended

this very exquisite trip enjoyed the ice creams that we ate after the walk.

We interviewed the staff members from Low Ash that went on the school residential and

this is what they said. “The behaviour was more than excellent and we are very pleased

that the Nell Bank staff thought so too.” We also interviewed some children who attended

this school trip and Freya in 5H said, “My favourite activity was the duck challenge, where

we had to fill up a tube, that had holes in, with water.” All in all, the children and staff from

Low Ash had a brilliant time.

To end their final year with us here at Low Ash, Year 6 went on a five-day residential to the

Yorkshire Dales activity centre Peat Rigg. The children had an exceptional time when

completing a range of diverse activities many that they had never experienced before.

These included: canoeing, abseiling, mountain biking and even caving this year. When

reflecting around the campfire on what were their best moments, many simply could not

choose and said, “Just everything. It has been beyond anything I expected.”

The facilities and environment are conducive to develop skills which will be advantageous

at secondary school. Here are some of the comments from our year 6 pupils.

“The food was incredible from bacon and breakfast to cookie and hot chocolate before


“It has been the best week ever and I don’t want to go home.”

Miss Henry said, “I have loved watching the children encouraging each other, facing their

fears, seeing their social skills develop and watching them being the fantastic Low Ash

pupils they are.” She continued, “I didn’t even want to come home because Peat Rigg is by

far the best residential I have ever been on and just one of the most amazing places I’ve

been. We think it was the best way for the children to end their Low Ash journey.”

The children who did not attend Peat Rigg had a fantastic week doing equally fun activities.

They went to various places including Fountains Abbey and Clip and Climb. Then at school

they even got to bake their own cookies - so it was a brilliant week for all of Year 6.

Stay and Play OPAL

We were delighted this term for you to see how amazing our OPAL breaktimes and

lunchtimes are. We are sure all that attended would agree it was a very successful day and

the children were thrilled to be able to show the parents/carers all the fantastic

opportunities and resources they have in the playground. We noticed that many of our

children were keen for their adults to get stuck in themselves and we even saw a few

parent/carer vs children scooter races!

Rethink Food

For most of this year since we introduced Rethink Food. We have run our own business

selling food on Fridays after school. This has been hugely successful and given the children

first-hand experience of running a business and taught them lots of new skills. We hope to

open back up and continue our venture in the new school year.


To celebrate the King’s Coronation, every year group had the opportunity to come off time

table and participate in a range of different activities. The children loved having a tea party

with classic British grub and sat proudly with their crowns on their heads.

May Day Parade

Thank you to all the parents/carers who came down to support us on our Early Years May

Day Parade. It was so lovely to see the children dressed up in their outfits and see their

smiling faces as we celebrated the traditional springtime festival.

Wrose Carnival

Many of our children played their part in the parade or in the choir that entertained the

large crowds at this lovely local event.

Farewell Year 6

Since we are now at the end of the year, it means it is time to say a final

goodbye to our Year 6 students. They have been a truly fantastic year group and

we are so sad to see them go. However, we know they are beyond ready to

move on to their next adventures in secondary school. We wish all our Year 6

students the best in their futures and we know they will continue to excel in

their studies. But most of all we want to say, ‘Keep being the amazing people

you are.’ We hope to hear from them in the years to come and we will miss

them greatly.

Online Safety

What is TikTok? Is it appropriate for children? As TikTok is becoming much

more popular and children will be spending more time on their devices over

the summer we have been discussing it in this term’s Online Safety section of

Low Ash News.

TikTok is a video-sharing, social media app

available on iOS and Android devices which lets

users create, share and view user-created videos

in a much similar manner to Facebook, Instagram

and Snapchat.

Its main draw, however, is that users can

record and upload bite-sized looping

videos of themselves lip-syncing and

dancing to popular music or soundbites,

often for comedic effect. This can then be

further enhanced with filters, emojis and


Need to know information

On the iOS store,

TikTok is listed as

12+. On the Google

PlayStore, it is rated

as ‘Parental


Recommended’. This

means that no

children at our

school should be

using this app.

TikTok provides the

opportunity for

in-app extras called

‘TikTok coins’. These

range in price from

99p for 100 coins to

£93.99 for 10,000

coins! In the iOS

version of the app,

you can disable coin


As a social network, TikTok

makes it easy to connect with

other users through

commenting and reacting to

their videos, following their

profile and downloading their

content. Be aware that, by

default, all profiles are set to

public. Also, due to the

abundance of young users,

TikTok is prone to online


Mental Health

We all want to support our children to open up and speak

about how they feel but it can be really difficult to know how to

start these conversations. This is a website with some helpful



These organisations may be helpful if you have any concerns for your child’s wellbeing:

Young Minds


Parents Forum Bradford & Airedale





If a young person is experiencing a mental health crisis and needs support, they

can text Young Minds Crisis Messenger for free. This is a 24/7 support service.


It is free and confidential to text from EE, O2, Three and Vodafone.

Thank You

Many thanks to our fabulous Low Ash News team for their dedication in producing our

excellent Low Ash News - many of whom will take the skills gained with them to their

secondary school. Thank you to all parents and carers in supporting all the Low Ash children

in being ‘the best that they can be’. Have a wonderful summer.

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