NJR Digital is an online magazine created to Uplift, Motivate, and Encourage you on your journey. This month's cover artist is The Journeys. We also have Joy Holden as our Showcase Gold artist and The Williamsons as our Back2Back Cover artist this month. Enjoy this month's recipes from the Cajun Crooner and Reflections from Mayberry. The contributing writers have some real heart felt messages to encourage you along the way. Enjoy!

NJR Digital is an online magazine created to Uplift, Motivate, and Encourage you on your journey. This month's cover artist is The Journeys. We also have Joy Holden as our Showcase Gold artist and The Williamsons as our Back2Back Cover artist this month. Enjoy this month's recipes from the Cajun Crooner and Reflections from Mayberry. The contributing writers have some real heart felt messages to encourage you along the way. Enjoy!


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The Journeys<br />

ISSUE 16, September 2023<br />

<strong>Back</strong> to <strong>Back</strong> <strong>Issue</strong><br />

<strong>Back</strong>2<strong>Back</strong> Cover Artist<br />

Showcase Gold Artists<br />



NJR Digital<br />

Power<br />

Picks<br />

Southbound - Somebody Testify<br />

Scotty Inman - Anywhere Jesus Is<br />

Small Town Sunday -<br />

That’s What I Like About Sundays<br />

Todd Tilghman - Still to Come<br />

Kingdom Heirs - I’m Forgiven<br />

02<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

“Everybody has a story. You really<br />

don’t know what everyone is going<br />

through,” I listened to my mom say<br />

tonight while in the rehab facility.<br />

My mom had surgery on August 7<br />

which elevated her already failing<br />

liver. Since August 7, she has been in<br />

the hospital recovering from surgery<br />

to rehab back to ICU with sepsis<br />

fighting for her life back to rehab<br />

regaining her strength to walk again.<br />

For the last month, we have gone<br />

through a lot so the August magazine<br />

was not published. So in this issue<br />

you will get 2 for 1 in our <strong>Back</strong> 2 <strong>Back</strong><br />

issue.<br />

Be encouraged as in the pages of this<br />

magazine you will be uplifted and<br />

motivated to press on and enjoy the<br />

journey.<br />

We don’t know what others are<br />

facing, but we do have a God who<br />

said He would never leave us nor<br />

Bobby Richardson, Editor<br />

forsake us. He tells us that He would<br />

stick closer than a brother. We just<br />

have to trust that He has our best<br />

interest at heart and He is looking out<br />

for us.<br />

My mom has had a lot of heartache<br />

over the last several years.<br />

Loneliness is a bad place to be, but<br />

Jesus tells us that He is near to the<br />

broken hearted.<br />

03 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />


TABLE OF<br />

C O N T E N T S<br />

09<br />

The Journeys<br />

Cover Artist<br />

14<br />

Joy Holden<br />

Showcase Gold<br />

38<br />

The Williamsons<br />

<strong>Back</strong>2<strong>Back</strong> Cover Artist<br />

03<br />

From the Editor's Pen<br />

Bobby Richardson<br />

10<br />

Joy For the Journey<br />

by KristeNicole (Godly Woman)<br />

12<br />

The Cajun Crooner Recipe 1<br />

17<br />

From the Pastor‘s Desk<br />

by Bobby Richardson<br />

22<br />

Heartsong<br />

by Amy Richardson<br />

34<br />

The Cajun Crooner Recipe 2<br />

35<br />

Is This the Best I Have to Offer?<br />

by Elise Ingle<br />

42<br />

Reflections From Mayberry<br />

by Donna Journey<br />

E S T . 2 0 2 2<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong><br />

www.newjourneyradio.com/NJR-digital-magazine<br />

129 Henry Road<br />

Columbus, MS 39702<br />

Phone: 662-223-3234<br />

Email: office@richardsonllc.org<br />

Facebook: @richardsonmmg<br />

Business Operations & Advertising:<br />

Amy Richardson - amy@richardsonllc.org<br />

Bobby Richardson - richardsonmmg@gmail.com<br />

Austin Richardson - office@richardsonllc.org<br />

19 & 29<br />

NJR Top 30<br />

Staff Writers:<br />

Donna Journey, Vickie Burleson, Elise Ingle,<br />

KristeNicole, Greg Sullivan, Amy Richardson<br />

Thanks to:<br />

Aaron Crisler<br />

and Cerci Communications<br />

Graphics: Pictures in stories used by permission.<br />

20 & 30<br />

Faith Country Top 30<br />

© 2 0 2 3 N J R D i g i t a l a d i v i s i o n o f R i c h a r d s o n M a n a g e m e n t S e r v i c e s , L L C . A l l r i g h t s<br />

r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f t h i s m a g a z i n e m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d o r t r a n s m i t t e d i n a n y f o r m o r b y<br />

a n y m e a n s e l e c t r o n i c , m e c h a n i c a l , p h o t o c o p y , r e c o r d i n g o r a n y o t h e r w i t h o u t w r i t t e n<br />

p e r m i s s i o n f r o m t h e p u b l i s h e r o f N J R D i g i t a l . P a r t s o f t h i s m a g a z i n e r e a d ‘ l i v e ’ o n t h e<br />

a i r i s a l l o w e d w i t h o u t p r i o r w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n b y n o t i n g t h e s o u r c e o f i n f o r m a t i o n .

05<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

(404) 210-5478<br />

chsexton@mindspring.com<br />

sweetcreekpromotions.com<br />

06 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Cover Artist of the Month<br />

September 2023<br />

The Journeys<br />

piano and noticed Ben putting<br />

chords together and playing along as<br />

she sang with him. The Journeys<br />

continued to pray and seek God's will<br />

for Ben's life.<br />

The Journeys are a Gospel singing<br />

group who travel and share their<br />

testimonies about raising a child with<br />

Autism. Donna, has traveled and sang<br />

with her family and other groups<br />

most of her life. She and Greg were<br />

married in 1991 and 3 years later God<br />

blessed them with a son, Ben.<br />

At the early age of 2 1/2 , Ben was<br />

diagnosed with Autism. They were<br />

devastated by the diagnosis and<br />

were told by doctors that Ben would<br />

not be able to communicate with<br />

them and would have a difficult time<br />

socializing and communicating with<br />

others.<br />

“The "journey" has been a long and<br />

challenging one but God has blessed<br />

us and blessed Ben with amazing<br />

skills to not only play piano and<br />

keyboard for the group but also<br />

guitar, electric guitar, and he is<br />

learning to play banjo,” says Donna.<br />

Ben is an amazing young man. God<br />

has already done such miracles in his<br />

life.<br />

The Journeys have been traveling<br />

and sharing their music and<br />

testimonies for over 10 years and<br />

have been amazed at the blessings<br />

God has given them. “We look<br />

forward to seeing where God sends<br />

As Ben grew they both noticed that<br />

Ben was fascinated with music and<br />

any type of musical instrument. They<br />

fostered that interest by getting Ben<br />

instruments to play. Donna plays<br />

piano and showed Ben chords on the<br />

07<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

us in the future and pray He opens<br />

many doors for us to share our story<br />

about raising a child with Autism.<br />

When you have the Journeys at your<br />

church, they will tell the story of Ben<br />

giving His life to the Lord. This is a heart<br />

wrenching story and one you will be<br />

blessed to hear. God can do anything as<br />

long as we have a heart to receive.<br />

Ben is not only talented in music, he is<br />

an artist as well. Ben enjoys painting .<br />

He is such an inspiration. Without<br />

Christ there is NO hope but with Christ<br />

the possibilities are endless!”<br />

The Journeys were recently in the studio<br />

working on their newest project at<br />

Chapel Valley and it was remarked, “Ben<br />

makes us smile. There’s one thing that’s<br />

certain when this family is making<br />

music… there’s a humble spirit of pure<br />

worship!”<br />

The Journeys have a new Christmas CD<br />

out entitled “Christmas with The<br />

Journeys”. Pick up a copy and maybe<br />

some of that great artwork that the Lord<br />

has blessed Ben to do.<br />

If you would like to have The Journeys at<br />

one of your future events, give Donna a<br />

call or contact her through Facebook.<br />

Phone: (336) 710-3851<br />

Facebook: The Journeys Page<br />

Email: djourney1@surry.net<br />

Website: www.thejourneysgospel.org<br />

08<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

For just as in one body we have many members, but all<br />

the members do not have the same function, in the<br />

same way we who are many are one body in Christ, and<br />

individually members of one another . Romans 12:4–5<br />

CHURCH<br />

09<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />

2103 Jess Lyons Road<br />

Columbus, MS

y<br />

Joy In The Journey<br />

I recently had a very big decision to make that involved many details to<br />

complete. Knowing it was on the horizon, I prayed in depth about what the<br />

best God honoring option to take would be. I really struggled with this<br />

particular decision because I never want to waste any resources God has<br />

given me. I only want what He wants for me and my life. I know from life<br />

experience that what He wants for me will be way better than anything I<br />

could ever want for myself. After much thought and prayer, I decided to go<br />

with the opportunity I felt God had placed in front of me. Someone once<br />

told me that whenever you make a decision, stand on it and don’t look back<br />

or second guess yourself – take the plunge! After making the decision to<br />

move forward with the opportunity at hand, it felt as if all the little details,<br />

that had been stressing me out, fell right into place and melted away.<br />

10<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

So why did I have to struggle so hard In order to find joy in our journey we<br />

www.kristenicoleent.com<br />

11 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> before all of that would happen? If you must start by changing our focus.<br />

ask me, I believe I was being reminded<br />

not to focus on the nitty gritty details But How? I’m so glad you asked!<br />

that I so easily get caught up in, but<br />

instead focus on the Heavenly Father,<br />

lean into Him, and find joy in the<br />

journey.<br />

#1.) We Must Slow Down - Isaiah 40:31<br />

#2.) Seek The Kingdom of God –<br />

Matthew 6:33<br />

#3.) Practice Gratitude – Ephesians 5:20<br />

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “For everything<br />

there is a season, and a time for every<br />

matter under Heaven.”<br />

Proverbs 17:22 says, “A joyful heart is<br />

good medicine, but a crushed spirit<br />

dries up the bones.”<br />

The truth is, we all go through “stuff”.<br />

Life happens to us more times than not.<br />

Many of us have decisions, both large<br />

Seeking joy in the journey not only<br />

leads us to joy, but changes our hearts.<br />

and small, that we must make. A joyful heart, no matter what your<br />

Sometimes it can be a struggle when we<br />

just don’t know what to do and we feel<br />

situation or circumstance might be, will<br />

change your perspective and attitude.<br />

like our prayers are hitting the ceiling. If<br />

this is your situation, I want to Finding joy in your day-to-day living is<br />

encourage you to keep doing what you<br />

know to do. Keep seeking, keep praying,<br />

and most importantly, keep listening.<br />

of utmost importance in building a<br />

Godly Woman legacy. So, today and<br />

every day, choose to find joy in the<br />

journey.<br />

Finding joy in the journey can feel<br />

exhausting at times. However, we must<br />

decide every day, every hour, and<br />

sometimes, every minute, to chooe to<br />

seek joy no matter what our<br />

circumstances look or feel like. To be<br />

who the Heavenly Father has created us<br />

to be, we must grow – grow a lot. The<br />

longer we walk with Him, the better<br />

picture we have of how God has grown<br />

us and carried us from glory to glory<br />

Audio Version<br />

Joy For the Journey<br />

by KristeNicole<br />


Cooking With<br />

the<br />

Cajun Crooner<br />

Roasted Chicken and Vegetables<br />

Ingredients: 6 chicken legs, potatoes, onions, broccoli, carrots, green beans<br />

1.) Cut potatoes, carrots and onions as preferred, put into bowl.<br />

2.) Pour two tablespoons of your preferred oil over the vegetables and mix.<br />

3.) Perform steps 1 and 2 for the broccoli and green beans, season as you wish and set aside.<br />

3.) Place vegetables and chicken legs on flat pan and season as you wish.<br />

4.) Bake in oven on 425 degrees for 20 minutes.<br />

5.) Remove from oven.<br />

6.) Add broccoli and green beans.<br />

7.) Return to oven and bake another 20-25 minutes.<br />

And the Lord said, "Here, I have given you every plant whose seed can be sown which is upon the face of all the earth,<br />

and every tree which has the fruit whose seed can be sown, for you it shall be to eat.”<br />

This devotion in a devotion of THANKS!!!<br />

I am so grateful that I grew up in a family of farmers. I was taught to hunt, fish and grow gardens. I am very thankful<br />

how God has blessed me. He has given me a heritage that has taught me how to survive and flourish on the earth. I<br />

learned to work the land and live off God’s abundance that He has given to me and my family. He has never let me<br />

down!!!<br />

Until next time, BON APPETIT!!<br />

The grass withers, the flower fades, but<br />

the word of our God will stand forever.<br />

Isaiah 40:8<br />

12<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Coming to<br />

Atlanta, GA!<br />

13<br />

Don’t miss this Artist Line Up!<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

NJR Artist<br />

Showcase Gold<br />

JOY HOLDEN is a Christian singersongwriter<br />

and producer from<br />

Spartanburg, SC. She has a dynamic and<br />

powerful voice, and her live<br />

performance can be described as one<br />

preacher put it, a high energy anointing!<br />

Her great enthusiasm for JESUS is<br />

simply contagious! Joy’s musical style is<br />

Southern Gospel with a progressive<br />

vocal edge.<br />

No matter what you call it, Joy states,<br />

"it's the music God gave me, I will play<br />

whatever HE calls me to do to bring<br />

people to Jesus.” As with any genre - the<br />

key to reaching people is an abundant<br />

list of great songs and an authentic<br />

heart for ministry and she has both. She<br />

says, my genre is "Jesus."<br />

Joy Holden Music<br />

Booking or Info:<br />

email: info@joyholden.com<br />

National Booking Agency:<br />

BrioLive Entertainment<br />

http://www.briolive.com<br />

Abby Lee Carter<br />

704 467-5397<br />

abby@briolive.com<br />

14<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Joy Holden Releases New Performance Video,<br />

Broken To Beautiful<br />

Executive Christian Industry Music Veteran, Dusty Wells, states, " I absolutely love<br />

this song, what heart and soul!" Long time and highly sought after Radio Promoter,<br />

Jeff O'Neal adds, "Broken to Beautiful is a great song, a great vocal, I love it! Joy's a<br />

wonderful songwriter!" We are all excited to see how this powerful song will inspire<br />

others.<br />

Scripture reads, "The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves those crushed in<br />

spirit.” Psalm 34:18<br />

This song is very special and has a heartwarming message of deep connection. Joy<br />

stated, "none of us are worthy; but we are so loved and God's grace qualifies the<br />

unqualified to able. I'm in awe of his love and desire to a have a personal relationship<br />

with a sinner like me. In good times and bad times Jesus is always there for us."<br />

From the multi-award nominated and award-winning Christian Artist. Recorded on<br />

location, at Daywind Studio A in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Broken to Beautiful -<br />

Joy A. Holden, Mud Creek Road Music (BMI) "Sometimes life cuts us down, it leaves<br />

us shattered, and torn, but soon, there’s glory all around. Broken to beautiful that’s<br />

who you are. Unqualified to able, he bears the scars. Unworthy to holy, this is your<br />

song Anointed by his blood, he’ll right the wrong (You’re) broken to beautiful, broken<br />

to beautiful, Broken to beautiful - Beautiful strong."<br />

Cerci Communications, searcy42@gmail.com<br />

15<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>


WITH US<br />

16<br />

All Natural Products<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />

Amy Richardson<br />

Beauty Influencer<br />


Psalm 46:10, is a popular comforting<br />

passage.<br />

Many tend to think this verse means<br />

to rest or relax in who God is. This<br />

verse does encourage us to reflect, to<br />

think on God's goodness and on who<br />

God is, but there is more to this<br />

psalm than one verse—and verse 10<br />

is actually more of a wake-up call to<br />

be in awe than a gentle call to rest.<br />

Taking time out of our day to<br />

meditate on Scripture and be silent<br />

with listening ears toward God is<br />

mentioned in other sections of<br />

Scripture (Psalm 119:15, Joshua 1:8,<br />

Luke 5:16, and others).<br />

But this command—“Be still…”—is<br />

written in the context of a time of<br />

trouble and war; therefore, we should<br />

consider the verse with that in mind.<br />


“Be still<br />

and know<br />

that I am<br />

God”<br />

“Be still and know that I am God” calls<br />

us to take time to pause and reflect. It<br />

reminds us that God is STILL in<br />

control no matter what happens in<br />

our lives. Taking time to be still and<br />

connect with our faith, we can find<br />

peace even amidst the chaos of life.<br />

We can take a moment to be thankful<br />

for what we have and remember that<br />

our trials are part of God’s plan. We<br />

can also use this time to pray and ask<br />

God for guidance and strength. Being<br />

still isn’t always easy, but it can be<br />

enriching if we take time to be<br />

thankful and remember that God is<br />

always with us. Instead of<br />

interpreting “be still” as a gentle<br />

suggestion, the meaning in this psalm<br />

leans more to: “cease striving” or<br />

“stop,” and more specifically, to,<br />

“stop fighting,” which is directed<br />

toward the enemies of the people of<br />

God.<br />

17<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

To put more simply, ‘snap out of it,’ ‘wake up,’ ‘stop<br />

fearing’—acknowledge who your God is—be in awe!<br />

I am in awe of what God is doing, and of what He has<br />

done. The last several months have been taxing,<br />

consuming and overwhelming. My mom has battled<br />

health issues for years. She has liver disease. Here's<br />

the kicker...she was scammed and lost everything,<br />


We have been consumed with my mom's health<br />

issues, financial affairs and more. Amy has taken<br />

this head on and is a mighty warrior. Encouraging<br />

me and standing all the while becoming weary<br />

herself.<br />

“Be still and know that I am God”.<br />

I've heard people say many times, "God's got this." I<br />

believe that, because when I feel that this has<br />

gotten the best of me. I know that "God's got this,<br />

and that means He's got me!<br />

To worry is not<br />

to believe.<br />

To believe is not<br />

to worry.<br />

18 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> Pastor Bobby Ricardson

A U G U S T , 2 0 2 3<br />

1 Joseph Habedank - The Basement<br />

2 Brian Free & Assurance - That's Why We Pray<br />

3 Scotty Inman - Anywhere Jesus Is<br />

4 Lefevre Quartet - Nobody Like Jesus<br />

5 Edwards Family - Worth It<br />

6 Kristen Nicole - When Jesus Spoke<br />

7 Todd Tilghman - Still to Come<br />

8 The Guardians - He Grew the Tree<br />

9 The Pylant Family - The Other Side<br />

10 The Williamsons - In the Precious Blood of the Lamb<br />

11 Wes Hampton - On and On<br />

12 Southbound - Somebody Testify<br />

13 8th Street - Lovin' Every Minute of It<br />

14 Small Town Sunday - That's What I Love About Sundays<br />

15 The Browders - I'm Not My Own<br />

16 Phillips Family - When I See You<br />

17 Kingdom Heirs - I'm Forgiven<br />

18 The Steeles - Braggin' on Jesus<br />

19 The Meadows - Praying People<br />

20 Karen Peck & New River - Dance<br />

21 The Erwins - Still Telling My Story<br />

22 Zane and Donna King - Can't Go So Wrong<br />

23 Triumphant Quartet - Evidence<br />

24 The Perrys - I Think I'll Just Go On<br />

25 Greater Vision - Think About There<br />

26 Greg Sullivan - All You Need is Jesus<br />

27 The Journeys - Hold on, Jesus Will Come<br />

28 Jackson Heights - Basics of Life<br />

29 Chronicle - Ain't No Grave Situation<br />

30 Rivers Edge - Taking Galilee By Storm<br />

24 / 7<br />

19<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

FaithCountry<br />

A U G U S T , 2 0 2 3<br />

1 Todd Tilghman - Still to Come<br />

2 8th Street - Lovin' Every Minute of It<br />

3 Scotty Inman - Anywhere Jesus Is<br />

4 Small Town Sunday - That's What I Love About Sundays<br />

5 Ashley Eden - He'll Make a Way<br />

6 Fortner Brothers 4 Christ - Numbered<br />

7 Kristen Nicole - When Jesus Spoke<br />

8 Carolina - What Does It Profit a Man<br />

9 Cody Hamm - Revival is Now<br />

10 Hinson Family - Preacher Man<br />

11 Mary Burke - If Heaven Had a Door<br />

12 The Shepherds - Overcomer<br />

13 Troy Burns Family - Never Have to Wonder<br />

14 Joy Holden - Broke to Beautiful<br />

15 Kevin Kappler - Have Us Some Church<br />

16 Matt Hill - Good Jesus<br />

17 Tim Menzies - Sanding Off the Edges<br />

18 Jordan Family Band - In God's Time<br />

19 Jeff & Sheri Easter ft. Mo Pitney - Here Comes Jesus<br />

20 Clint Brown & Sonya Isaacs - When I Get Were I'm Going<br />

21 Nathan Woodard - Jesus In a Faded Ford<br />

22 Billy Walker - Gospel Truth<br />

23 Sonny Clardy - Prayer Changes Things<br />

24 Becky Isaacs Bowman - Way Up on the Mountain<br />

25 Matthews Family - Amazed by Grace<br />

26 Chris Jones - Moving On<br />

27 Lisa Daggs - That's the Kind of Love<br />

28 McBride Family - My Shepherd<br />

29 Don Stiles - He's to Blame<br />

30 The Sound - All Things<br />

20<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Studio 115A<br />

McKay Project<br />

Your Musical Journey Starts Here!<br />

21<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong><br />

www.studio115a.com<br />

662.889.2829<br />


Amy Richardson<br />

I wrote a song called “Send Me”. The song<br />

starts out, “So many times we wonder if God<br />

is really real. Does He really fight my battles?<br />

Does He even know how I feel?”<br />

So many times we can get caught up in what<br />

the world wants from us. We can get caught<br />

up in the daily struggles of life. I’ve heard the<br />

statement so many times that all they think<br />

about is themselves. Well, don’t we? It’s hard<br />

to look through our eyes of compassion when<br />

we have the weight of the world on our<br />

shoulders.<br />

So what do we do? We look to the Word of<br />

God. Matthew 11:28-30 tells us to “Come to<br />

Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,<br />

and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon<br />

you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and<br />

lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your<br />

souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is<br />

light”<br />

Come - Most of the time, we are looking to<br />

the future. God tells us to “Come to Him”.<br />

That is present tense.<br />

Take - We must open our minds and hearts to<br />

the current situation. When we are worried<br />

about future events, we can’t take on<br />

something else if other things are in our<br />

hands or mind.<br />

Learn - Forgetting what is behind, I press<br />

forward to what is ahead. It’s like a child<br />

coming to the Father and he helps with the<br />

load we are carrying and we learn how to<br />

handle things better.<br />

Rest - Once we do these things, we will be<br />

able to rest in the Lord and face whatever<br />

situation is ahead of us. The load gets easier.<br />

We can’t wallow in self pity and self doubt.<br />

because there is a world out there that needs<br />

us. The song goes on to say, “Well, there are<br />

souls to be delivered and broken hearts to<br />

mend. Will we go when we hear the words,<br />

‘Whom shall I send’?”<br />

Amy<br />

Hey! I just want you to know<br />

22<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>




23 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> 4:00 pm-6:00 pm


Mayberry Mornings with Donna<br />

24 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> 6-8am Mon & Fri (CST)<br />


Mondays and Wednesdays<br />

@ 6:00pm CST<br />

Mondays and Wednesdays<br />

@ 8:00pm CST<br />

Thursdays 8-10pm (CST)<br />

25 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

ISSUE<br />

YOU<br />

on your journey!<br />

28<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>


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27<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

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28 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

J U L Y , 2 0 2 3<br />

1 Karen Peck & New River - Dance<br />

2 The Pylant Family - The Other Side<br />

3 Joseph Habedank - The Basement<br />

4 The Hinson Family - Preacher Man<br />

5 Brian Free & Assurance - That's Why We Pray<br />

6 Steeles - Braggin' on Jesus<br />

7 Scotty Inman - Anywhere Jesus Is<br />

8 Phillips Family - When I See You<br />

9 Lefevre Quartet - Nobody Like You<br />

10 Todd Tilghman - Still To Come<br />

11 Wes Hampton - On and On<br />

12 Edwards Family - Worth It<br />

13 Kristen Nicole - When Jesus Spoke<br />

14 Guardians - He Grew the Tree<br />

15 Williamsons - In The Precious Blood Of The Lamb<br />

16 Down East Boys - Love Worth Dying For<br />

17 8th Street - Lovin Every Minute Of It<br />

18 Zane & Donna King - Can't Go So Wrong<br />

19 The Meadows - Praying People<br />

20 Small Town Sunday - That's What I Love About Sunday<br />

21 Ashley Franks - Waiting On You<br />

22 Billy Walker - Gospel Truth<br />

23 Kevin Kappler - Have Us Some Church<br />

24 Browders - I'm Not My Own<br />

25 The Journeys - Hold On, Jesus Will Come<br />

26 Troy Burns Family - Never Have To Wonder<br />

27 Purpose - I've Just Touched Jesus<br />

28 Greg Sullivan - All You Need Is Jesus<br />

29 Clint Brown & Sonya Isaacs - When I Get Where I'm Going<br />

30 The Erwins - Still Telling My Story<br />

24 / 7<br />

29<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

FaithCountry<br />

J U L Y , 2 0 2 3<br />

1 Scotty Inman - Anywhere Jesus Is<br />

2 Hinson Family - Preacher Man<br />

3 Todd Tilghman - Still To Come<br />

4 Kristen Nicole - When Jesus Spoke<br />

5 Caroling - What Does It Profit A Man<br />

6 Cody Hamm - Revival Is Now<br />

7 8th Street - Lovin Every Minute Of It<br />

8 Zane & Donna King - Can't Go So Wrong<br />

9 Emily Ann Roberts - Chickens<br />

10 Chris Jones - Moving On<br />

11 Fortner Brothers 4 Christ - Numbered<br />

12 Small Town Sunday - That's What I Love About Sunday<br />

13 Ashley Eden - He'll Make A Way<br />

14 McBride Family - My Shepherd<br />

15 Kevin Kappler - Have Us Some Church<br />

16 Dawn Rix - Worlds Collide<br />

17 Melody Aires - Resurrection Power<br />

18 Lisa Daggs - That's The Kind Of Love<br />

19 Mary Burk - If Heaven Had A Door<br />

20 Emily Roberts - Like Mama Tried<br />

21 Troy Burns Family - Never Have To Wonder<br />

22 Jordan Family Band - Like Daddy Did<br />

23 Matt Hill - Good Jesus<br />

24 Troy Ervin - Dad Was My Hero<br />

25 Chosen 4:13 - I've Got Something To Praise God For<br />

26 Michael Lee - Ain't That Just Like Jesus<br />

27 Authentic Unlimited - Thank You Lord For Grace<br />

28 Caleb Howard - Bring It All<br />

29 Clint Brown & Sonya Isaacs - When I Get Where I'm Going<br />

30 Nathan Woodard - Jesus I'm A Faded Ford<br />

30<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Mary<br />

Burke<br />

Ministries<br />

Thanks DJs for<br />

playing my<br />

new release<br />

If Heaven Had a Door<br />

I Talk to God Album<br />

maryburkeonline.com<br />

Be listening for these great<br />

songs from our DJs out to radio.<br />

Pylant Family - The Other Side<br />

Cheri Taylor - Marking Me<br />

Chris Jones - Moving On<br />

Melissa Evans - Tear off the Roof<br />

The Journey's - Hold On, Jesus Will Come<br />

Greg<br />

Sullivan<br />

Ministries<br />

All You Need Is Jesus<br />

31<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The <strong>Back</strong> Story: From<br />

Victim to Victory, is an inspiring memoir filled<br />

with faith and a powerful message. Authored by<br />

Sharon Laubenstein, a native of Illinois and a<br />

board-certified nurse practitioner with a Doctor<br />

of Nursing Practice degree, this book is a<br />

testament to her resilience and journey<br />

towards healing. Together with her husband,<br />

she cherishes their family of six children and<br />

precious grandchildren.<br />

In this memoir, Laubenstein bravely shares her<br />

experiences of enduring abuse at the hands of a<br />

loved one—whether physical, sexual, or<br />

emotional—and the profound impact it had on<br />

her life from a young age. As she grew older, her<br />

struggles with anxiety, depression, fear, and<br />

shame only intensified. However, amidst the<br />

darkness, she found solace in her faith, knowing<br />

that even during the toughest times, she was<br />

not forgotten or abandoned by God. At crucial<br />

moments, the right people came into her life,<br />

helping her navigate the negative emotions and<br />

perceive God in a new light.<br />




615-474-8673<br />

32<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Outside of Southern Gospel, I am a fan of Crooner music. Sinatra,<br />

Fitzgerald, Martin and Nat King Cole. I want to honor one of my<br />

favorites, Mr Tony Bennett who recently passed away. A radio<br />

personality colleague, Delilah, sat down with Mr Bennett, and I<br />

would like to share the interview with you. I want to express a<br />

special thank you to Aaron Crisler of Conduit for allowing me to<br />

share with you, the NJR Magazine faithful.<br />





33 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> AARON@CONDUITMEDIAEMAIL.COM<br />


BBQ Baby <strong>Back</strong> Ribs<br />

Ingredients:<br />

Rack of Baby <strong>Back</strong> Ribs, Bar-b-que sauce<br />

Cooking With<br />

the<br />

Cajun Crooner<br />

1.) Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.<br />

2.) Place ribs in flat tray and cover with tin foil.<br />

3.) Bake for 2 ½ hours<br />

4.) Remove foil, increase temperature to 350 degrees and bake for another hour.<br />

5.) Take ribs out and brush with your favorite bar-b-que sauce.<br />

6.) Bake another 30 minutes, remove, slice and serve<br />

This recipe is simple and so is the message for this month. We begin life just like the ribs. We start unblemished and<br />

as life goes on, we are put into the fire. The fires and trials that we go through begin to scar us, shrink us and draw<br />

the very life out of us. My daughter told me that she is proud of the scars that she has because they are symbols of<br />

something that did not kill her. Think about that. God uses troubles, trials and valleys to mold us and make us what<br />

He wants us to be. When we are saved, we have Jesus to walk beside us to the very end and cover us with His<br />

saving blood which just like the finished ribs that are covered with that wonderful sauce we are cooked to perfection<br />

and are His “Masterpiece”. The blood of Jesus is the covering that allows us to enter the presence of a perfect and<br />

holy God. It was shed on our behalf, and it grants us membership into a divine family and access to God's presence.<br />

It is the most precious treasure, and we should never lose our gratitude toward it.<br />

Until next time, BON APPETIT!!<br />

“Then Jesus said, 'I am the bread of life.<br />

Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and<br />

whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”<br />

John 6:35<br />

34<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Elise Ingle<br />

“Is This the Best<br />

You Have to Offer?”<br />

The worst grade I ever received in<br />

college was for an assignment I<br />

worked on the hardest. A simple<br />

essay was required, but I was young<br />

and impatient and full of ideas (and<br />

quite full of myself). ‘I can do better<br />

than this’, I thought, and so I<br />

stretched the limits of my creativity,<br />

and poured my heart and soul into<br />

what I believed was an intelligent<br />

and witty piece of writing. But when I<br />

proudly presented my finished<br />

product-definitely not a traditional<br />

essay-my professor was anything<br />

but pleased. He was reluctant to<br />

award me a grade higher than a zero.<br />

Offended, I argued for my artwork<br />

and all the time and effort put into it.<br />

Unbending, he argued I missed the<br />

point and totally messed up the<br />

assignment.<br />

We can mess up our assignments for<br />

God just as easily as I messed up my<br />

assignment in college. We all want to<br />

give God a worthy offering. We want<br />

to invest the best of our time and<br />

talents for the King. But oftentimes,<br />

our best doesn’t line up with what<br />

God would have us to do.<br />

As with my college essay, despite all<br />

the extra hours and brainpower that<br />

went into crafting what I believed<br />

was my best finished product, I have<br />

totally flunked at some of God’s<br />

assignments. And not little<br />

assignments. Big ones. Like wife and<br />

mom. Honestly, I thought I was living<br />

my life for Jesus, but my idea of<br />

giving my best to God meant giving<br />

less to the people I am commanded<br />

to invest in first.<br />

35<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

I assumed, like a lot of us in ministry<br />

do, that a worthy offering to God<br />

required the sacrifice of my time with<br />

my family. And in a way, it does, but<br />

when ministry affects not just the<br />

quantity of time we spend with our<br />

families, but the quality of it, we may<br />

be missing the point of our<br />

assignments.<br />

God instituted the family first. They<br />

are our first responsibility. Our first<br />

audience. Our first mission field. May<br />

we never be guilty of neglecting our<br />

own families under the banner of<br />

Christ. God did not call us to sacrifice<br />

the well-being of our marriages and<br />

our children for His kingdom. He<br />

called us to offer up ourselves (Rom<br />

12:1).<br />

Unfortunately, we can get this wrong,<br />

too. We can assume that a worthy<br />

offering to God will not only cost us<br />

time with our families, but the<br />

physical health of our bodies as well.<br />

But notice the wording of Romans<br />

12:1: “I beseech you therefore,<br />

brethren, by the mercies of God, that<br />

ye present your bodies a living<br />

sacrifice,..”(stress added). God is not<br />

asking us to kill ourselves with stress<br />

for His kingdom. We’re called to offer<br />

our bodies as a living sacrifice. Too<br />

many of us are trying not to drop dead<br />

from stress for Jesus. Lord help us to<br />

understand what God requires of us!<br />

The Bible tells us “obedience is better<br />

than sacrifice.” (1 Sam 15:22). God<br />

doesn’t ask us to put strain on our<br />

marriages and neglect our children<br />

and our bodies for Him. He asks us to<br />

obey. “Wives, submit to your<br />

husbands…Husbands, love your<br />

wives…”(Col 3:18-19; Eph 5); “fathers,<br />

provoke not your children to wrath,<br />

but bring them up in the nurture and<br />

admonition of the Lord”(Eph 6:4);<br />

“glorify God in your body.” (1 Cor<br />

6:20).<br />

Yes, God has commanded us to go and<br />

preach the gospel to every creature,<br />

but that gospel preaching begins at<br />

home, with a good witness of God’s<br />

love in our priorities. Your spouse<br />

should not feel like always second to<br />

your ministry. Your children should<br />

not feel like God loves other children<br />

more. And your body should not be<br />

failing because you are failing to rest.<br />

“...for if someone does not know how<br />

to manage his own household, how<br />

will he care for God's church?” (1 Tim<br />

3:5)<br />

36 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong> Elise Ingle

Congrats!<br />

MR. & MRS.<br />


37<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

<strong>Back</strong> 2 <strong>Back</strong> Artist of the Month<br />

The Williamsons<br />

The Williamson Family began singing<br />

together as a group in 1969 with Woody<br />

and Pinky Williamson and their children<br />

Donnie and Tennie. They held concerts<br />

and revival meetings in Oklahoma and<br />

the surrounding states. The group was<br />

reorganized in 1998 as The<br />

Homesteaders Quartet. This group<br />

officially changed their name to The<br />

Williamsons in 2008. Members of the<br />

Williamsons today include Donnie<br />

Williamson and his wife Lisa, their<br />

children Sadie and Olivia Williamson,<br />

Darin Hebert and Bo Chesser (Lisa's<br />

brother).<br />

38<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

The group’s mission statement is more halls, on cruise liners, and in churches<br />

than a statement. “The Williamsons will of all sizes and denominations.<br />

share the Gospel through music in order<br />

to see the lost come to Christ, the If you would like to have Greg at one of<br />

Christian uplifted, and provide quality your future events, give him a call or<br />

Christian entertainment all for the glory contact him through Facebook.<br />

of God.” The Williamsons have such a<br />

heart for evangelism that they have The Williamsons<br />

made mission trips to the Philippines, PO Box 194, Wetumka, OK 74883<br />

Nicaragua, and Kenya and have seen 405-380-2761<br />

over 25,000 lives changed. They also<br />

travel across the United States and Facebook: The Williamsons<br />

around the world sharing their unique Email: thewilliamsonssg@gmail.com<br />

style of Christian music in large concert Website: www.williamsonsmusic.com<br />

39 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

"Fall is a Southerner's reward for<br />

having survived summer."<br />

– James Farmer<br />

40 NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

41<br />

NJR <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>MAGAZINE</strong>

Reflections from Mayberry<br />

Donna Journey<br />


Recently while walking around our farm and feed that our animals needed to<br />

I passed by the old barn that had been survive.<br />

used by my family through the years.<br />

Memories flooded back of my Papa Did you realize that you have a purpose<br />

plowing the fields with old Pete the and God wants to use you too?<br />

mule, and seeing him and Daddy work Sometimes as we get older we may feel<br />

on the old Massey Ferguson tractor that like we can’t be used anymore. Like the<br />

sit in the shed. I remembered having to barn, we may be run down, left alone,<br />

go pick up the eggs from the nest that and made to feel we are not worth<br />

the chickens had made in the barn entry much. That is absolutely a lie from the<br />

and being so scared of black snakes that devil! As long as you are living and God<br />

would often steel eggs from the nests. I gives you breath He can use you,<br />

thought about the cage Daddy had built restore you, and make you like new.<br />

me on the side of the barn for my You see as I walked by the barn that<br />

rabbits and how he took the time to day, God used it to make me realize the<br />

teach me about all the farm animals. I barn is still used today even though the<br />

sadly remembered the times we years have took a toll on its structure.<br />

slaughtered pigs and I soon learned not In the next year we are planning to start<br />

to get too attached to them. Everything renovation one this old barn that<br />

on the farm had a purpose and a reason houses SO many fond memories of my<br />

why it was there. The barn was shelter childhood. God can restore you today<br />

for the animals and a place to shelter and it won’t cost you a thing. Just ask<br />

our tractor, tools and things we used on Him, trust Him, and believe that He can.<br />

the farm. It was dry place for the hay God’s renovations are PERFECT!

s<br />

New Guests<br />



The Williamsons<br />



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