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Alma’s<br />

journey<br />

Judith Carrillo<br />

illustrated by:<br />

Manuela Romero

There are those who live without a heart; there are those<br />

who have one without using it; and even those who do not<br />

want to listen to it! Having a broken heart is the price you<br />

pay for daring to live. What kind of heart do you have?

And that girl appeared; Alma, they called her. I say<br />

that “they called her“ because she could have had any<br />

other name, for example, yours. She lived in any place<br />

that could be named after your city. What I can tell<br />

you is that it was a very beautiful place located between<br />

mountains and rivers.<br />

She was a girl, normal in appearance, just like you.<br />

She attended a normal school with normal family<br />

and friends. But there was a trait that distinguished<br />

her from other children (and I’m sure you also have<br />

some unique traits). Do you know what’s yours? Well,<br />

going back to the topic, that characteristic trait of hers<br />

was that she wondered and questioned absolutely<br />

everything.<br />

She was not satisfied with what they taught her at<br />

school, at home, or what she heard on TV. Whenever she<br />

saw people around her, she wondered if any of them<br />

felt like her, if anyone had doubts too, because at first<br />

glance everyone seemed to be happy and satisfied.<br />

“But don’t they have dreams? Don’t they have desires?”<br />

she would occasionally ask herself. When she asked<br />

the adults she met, none of their answers seemed<br />

to convince her.

But Alma did not give up that easily; it would be a<br />

shame to hide what makes us unique simply because we<br />

don’t want to be different from others, don’t you think?<br />

What she felt was so strong that she couldn’t simply<br />

turn it off. Someone had to break the mold! Why not<br />

her? Why not you?<br />

From a very young age, she already showed interest<br />

in everything that surrounded her: the world,<br />

the people who inhabited it, where they lived, and<br />

the language they spoke, among other things. Where<br />

could she find answers to all those questions? Books!<br />

She always asked her dad to take her to wherever she<br />

could find them, for she was inspired by them, and<br />

they taught her everything she needed to know. Her<br />

imagination went further; she saw herself getting lost<br />

in streets in faraway lands whose names she could<br />

not even pronounce, trying different types of food you<br />

never thought could exist, and always being surrounded<br />

by many friends. She wanted to live the adventures<br />

of the characters in the books she read.<br />

Alma could spend hours looking at pictures of other<br />

places and placing them on the maps; this is what she<br />

really likes, maps! This was the way that Alma filled<br />

the restlessness she felt.

This book thing wasn’t bad for a while, but nothing<br />

seemed to satisfy her, so she felt worse. That restlessness<br />

she felt soon turned into emptiness.<br />

Her dad saw her become sadder with every passing<br />

day, so he approached her and asked:<br />

- “What’s wrong with you, Alma?”<br />

- “I want a life like that of the people in the books<br />

I read; I want to have adventures too,” Alma said,<br />

downcast. “Life cannot just be like this,” she retorted,<br />

pointing at the window. “For example, I still don’t<br />

know what’s behind those mountains.”<br />

- “But you have many things to entertain yourself<br />

with,”<br />

- “I want to be full of stories, not full of things, dad.”<br />

- “Well, if you don’t like the world you live in,<br />

change it, and don’t be sad about the big emptiness<br />

you feel. Feel happy about everything you can fill<br />

it with. Be grateful for that wish, for being brave,<br />

because cowards will always live their dreams<br />

through you.”

Alma was determined to change her world. She<br />

didn’t mind leaving her family, her home, and<br />

everything else she knew behind. What did she stand<br />

to lose? Would you have done the same thing, leaving<br />

everything behind to fulfil your wishes? Are you that<br />

brave? This works like a GPS; until you move, you<br />

have no idea if you’re going in the right direction.<br />

Even so, don’t think that she wasn’t haunted, from<br />

time to time, by uncertainty. She didn’t know how<br />

or where she was going. She knew that her dreams<br />

were hidden behind her fear. Before leaving, she thought<br />

about what he could do to avoid getting lost. Would<br />

you use a map? “Of course!” She concluded that the<br />

best map of the world was that of her own life.<br />

Alma packed her backpack with only the things she<br />

thought she would need and went to look for her dad.<br />

- “Because when you come back, you will no longer<br />

be the same. Come back only when you fill that void<br />

in your heart.”<br />

“When you return, you will no longer be the same.<br />

When you return, you will no longer be the same.<br />

“Alma repeated this in her head, but she couldn’t understand<br />

it. What did he mean?<br />

- “I’m leaving!” she said confidently.<br />

Her dad already knew this. He always knew that<br />

she would, sooner or later, leave.<br />

- “Very well, Alma,” he replied, “but this is where<br />

we have to say goodbye.”<br />

- “Why Dad?” quizzed Alma.

And with that, with her backpack and the map of<br />

her life, she left everything behind.<br />

For many years, she walked around the world. At<br />

long last, she could get to know those places that were<br />

in her books, and believe me, they were even better<br />

than what she had read. She also had the time to get<br />

to know herself. She dared to do things she thought<br />

she could never do. The more she learned, the smaller<br />

the hollowness in her heart became.<br />

She boarded trains that traversed mountains, crossed<br />

deserts, ate brightly coloured fruits, bathed in cenotes,<br />

swam across islands, learned new languages,<br />

and climbed trees in jungles. She ran miles through<br />

many cities and slept in hammocks looking at the<br />

stars. And most importantly, she always had friends<br />

with whom she could build her story.<br />

It was curious and strange to her how she felt more<br />

comfortable with people who had different nationalities,<br />

religions, skin colour, or languages than with<br />

people who were from the same city as her. She could<br />

recognise herself in everyone she met. She was like a<br />

seed, ready to grow on any type of land. Inexplicably,<br />

the more she learned, the smaller the emptiness<br />

in her heart became.

One day, while she was rocking in her hammock at<br />

the foot of the Caribbean, she stood up and said:<br />

- “It’s time to go back; now I have a heart, and I<br />

want to share with everyone what I have inside.”<br />

Convinced, Alma grabbed her backpack once more,<br />

as she had done hundreds of times, but this time she<br />

was heading home.<br />

the floor, trying to put it together, but she didn’t know<br />

how. She started crying like never before. Not only<br />

that, but she was so sad that she felt paralysed.<br />

She didn’t remember the way home being so long<br />

but given how anxious she was and how lost she<br />

was, thinking of all the stories she wanted to share,<br />

she didn’t care. She was so close to getting there that,<br />

in the distance, she could make out the mountains she<br />

used to see from her window when she was little. Likewise,<br />

she could only smile at the thought of the times<br />

she wondered what was behind them, and now she<br />

returned knowing the answer.<br />

Alma was walking too fast to notice a small stone<br />

in the road. Guess what happened? She stumbled,<br />

and with such bad luck, her heart, which she was so<br />

proud of, fell, smashing into thousands of pieces. Can<br />

you imagine how she felt? So many years searching<br />

for a heart for nothing! She immediately sat down on

And because of this, she became oblivious to<br />

everything that was happening around her: the<br />

day, the night, the stations, and the people who<br />

walked by her. We know what it is like to feel sadness:<br />

the unconscious passage of time. And within<br />

her, deep silence.<br />

A man passing by saw her crying and asked,<br />

- “It’s not just about having a heart, Alma; it’s<br />

also about knowing how to take care of it and protect<br />

it. Staying like this without doing anything<br />

only hinders your growth. The stone made your<br />

heart fall; there, you are right.<br />

- “Girl, what’s wrong with you?” Alma wiped her<br />

eyes and looked at the man, realising that it was<br />

her dad.<br />

- ”Don’t you recognise me?” It’s me, Alma.<br />

- “Alma? Is that you?” He answered in surprise.<br />

- “Yes, Dad it’s me! “But she couldn’t understand<br />

why he didn’t recognise her.”<br />

- “What are you doing here?” What happened?”<br />

- “I was finally able to build a heart, and on the<br />

way back it broke, and now I don’t know how to<br />

fix it. And all because of that stone! If only that<br />

stone hadn’t been there”.

But as you did not want to listen to what life had<br />

to tell you, it sat you down and spoke to you. All the<br />

times you said goodbye, the times you lost, the people<br />

who left you, the forgiveness you never gave or never<br />

accepted, that’s what made your heart break. It was<br />

just a matter of time.<br />

While she was listening to him, memories came back<br />

to her.<br />

- “Dad, these hurt,” she said.<br />

- “Alma, calm down; this is your awakening. Listening<br />

hurts but ignoring hurts more.”<br />

- “What an irony! I have travelled around the<br />

world, and here is where I get lost.”<br />

- “Now, let’s see what you are carrying in your<br />

backpack.”<br />

- “I am not carrying anything, dad,” Alma replied,<br />

confused.<br />

- “Yes, you are, but you have never understood<br />

what you have been carrying.”<br />

Reluctantly, she removed her backpack and opened<br />

it. Many times we think that what we are carrying<br />

is bad, and yes it can be unless we transform the<br />

burdens we carry into something useful. It was something<br />

that Alma still hadn’t learned. Remember, a<br />

wound should never be in vain.<br />

- “Alma, if you accept wounds as failures and not<br />

as moments of learning, the pain will be wasted, and<br />

all your effort would have been for nothing. I can’t<br />

promise you that the pain will never return, but I can<br />

promise you that you will learn what to do if it does.”<br />

- “Oh!” she exclaimed tenderly, “Look Dad!” as every<br />

single person she met on her trip magically appeared<br />

in front of her. In her mind, she remembered the first<br />

time she was called daughter, sister, or friend. She<br />

remembered the kisses, the hugs, the “I love you,” and<br />

the time when Alma was sick, and they cared for her.<br />

What are friends for? Each memory was giving her<br />

a piece of her heart back until her heart was put back<br />

together again. Alma was happy to see them all together.<br />

She couldn’t believe it; the sadness was gone.<br />

- “How could I forget you?! But where were you<br />

when I fell?” she sobbed.<br />

- “We were always here, but you were so sad looking<br />

outside that you forgot to look inside of you;<br />

that’s where we live. “When you do not know what to<br />

do or where to go, you must return to yourself; that’s<br />

why it’s important that you heal and make yourself a<br />

place where you always want to be.”<br />

- “But my heart is broken, and it’s full of wounds.”<br />

- “The challenge is that the wounds will remain, but<br />

not the pain.”

As she understood this, each of her friends disappeared<br />

before her eyes, but not before she told them<br />

how much she loved and missed them. She didn’t<br />

want to, but she had to continue alone. Now she had<br />

learned that every time she felt fear, sadness, or<br />

whenever her heart broke, the only thing she had to<br />

do was to look within and return to herself.<br />

When she stood up, it seemed that her body had<br />

changed. Her clothes were small, she had long hair,<br />

she was taller, and her hands were bigger. She<br />

didn’t look like a child anymore; did she look older?<br />

Had she grown up? Now I understood what was<br />

going on. Is that why my dad didn’t recognize me?<br />

And it was at that moment that that phrase returned<br />

to her.<br />

When you return, you won’t be the same.<br />

- “Dad, now I understand, I’m not the same anymore.<br />

It all makes sense. It’s clear. Travel, the<br />

wounds, and the goodbyes changed me and made me<br />


All the pieces were in place, except for one. She had<br />

one piece hidden in her hand, and she didn’t want to<br />

let go of it. But she had grown up! So, she took a deep<br />

breath and, with a tender smile, closed her eyes, stretched<br />

on her tiptoes, raised her arm, opened her hand,<br />

and looked on as that piece danced in the heavens<br />

where those who left before her lived. Have you been<br />

holding on to something so tight that it ends up hurting<br />

you? Letting go is also loving. She had to let them<br />

go so that the gap could be filled by more people. There<br />

are pieces of us that we are better off without.<br />

The clouds had cleared. “At what moment did the sky<br />

become so beautiful and the sun so bright?” she asked<br />

herself. She braved her pain because she had to continue.<br />

When she walked by people, she could now understand<br />

what they were carrying in their hearts. It’s<br />

not that they didn’t have dreams or desires, like she<br />

thought. Before they started their journey, all they had<br />

was fear. Many had their hearts broken; others were<br />

empty; others were half full; others were repressed;<br />

others were locked. Alma pitied them because she realized<br />

that their souls had not travelled. Now she had<br />

the gift of recognizing wounds like hers.

Among the crowds of people, a small dog with a<br />

seemingly wounded heart crossed her path. Alma<br />

approached the dog and asked:<br />

- “Who are you, and what seems to be the matter?”<br />

- “I am Mambo. I have been abandoned, and I am<br />

very afraid.” The cowering puppy replied.<br />

- “Ah! Don’t Worry. I know how to heal wounds,”<br />

she said in a very reassuring voice. “I have been<br />

away for a long time, and I was on my way home.<br />

Would you like to come with me?”<br />

The poor little dog wagged his tail, and he happily<br />

replied yes.

The chapter ends here, but their story continues.<br />

Mambo, Alma, and their hearts had a long road ahead<br />

to heal, but she didn’t care because, as she had been<br />

comforted, now she would seek to comfort others.<br />

I am leaving you with a broken heart so that you<br />

can write down the things that can make your heart<br />

whole again every time it breaks.

©Judith Carrillo Mitjana (de la obra)<br />

©Apuleyo Ediciones (de esta edición)<br />

Primera edición en Apuleyo Ediciones: septiembre 2023<br />

Diseño de cubierta: Sofía Corzo González<br />

Corrección: Aitor Andreu Guerrero<br />

Maquetación: Francisco José Cordero Mora<br />

Ilustraciones: Diana Valdayo García<br />

Coordinación editorial: Isidoro Cidre González<br />

info@apuleyoediciones.com<br />

www.apuleyoediciones.com<br />

ISBN: 978-84-19938-46-6<br />

Depósito legal: H 290-2023<br />

No está permitida la reproducción total o parcial de este libro, ni<br />

su tratamiento informático, ni la transmisión de ninguna forma o<br />

por cualquier medio, ya sea electrónico, mecánico, por fotocopia,<br />

por registro u otros métodos, sin permiso previo y por escrito de<br />

los titulares del copyright.<br />

Hecho e impreso en España.

Have you ever wondered what keeps<br />

your heart whole and how to mend it<br />

if it breaks? Would you be brave<br />

enough to leave everything behind to<br />

find out? Would you undertake this<br />

inner journey? Join Alma, Mambo and<br />

yourself on this adventure to find out.

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