2023 Issue 5 Sept/Oct Focus - Mid-South Magazine

Focus Mid-South Magazine

Focus Mid-South Magazine


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The Ballad of Rosie and Rapunzel<br />

by Elaina Nicholas<br />

There once was a princess in the Kingdom of Nettle. The<br />

most beautiful princess there could be, christened Briar<br />

Rose for her glorious fiery red hair. Poor Briar had come<br />

upon the marrying age, albeit unwillingly.<br />

“You are betrothed!” Her father, the king, roared.<br />

“I refuse! I do not love him!” She shouted back,<br />

“You will do as I say!” He commanded.<br />

And with that, Briar ran away. But only so far as to bump<br />

into her friend, the scullery maid. “Oh Anya, you must<br />

help me!” She pleaded with her. Anya was a witch, at<br />

least on her mother’s side.<br />

“I’d rather die! I’d rather die!” The princess sobbed into<br />

her friend's arms. Anya knew of poor Briar’s plight, for<br />

she bemoaned it nightly.<br />

“No, dear princess, you are too young to die.”<br />

“There is no other way out!” She practically screamed.<br />

Anya shushed her, soothing Briar, as she hatched a plan.<br />

Briar had agreed to it, once it was all laid out.<br />

reconsidering the finality of death. “You will not die but<br />

sleep, frozen in time until true love’s kiss awakens you.”<br />

Briar looked up from Anya’s tear soaked shoulder.<br />

“But how are they to be my true love if we never formally<br />

meet?” She asked. “Well you see, when others are in<br />

your proximity you may enter their dreams you will be<br />

a creature of the night realms, if they are close you may<br />

speak to them if you choose.” Briar nodded, “What must<br />

I do?”<br />

Once Anya had gathered all the proper ingredients she<br />

produced a thorn for Briar so that she may prick her<br />

finger and begin sleep everlasting.<br />

“Good luck, Princess” were the last words she heard<br />

before she went on into that great night.<br />

When the king found his daughter in such a state he was<br />

struck down by grief and refused to tend to his kingdom.<br />

The thorn that Anya had used on the Princess began<br />

to grow more, soon overrunning the kingdom, and the<br />

people grew desperate.<br />

As the kingdom fell into despair a young couple had<br />

found themselves with child. But they were poor and<br />

food was scarce and the mother was always hungry. She<br />

pleaded with the father to go into their neighbor’s garden<br />

and fetch her some lettuce. The husband complied, but<br />

not without reluctance for their neighbor was a witch.<br />

But lettuce was eaten and the child was born seemingly<br />

without penance. And once the child reached the age of<br />

ten her parents relaxed,<br />

perhaps the witch was more forgiving than they thought.<br />

Their celebration is of course premature, for that very<br />

night the witch went and stole their daughter, “a debt<br />

overdue,” she said. So the child, who the witch renamed<br />

Rapunzel, grew up in a faraway tower while the princess<br />

remained asleep.<br />

The thorn of Anya had grown into wild thick bushes that<br />

completely suffocated the kingdom and beyond, until<br />

one day when Rapunzel was fully grown they reached her<br />

tower. Rapunzel had grown to despise her captor who<br />

neglected her to the point where her hair was never cut<br />

and it now winded around her small room in an unkept<br />

braid. The thorns had crept into her windows, and one<br />

fateful day she found a bird speared upon one. On closer<br />

inspection, she realized the bird had not died from a stab<br />

wound but rather from a poison that must have come<br />

from the thorn itself.<br />

Her captor had made the poor choice to sleep unarmed<br />

that very night. Taking her revenge, Rapunzel plunged a<br />

thorn deep into the witch's chest to make sure she never<br />

woke again. With the aid of her hair as thick as a rope she<br />

managed to climb down the tower and began her journey<br />

homeward, to Nettle.<br />

Her long hair dragged behind her making the journey<br />

long and exhausting, so in a fit of rage she chopped it to<br />

her shoulders, leaving most of it behind but fashioning<br />

some of it into a proper rope tied around her body. The<br />

journey to Nettle would take three months' time and<br />

Rapunzel was already weighed down by the exhaustion<br />

of the day. So, she found a patch of soft moss and<br />

bedded down.<br />

The scene around her shifted. She couldn’t tell you<br />

how but something had changed. Maybe it was the<br />

lack of thorny branches or the haziness that seemed to<br />

accompany the dreaming—or maybe it was the gorgeous<br />

woman suddenly standing before her.<br />

“I must be dreaming,” Rapunzel whispered, astonished.<br />

The lady giggled.<br />

“And what makes you say that?” She asked.<br />

“Because I’ve never seen someone as pretty as you<br />

before,” Rapunzel admitted. The mysterious lady blushed<br />

a pretty shade of pink that matched her nightgown.<br />

Rapunzel gently took the lady’s hand and kissed it, a<br />

courtly gesture she had seen displayed in her books.<br />

<strong>Sept</strong>+<strong>Oct</strong> <strong>2023</strong> | focuslgbt.com | Go! 29

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