NHS Brooklyn 2022 Gala Journal

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Flatbush: 2806 Church Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11226

Canarsie: 9701 Avenue L, Brooklyn, NY 11236

Tel: 718-469-4679

Fax: 718-469-4743

October 12, 2022

Welcome, distinguished honorees, partners, friends, and family!

Thank you for joining us tonight at one of our borough’s crown jewels, the

Brooklyn Museum, for our very special 40th Anniversary Gala.

Tonight we celebrate four decades of building communities and

transforming lives, holding fast to our mission of preserving decent, stable, and

affordable housing in Brooklyn and beyond.

Coming together in this beautiful space, we reflect on the humble beginnings

of our organization and the hopes, dreams, and struggles of the East Flatbush

community in the early 1980s.

And we can’t help but be grateful for the courageous residents who

formed our organization half a lifetime ago, who refused to accept the status

quo of economic injustices against people of color that were legal at the time,

who wanted a better life for themselves and their children and their children’s

children, who instead channeled their frustration and galvanized it into action,

becoming community leaders, and eventually forming a housing nonprofit.

We’re grateful, too, for the many people who followed our founders, who

served our organization as it grew, and who serve it today as staff and board

members. Their dedication, hard work, and appreciation for the power of a

shared goal have driven our impact and growth year after year.

And how grateful we are for you, our partners and supporters! We could not

have come this far or helped the tens of thousands of residents we have without

your collaboration, counsel, and financial support.

This evening, we shine the spotlight on some of the special champions who

have helped to build up our neighborhoods, each in their own exceptional way.

Know that as we celebrate tonight’s honorees, we also honor all of you.

Because you, too, are helping us to define and achieve our mission in more ways

than you will ever know. For that, and on behalf of the Board of Directors and

staff at NHS Brooklyn, we extend our heartfelt thanks.


Tonya Ores

Executive Director

Serghio Adams

Board President



Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn CDC, Inc. (NHS Brooklyn) is

a full-service, nonprofit housing organization that initiates, develops, and

maintains programs designed to create affordable, decent, and safe housing

and communities. We assist everyone, whether you rent an apartment, would

like to buy a home, or have been a homeowner for decades.

Working in partnership with government officials, businesses, and community

partners; led by local residents; and guided by local needs, we cultivate grassroots

leadership that promotes neighborhood self-sufficiency; create unique

neighborhood revitalization projects tailored to the requirements of particular

communities; and develop new programs that meet the changing needs of


Contact us for assistance with:

• Homebuyer Education

• Mortgage Questions

• Foreclosure Intervention & Counseling

• Home Repairs

• Financial Education and Empowerment

• Home Insurance & Resiliency Counseling

• Landlord Training

• Tenant Support

• Property Management (New)

Flatbush Office: 2806 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226

Canarsie Office: 9701 Avenue L, Brooklyn, NY 11236

Phone: 718-469-4679

Email: info@nhsbrooklyn.org

Stay connected with us:


Call Us.

We’re here to help.



Serghio Adams President

Brothers’ Building Blocks

Raul Van Rossum Vice President

Citizens International Realty

R. Gary Campbell Treasurer

Santander Bank

Lois Locke Secretary


Marjorie Faison Retired

Juny E. François, Esq. Attorney

Andrea Hodge Small Business Owner

Lyndrew Nesmith US Department of Housing

& Urban Development

Larry Pampelonne Retired

Yury Polonsky New York State Energy Audits

Carol Reneau NYC Department of Education

Patricia Strong Dime Community Bank

Lalit Tyagi Bank of Baroda


Vernon Deane

Hazel Foster

Albert Payne

Marjorie Roane


Tonya Ores

Executive Director

Parvez Mushtaq

Director of Finance

Angella Cummings

Director of Operations

Angella Davidson

Program Director,

Foreclosure Intervention

Tyrone McDonald

Government & Community

Relations Manager

Laura McKenna

Marketing Manager

Elizabeth Malone

Program Manager,

Resiliency & Insurance

Byron Todman

Program Manager,

Housing Development

& Rehabilitation

Isanna Saxon

Customer Service Specialist

Iremia Bradford

Housing Counselor

Clarence Cleaves

Housing Counselor

Tobias Wingate

Housing Counselor

Kiya Smith

Program Assistant

Eleannet Holguin

Program Assistant

Tammy Isaacs

Office Manager





Tonya Ores

Executive DIrector, NHS Brooklyn

Serghio Adams

NHS Brooklyn, Board President


Chaplain Ingrid Lewis-Martin

Chief Advisor to The Honorable New York City Mayor, Eric Adams


Lucina Clarke

My Time Inc.



Tonya Ores

Executive Director, NHS Brooklyn

Serghio Adams

NHS Brooklyn, Board President


Housing Champion Award

The Honorable Congressman Hakeem Jeffries

Resident Leadership Award

Marc Jahr

Partnership Award

Dime Community Bank





Leon Hosang

Former Treasurer & Former Member of the Board of Directors

Leon Hosang is a former Treasurer and former member

of the Board of Directors of NHS Brooklyn. In this Alumni

Spotlight, Mr. Hosang shares fond memories of the

community, the organization, and his role there.

What was your role with the organization?

I served on the Board of Directors as a Member and

Treasurer. As a Board member, I ensured that the

organization’s policies, annual objectives, goals, and

outcomes were reasonable, acceptable, and in line with

available resources. As the Treasurer, I ensured that the

financial accounts and status of the organization were

accurate and in compliance. I also ensured the designated

funds were used for their intended purposes.

What was the community like when you were with the organization?

When I joined the Board, NHS Brooklyn was a subsidiary of NHS of New York City.

In 2017, NHS Brooklyn became independent, which allowed it to strengthen and

expand its local representation before government and private donors that were

specifically interested in assisting Brooklyn homeowners.

I also volunteered with the organization during the height of the foreclosure disaster.

During the fiscal crisis, every single day, Brooklyn families were losing their homes to

foreclosure. The foreclosure crisis was a disaster of epic proportions. NHS Brooklyn

quickly stepped up their efforts to stanch the bleeding in the neighborhoods they

served. Their expertise allowed them to understand a crisis fueled by an explosion of

sub-prime lending in communities of color and to create solutions to help save homes

and stabilize communities.

Why do you support NHS Brooklyn?


NHS Brooklyn was and is of great help and support to Brooklyn homeowners,

especially first-time homeowners. It also supports and continues to support

homeowners in keeping and maintaining their homes through grants, housing

information seminars, and housing counseling. During my tenure with the

organization, I witnessed that owning a home is life changing. I saw the wealth

building and growth in once-forgotten communities that helps strengthen families’

economic stability.

As NHS embarks on 40 years of Service to Brooklyn communities, what is

your wish for the organization?

I hope the organization has continued success in its endeavors, so that families can

responsibly purchase a home, retain it for generations, and build their communities.



Louis Kilkenny

Former Executive Director

Louis Kilkenny was our Executive Director when we were

known as NHS of East Flatbush and part of NHSNYC. In

this Alumni Spotlight, Mr. Kilkenny shares his insights about

and experiences with the organization from its earliest days.

How did you begin your career at NHS Brooklyn?

I began my career with the organization in the early 1980s.

After serving as its first Marketing Coordinator, I held the

position of Executive Director of the Brooklyn Office for

five years, after which I became the Director of Lending for

NHSNYC. I retired in 2015.

What did your role as Executive Director entail?

When I became the Executive Director, we only had a staff of three and many

organizations were focused on the community's deficits. Although every community had

deficiencies such as redlining and a lack of affordable homeownership opportunities

that needed to be addressed, we decided we could also focus on the strengths of the

community and what it does have. As the organization's Executive Director, I expanded

our focus to emphasize these community assets. We then used the organization and

other community strengths to address our residents’ challenges and improve community


What was the community like when you were with the organization?

The community was changing. New residents were mostly people of color and

recent immigrants, many from the Caribbean. Area businesses demonstrated that

transformation: Jewish and Italian delis were replaced with Caribbean catering halls

and restaurants. Banks, however, refused to make loans within the area—which was

still legal at the time. Although some sections thrived, the lack of access to loan

products resulted in community disinvestment, lowered property values, and racially and

economically segregated neighborhoods.

What historical and current impact does NHS Brooklyn have on the borough?

Through redlining, banks decided which communities were a good investment to

issue mortgages to and which neighborhoods might be a financial risk. East Flatbush

was not deemed a "good investment" and a red line—literally!—was drawn around

the community on real estate and bank maps. As a result, East Flatbush and other

neighborhoods we served were systematically deprived of resources. NHS Brooklyn

fought to change that and protect those residents through engagement and resources.

The impact was substantial. Physical changes began to occur, and 40 years later, the

community is thriving.

What is your wish for NHS Brooklyn?

I've always viewed the organization as more than a neighborhood nonprofit and am

inspired by its innovative and renewed direction. Changing the name to NHS Brooklyn

CDC speaks to thinking beyond East Flatbush to serve the entire borough. I wish them

continued success as they continue to educate the community on how to build and

maintain wealth.



Michael Minott

Former Homeownership Counselor

Michael Minott is a former Homeownership Counselor and

Board member at NHS Brooklyn. In this Alumni Spotlight,

Mr. Minott shares fond memories of the community, the staff,

and those he helped.

How did you begin your career at NHS Brooklyn?

After I graduated Cornell University in 1991, NHS Brooklyn

hired and trained me to be a homeownership counselor and

financial advocate.

What are some of your fondest memories of working

for there?

NHS Brooklyn embraced my curiosity and creativity and

allowed me to try new things. The team encouraged individual success, and the work

we did bore a social return on investment. We truly changed lives.

Please share a situation where you saw the full impact of your work at NHS


In 1994, a young couple came to us seeking resources to purchase a home. They chose

a home in East Flatbush, but it would require extensive work. The purchase would only

be possible with two loans, and traditional banks did not have a combined product.

Through creative collaboration with a bank, we created a purchase rehab loan: a form

of financing that allows a borrower to fund the purchase and renovation of a home

using a single loan. We succeeded in getting that young family into their home and the

loan model was replicated across the country.

What was the community like when you were with the organization?

In the 1970s, my parents, like so many Caribbean and Haitian immigrant families,

settled in East Flatbush, a community rich in culture, and bought a home. After the

high-interest rates of the 1980s, potential homeowners became savvier financially and

looked for resources and education to deal with expenses, credit, and other money

matters. NHS Brooklyn formed at the right time to help them learn how to purchase

and maintain a home, and build long-term generational wealth.

What continued impact can NHS Brooklyn have on the borough?

I grew up in a home my parents purchased in the 1970s. Less than two decades later,

purchasing that same home was not possible for my siblings or me. That is happening

to many families in the community. Rent prices are also increasing to the point

that many young people who grew up in Brooklyn can’t afford to rent or buy here.

Everyone has the right to live in a city where fair and equal opportunity for upward

socioeconomic mobility is possible. Homeownership and having a place to call your own

are at the heart of the American Dream. NHS Brooklyn should continue their work

making that dream a reality.



Albert Payne

Former Chair, Board of Directors

Albert Payne is the Former Chair of the NHS Brooklyn

Board of Directors. Mr. Payne held the position for 14

years. In this Alumni Spotlight, Mr. Payne shares his


How did you begin your work with NHS Brooklyn?

I learned about the organization when I was the Chair

of the local Community Board. I was impressed with their

authentic community engagement. I began as a Board

member and eventually became the chair of the Board of


What did your role as the Chair of the Board of

Directors entail?

I worked closely with Ms. Ores, the Executive Director. Due to the hard work of the

staff and board, the organization grew from a $500,000 to a $3 million annual

budget. I oversaw the organization's governance and ensured that fiscally responsible

principles and actions drove the impact made in the community.

What was the community like when you were with the organization?

Because the community had a lot of properties that required rehab, we did extensive

outreach to make sure anyone who needed our services was aware of them.

Our NeighborWorks Week projects were grassroots efforts. Local and national

retail stores got involved to help, and the collaboration created a groundswell of

community engagement and good.

What historical and current impact does NHS Brooklyn?

NHS Brooklyn has an undeniable legacy in the borough. When the organization was

working on a community garden project, they secured resources from The Brooklyn

Botanic Garden and the Brooklyn Terminal Market. They then secured $25,000 from

Sears, allowing homeowners on a selected block to receive updated appliances. Bob

Vila of the long-running PBS television program This Old House provided a home

inspection for one of the properties. When the funding arrived, I was elated because

the organization’s efforts to transform the community were being recognized.

What is your wish for NHS Brooklyn?

NHS Brooklyn makes the impossible possible for individuals who don't believe they

will ever own a home. They help with budgeting and credit improvement; help people

qualify for affordable mortgages; and help people maintain and keep their homes.

Their mindset is "Together, we can do this!,” and their heart is in every project. My

wish for the organization is that they continue their good work and that elected

officials and financial institutions realize the asset it is to the community.



Nia Rock

Former Board Member & Finance Committee Chair

Nia Rock is a former NHS Brooklyn Board member and

Finance Committee Chair. In this Alumni Spotlight, she shares

fond memories of the organization and community during

her service.

What was your responsibility to the organization and

community as a Board Member from the late 1980s to


I participated in the overall planning process, assisted in

executing and monitoring our goals, and provided financial

oversight. The Board determined which programs were

consistent with our mission and monitored their effectiveness.

Our meetings were very community-driven and hands on. We so wanted to be an

integrated into the community that we purchased the East Flatbush building.

What was the community like when you were with the organization?

In the 1990s, East Flatbush was a burgeoning community of mostly African-American

and Afro-Caribbean families. Vibrant with multifamily homes, minority businesses, and

a unique culture, it was booming with opportunities, including home buying. Many

residents rented, and NHS Brooklyn provided guidance in weighing the option of

renting versus buying. We were also focused on supporting and protecting the assets of

current homeowners.

What impact has NHS Brooklyn had on the borough?

NHS Brooklyn has always been at the forefront and on the pulse of the community’s

needs. They are constantly seeking a new frontier, such as when they opened an office

in Canarsie. Canarsie has a different population than East Flatbush but the same

need for housing services. Many Canarsie homeowners were former residents of East

Flatbush, and the organization's footprint there has helped support them with familiar

and trustworthy resources, especially after Superstorm Sandy. Their development of an

affordable property management program is a great example of their ability to pivot.

They knew how important this innovative service would be because they have always

had boots on the ground and listened to the community's needs.

What are your thoughts on the organization’s past and future?

NHS Brooklyn has the same goals now as it did four decades ago: to build wealth in

the community by supporting home buying and maintenance. Unfortunately, we see

the same things today that we did then: predatory lending, rising interest rates, and

housing discrimination. Now, however, data is used as a veiled redlining tool and the

financialization of the housing market and housing speculation are driving up rents.

Coupled with the 2008 foreclosure crisis, this reality has stripped half of all Black

wealth while expanding the racial wealth gap. NHS Brooklyn’s awareness of and

concern about these trends is apparent in their efforts to reduce inequality brought on

by these social changes. I have no doubt NHS Brooklyn will be serving the needs of

Brooklyn for years to come.



Steve Schnall

CEO, Quontic Bank


Steve Schnall, CEO of digital bank Quontic and

a champion of our work at NHS Brooklyn, passed

away unexpectedly in August 2022 from injuries

he sustained in a motorcycle accident on his way

back from a hiking trip in Canada. He was 55.

“Steve was a charismatic leader who inspired

progress, got results and managed to have fun

along the way,” George Lazaridis, Quontic’s

co-founder and interim CEO, said in a prepared

statement. “He will be greatly missed.”

“Meeting Steve was a breath of fresh air. He

wholeheartedly embraced NHS Brooklyn’s mission

and sincerely believed that our work made a difference,” said Tonya Ores,

Executive Director.

Founded in 2009, Quontic is a US Treasury-designated Community

Development Financial Institution that largely caters to immigrant

borrowers, seniors, and gig workers. Their unique loans accommodate

those who may require down-payment assistance and alternative income

documentation to qualify. Because so many of our clients need these types

of loans, Steve chose to support NHS Brooklyn, and Quontic has been a

great partner.

Not just an entrepreneur but also philanthropist, Steve was a founding

director of Urban Angels, a non-profit that provides 100,000 meals to the

homeless each year. He also served on the board of the Arthur Project, a

non-profit focused on youth mentoring. In addition, he pledged $5,000 a

year in perpetuity to NHS Brooklyn and our mission—generosity for which

we are deeply grateful.

Steve is survived by his wife and two sons.



NHS Community Property Managers LLC,

a subsidiary of NHS Brooklyn, helps owners

of 1- to 4-unit properties manage some or

all of their home’s or building’s day-to-day

operations and maintenance. The program

is made possible by a generous grant from

Deutsche Bank.

Clients include small property owners who

are stressed managing their property; who

don’t have the time, energy, skills, or support

to manage their property or property-related income and expenses; or who don’t

live at or near their property.

The program is designed to stabilize clients’ finances, allow efficient property

upkeep, increase the value of the property, develop the clients property

management knowledge, help clients overcome economic hardships due to

COVID-19, and more.

Program services include but are not limited to: ​

• An analysis of operating expenses and ways to reduce them

• Securing estimates from licensed, insured contractors and managing their work

• Counseling on refinancing, reverse mortgage, and foreclosure avoidance

• Tenant referrals for affordable units

Our professional network of licensed, insured contractors offer services such as:

• ​Construction and small repairs

• Roofing, plumbing, electrical

• HVAC, furnace, boiler, maintenance and repair

• Seasonal cleanups, snow/tree removal, landscaping

• Masonry, pointing, concrete work

• Weatherization, waterproofing, window repair and installation

• Asbestos, mold, and lead removal; security upgrades; pest treatment

• Counseling for mortgage matters and property insurance

• Legal and real estate referrals

Interested property owners should contact Isanna Saxon at

NHS Brooklyn at 718-469-4679 or propertymanagementdept@

nhsbrooklyn.org for more information and an application.

Senior Scholarship. NYS Senator Kevin Parker (District 21 -

Brooklyn) is offering his constituents age 62+ 1-year scholarships

for the program. Eligible seniors must own a 1- to 4-unit property

in East Flatbush, Flatbush, Midwood, Ditmas Park, Kensington,

Park Slope, or Windsor Terrace. Contact NHS Brooklyn to apply.




Heartfelt thanks to the many businesses and organizations who have helped

our organization thrive and made tonight’s celebration possible.

• Co-Chairs •

• Benefactors •

• Patrons •


• Friends •

• Sustainers •

• Supporters • • Event Sponsors •

Center for NYC Neighborhoods

My Time Inc.

The Glorious Church of God in

Jesus Christ, Inc.

Apple Bank

Walsh Gilad Law PPLC

Nationwide Mortgage Bankers, Inc.

Intrinsic Technology Group

Cocktail Hour Flowers

BNY Mellon

Cocktail Hour Beverages

Horizon Contractors

Maximum Giraud Contracting


Brothers Contracting


GVG Contracting


K&A Contracting



Executive Director Tonya Ores

On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff of

Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn CDC,

Inc. (NHS Brooklyn), we are delighted to welcome

you to our grand celebration of forty years building

communities and transforming lives in Brooklyn and


For four decades, working tirelessly, and with

your steadfast help, we at NHS Brooklyn have

accomplished what we set out to do: create a viable,

transformational, full-service nonprofit housing

organization and community development corporation. Together, we have

achieved so much, and though our work is far from over, we would like to

share with you highlights of our recent accomplishments.

2017–2022 MILESTONES

• Successfully re-branded our organization in January 2017 as NHS Brooklyn

CDC, Inc.

• Increased our general operating budget by 57%

• Secured $5.5 million in government funds to support our programs and


• Secured an additional $3.5 million in state funds to support our officebuilding

acquisition and rehabilitation project

• Maintained and made accessible an office in Canarsie

• Strengthened our presence in East New York and Coney Island

• Contracted 26 additional partnerships, resulting in program and monetary


• Strengthened two new programs: Financial Capabilities and Tenant Support


• Launched an anti-displacement, anti-harassment campaign, “My House is

Not for Sale”

• Secured funds to develop a Strategic Plan, Leadership Development Plan,

and Succession Plan

• On-boarded a new Board President and recruited four new Board Members

• Expanded our Resiliency and Emergency Preparedness Education efforts

• Developed internal policies and plans for Business Continuity, Employee

Remote Work, and Infectious Disease Prevention

• Complied with HUD Mandate and achieved 100% Housing Counselor




• Hosted 352 Webinars since May 2020, educating over 10,000 participants

• Launched an affordable property management program, NHS Community

Property Managers, LLC, and hired a Customer Service Specialist.

• Released new rounds of home repair grants, including Project HELP and

the Round 3 of the Affordable Housing Corporation Grant, as well as

a special grant, Home Help for Heroes, designed to help veterans with

disabilities to live independently and at home.


Affordable Property Management Program for Owners of 1- to

4-Unit Properties

NHS Brooklyn launched its newest program, NHS Community Property

Managers, LLC, thanks to an award from Deutsche Bank’s Working Capital

Initiative. Our goal is to manage at least 120 units within the communities

we serve by December 31, 2023. We will measure our success by the number

of executed agreements. So far, we are managing 33 units.

Home Help for Heroes Grant for

Veterans with Disabilities

Designed for veterans with disabilities whose

income is at or below 120% of Area Median

Income, the Home Help for Heroes Grant

provides funding of up to $25,000 for a

veteran with disabilities to make accessibility

modifications or emergency repairs to his

or her home. Eligible alterations include installation of a roll-in shower,

chair lift, or ramp, and door widening. Veterans for this program who have

service-related injuries, or age- or health-related disabilities, may be renters

or homeowners, and the residential unit being modified must be the primary

residence of the veteran. This program is made

possible by New York State Homes and Community


Emergency Preparedness & Response

NHS Brooklyn has educated thousands of residents

about emergency preparedness through in-person

events and webinars, often with NYC Emergency

Management as a partner. We also post frequently

to social media about a variety of emergency

and disaster preparedness topics relating to lifethreatening

weather events. These include heatwaves,



blizzards, hurricanes, and flash flooding. We also share advice and offer

workshops on how to avoid financial disasters that natural hazards and

other life circumstances can cause. In 2012, we responded to Superstorm

Sandy by opening an office in hard-hit Canarsie, being active in recovery

coalitions, and providing repair and recovery case management. More

recently, we provided counseling to residents impacted by Tropical Storm

Isaias (2020) and Tropical Storm Ida (2021) and advocated on their behalf.

Protecting Intergenerational


NHS Brooklyn hosts annual Estate

Planning events that present

the basics of wills, trusts, healthcare

proxies, power of attorney,

third-party authorizations, and

guardianship. These educational

sessions focus on issues that homeowners and their families may face if they

fail to plan properly. These issues range from loss or possible loss of the

family home; probate complications due to lack of a will or a proper will;

and risks families take if they do not have health care proxies and other

advance directives in place; to how minor children or those with disabilities

will be cared for, if the primary caretaker cannot. When COVID-19 took

many lives in our community, we offered a webinar entitled “After a

Homeowner Dies,” designed to help families understand what to do in the

event of the death of a household member whose name is on the deed or

mortgage. We also added our first home-seller webinar as well as sessions

on refinancing, reverse mortgage, and foreclosure avoidance.

Covid-19 Outreach

NHS Brooklyn has been at the forefront of

dispelling myths, sharing information, and

educating Brooklynites about COVID-19,

testing, and vaccination. In partnership

with the NYC Department of Health and

Mental Hygiene and the Fund for Public

Health, we have worked diligently to improve

outreach by sharing our hyperlocal knowledge of the communities we serve,

advocating for educational resources for non-English speakers (especially

speakers of Haitian Creole), and disseminating reliable, accurate information

almost daily, all in an effort to help our clients and other members of the

public access resources that will decrease the chances of their contracting

COVID-19, getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, or dying. Early this year,



staff and board members teamed up to distribute 500 COVID-19 at-home

test kits and 1,000 KN-95 masks at the Church Avenue subway station and

to businesses in and around our East Flatbush office. We also distributed

hundreds of these kits and masks to area houses of worship.



• Requests for Services: 89% increase (and growing) due to:

− Housing and financial challenges triggered by COVID-19

− Expansion of our service area

− A stronger, more targeted social media presence

− Consistent collaboration with nonprofit partners, elected officials, and

government agencies

• Homeownership Preservation & Promotion (First-Time Home

Buying) The 92% (and growing) increase is directly attributable to:

− Our having added webinars, virtual town halls, and telephone

counseling sessions

− Residents having more time to set homeownership and savings goals.

− The fact that we have permanent physical offices in East Flatbush and

Canarsie and are accessible at partner locations in East New York and

Coney Island.



• Homeownership Mortgages Even though it is a “seller’s market,” the

number of home purchases has decreased due to the state of the current

housing market post-pandemic.

• Foreclosure Prior to the COVID 19 pandemic, some homeowners were

facing foreclosure, but the pandemic pushed many more into foreclosure

due to loss of income, the death of a contributing household member,

marital issues, mental health challenges, and illness. A mortgage

moratorium preventing foreclosures was in place until January 2022, but

now that it has ended, foreclosure filings are on the rise and homes are

going up for auction. There are also currently a high number of homeowners

in forbearance. Once the forbearances end, some of those loans will go

into foreclosure. NHS Brooklyn continues to work with homeowners to find

solutions to their foreclosure issues.

• Home Repair Services NHS Brooklyn facilitates home repair loans and

issues home repair grants. We have secured additional funds from the

City and State to provide emergency home repair grants to homeowners

in need and are in the process of reviewing applications and providing

home assessments. The launch of the 3rd Round of Affordable Housing

Corporation (AHC) funds and Project HELP will result in at least 50

homeowners receiving a grant of up to $20,000 for home repairs.

• Tenant Support Services This relatively new program at NHS Brooklyn

has grown largely due to the expiration of the eviction moratorium; the

uncertainty of future mandates, policies, and resources; and residents’ strong

interest in help applying for affordable housing lotteries.

• Resiliency Services & Emergency Preparedness NHS Brooklyn had

already incorporated resiliency services and emergency preparedness into

all our counseling and education services when the pandemic hit in March

2020. We routinely urge the public to prepare for emergencies like fires,

heatwaves, blizzards, and hurricanes; to download apps such as NotifyNYC

to receive alerts in real time; and to understand the hazards they may face,

given the location of their home. We warn residents living in basements and

near coastal areas that they are at higher risk. We encourage all residents

to actively engage in preparedness planning; have a Go-Bag; have a plan

for themselves, their families, and their pets; and know their evacuation

zone. We also educate residents on how to avoid financial disasters due to

natural causes, lack of adequate insurance, and unexpected hardships.

• Property Management (PM) The PM Program was created to combat

the mismanagement of 1- to 4-unit family homes and to avoid predatory

lending practices. The program is offered as a resource for senior, new

homeowners, and absentee owners who do not reside in New York City.




In 2021, 78% of NHS Brooklyn’s clients earned less than 80% of the Area

Median Income for New York City’s Metropolitan Statistical Area.

We work with diverse groups of residents that represent the rich cultural

mosaic of Brooklyn. During the past five years, our clients were 53% Black,

29% Latinx, 7% White, 6% Asian, 5% self-identifying as Other, 58% female,

42% male, and 30% female-headed households. In addition, 88% of NHS

Brooklyn’s clients last year earned less than 80% of the Area Median Income

for New York City’s Metropolitan Statistical Area.


• Population & Poverty Rates. According to www.census.gov/quickfacts,

as of April 2021, Brooklyn is the most populous borough with 2,736,074

residents. The poverty rate is the worst in NYC (second only to the Bronx),

with 19.2% of households below the poverty line compared to 14% in the City

of New York. In April 2021, Brooklyn reported a total of 1,009,804 housing

units and homeownership rate of 30.3%.

• Housing-Cost Burden. 41.8% of NYC homeowners spend over 30% of

their income on housing, which qualifies them as housing-cost burdened.

About 22% are considered severely cost-burdened, spending over 50% of

their income on housing. One out of 5 NYC households with a mortgage

are extremely house burdened. (State of NYC Housing and Neighborhoods

in 2020, Furman Center).

• Foreclosure Moratorium. The COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and

Foreclosure Act of 2020, signed into law on December 28, 2020, placed

a moratorium until May 1, 2021, on evictions and foreclosures for people

experiencing a hardship related to COVID-19. During a moratorium,

evictions and foreclosures may not proceed. On September 2, 2021, the

moratorium was extended to January 15, 2022, at which point it was lifted.


According to a July 2022 article by Janaki Chadha in Politico, “As the

Covid-19 pandemic hit New York City in the spring of 2020, a subsequent

exodus of residents ushered in a seemingly new era for the city’s everturbulent

rental housing market. Landlords offered months of free rent in

some of the priciest neighborhoods, amid grim predictions of long-term

damage to the city. It did not last. As the nation’s largest city bounces back

from the pandemic, a housing crisis decade in the making rages. Stories

abound of apartment hunters fighting bidding wars and languishing in

hourlong lines for packed open houses.”



• Loss of household income. An estimated 735,000 renter households in NYC

have at least one member who has lost his or her job due to COVID-19

(Impacts of Covid-19 on New York Renters and Housing Stock, Furman

Center). Many also died of natural causes or due to COVID-19, which

impacted communities of color disproportionately.

• Government relief. As of September 22, 2022, $2.9 billion of the NYS

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) has been paid to landlords

across the state. ERAP also paid $108 million for utilities as of September

23, 2022.

• Median cost of rent increase. During the pandemic, the real estate market

caught fire. Following a temporary drop in rental prices due to vacancies by

people leaving the city, the rental market has rebounded, with the median

price for a one-bedroom apartment having increased from $1,782 in August

2020 to $1,977 in August 2021 (NY After COVID: Housing Are Rent &

Real Estate Prices Doing? Forbes.com, July 28, 2021).


• Brooklyn continues to be a place where many New York City residents want

to purchase a primary residence and live.

• Between August 2020 and August 2021, Brooklyn home prices increased

by 1.4% (NY After COVID, Forbes.com). Currently, the median price for

a single-family home in Brooklyn is $885,000, making homeownership

unaffordable for many (NY After COVID, Forbes.com).

• Higher prices have also increased the gap in homeownership rates for

Blacks and Latinos, who have lower homeownership rates than Whites and


• In recent months, some buyers have lost interest in purchasing a home right

now due to having been passed over for all-cash offers; low inventory of

affordable properties; and an increase in the mortgage interest rate from

2% to almost 7%. This trend is projected to slow in the first quarter of 2023.


• By the end of 2020, an average 11.8% (533,313) of New York homeowners

were delinquent on their mortgage, according to US Census data. This rate

is triple the last high of 3.8% in January 2009 at the height of the Great

Recession and over five times the 2.2% delinquency rate in January 2020.

• By March 3, 2021, New York State faced its highest mortgage default rate

since the Great Recession.

• Homeowners of color—the majority of our clients—are twice as likely to

experience mortgage distress than their White counterparts.




Strong neighborhoods are rooted in strong leadership and community

involvement. At NHS Brooklyn, we commend and support our resident

leaders and partners for their great work and commitment to the

communities in which we all live and work.

NHS Brooklyn envisions a city filled with affordable, healthy, and

sustainable housing. We welcome partnerships, programs, and initiatives that

support our mission and this vision.

Please contact us with your ideas for making Brooklyn the best it can be!







Hakeem Jeffries

Marc Jahr

Dime Community Bank



Congressman Hakeem Jeffries

Hakeem Jeffries represents the diverse Eighth

Congressional District of New York, an area that

encompasses large parts of Brooklyn and a section of

Queens. Serving his fifth term in the U.S. Congress, Rep.

Jeffries is a member of the House Judiciary Committee

and House Budget Committee.

Rep. Jeffries is Chairman of the House Democratic

Caucus, fifth highest-ranking Democrat in the House of

Representatives, former Whip of the Congressional Black

Caucus, and former co-chair of the Democratic Policy

and Communications Committee.

In Congress, Rep. Jeffries is a tireless advocate for social and economic justice.

He has worked hard to help residents impacted by the devastation of the COVID-19

pandemic, reform our criminal justice system, improve the economy for everyday

Americans and protect health care.

Rep. Jeffries has played a major role in shaping the Congressional response to

the COVID-19 pandemic. He has fought hard to assist state and local governments

whose budgets have been devastated by the virus, pushed for an extension of

the emergency unemployment benefit, and supported efforts to keep everyday

Americans in their homes. He also partnered with Governor Andrew Cuomo to

expand testing in hard-hit communities of color by establishing walk-in sites at houses

of worship throughout New York City.

Rep. Jeffries has been actively involved in the passage of a number of key pieces

of legislation, including the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (H.R. 152),

a bill that provides billions of dollars in Superstorm Sandy recovery to the Eighth

District and other affected areas.

Prior to his election to the Congress, Rep. Jeffries served for six years in the

New York State Assembly. In that capacity, he authored laws to encourage the

transformation of vacant luxury condominiums into affordable homes for working

families and improve the quality of justice in the civil court system.

Congressman Jeffries holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from SUNY

Binghamton, a master’s degree in public policy from Georgetown University, and

a law degree from New York University Law School, all with high honors. He has

practiced law at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP and served as

counsel in the litigation department of Viacom Inc. and CBS. He also worked as ofcounsel

at the NYC litigation firm of Godosky & Gentile.

Rep. Jeffries was born in Brooklyn Hospital, raised in Crown Heights and is a

product New York City’s public school system, having graduated from Midwood

High School. He lives in Prospect Heights with his family.



Marc Jahr

Marc Jahr began his 40-plus year career in community

development and affordable housing as a VISTA volunteer.

He then became a tenant and community organizer with

the NYC Commission on Human Rights and Director of

its East Flatbush office. He was also a local coordinator

with the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, helping

to organize NHSNYC and becoming the first Executive

Director of its East Flatbush program, now NHS Brooklyn

CDC, Inc. From there, he become Deputy Director of the

Small Homes Unit of the New York City Department of

Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and then

of its Multi-Family Housing Unit.

In 1989, Marc became the Fund Manager for the New York Equity Fund, a

collaboration between the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and the

Enterprise Foundation. There, he oversaw the creation of the 1989 New York Equity

Fund, a $49MM fund which, in collaboration with HPD, financed approximately

1,100 units developed by nonprofit community development corporations (CDCs).

He transitioned from that position to become LISC’s NYC Program Director, where

he managed the program’s housing efforts and also played a leadership role in

LISC’s support for the development of two huge economic development projects:

the 53,000-square-foot Pathmark supermarket, developed by the Abyssinian

Development Corporation on East 125th Street, and the New Horizons shopping

center, developed by MBD in the South Bronx. Under his leadership, the program

also launched and administered a Child Care facilities development program, which

served as a model for a national effort. Marc then became a LISC Vice President,

supervising local programs in New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, Greater Cincinnati/

Northern Kentucky, Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Southwest Pennsylvania, and Toledo.

In 2002, Mr. Jahr became Citi Community Capital’s New York Metropolitan

Area Market Director and supervised its community development real estate lending

group. From 2002- 2007, lending activity increased ten-fold and cumulatively his

group originated over $2.2 billion in loans and letters of credit.

Mr. Jahr served as President of the NYC Housing Development Corporation

(HDC) from 2008-2013, when he oversaw the provision of over $6.6 billion in

financing for 214 developments (81,290 units of affordable rental housing), and grew

the Corporation’s assets 57.9% to $12.9BN and net assets 55.7% to $1.65BN.

Currently, Marc is a Senior Advisor with Forsyth Street, a nationally recognized

leader in structuring, sourcing, and investing capital for the preservation and

development of affordable housing. His clients include the Office of the New York

Attorney General, the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department,

the Joint Ownership Entity (“JOE”), LISC, the AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust,

Highbridge Community Development Corporation, Los Sures, the Greystone

Foundation, the NeighborWorks Alliance of New York State, the YMCA of New

York, and the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation.



Dime Bank

Dime Community Bank, Brooklyn Heights Branch

Headquartered in Hauppauge, New York, Dime Community Bank (“Dime”)

(NASDAQ: DCOM), has over $12.3 Billion in assets and operates 59 convenient

locations from Montauk to Manhattan. Dime is committed to providing exceptional

service, the latest in technology and an experienced, dedicated team to help

customers achieve their financial goals.

The Bank offers a full range of products and services for businesses and

consumers. Title insurance services are offered through Dime’s wholly owned

subsidiary, Bridge Abstract. Dime Financial Services Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary

of Dime, offers financial planning and investment consultation. Dime also has a rich

tradition of involvement in the community by supporting programs and initiatives

that promote local business, the environment, education, healthcare, social services

and the arts.

For more information, visit dime.com.



Elizabeth Malone

Program Director for Resiliency & Insurance Services

Elizabeth Malone is Program Manager of

NHS Brooklyn’s Resiliency and Insurance

Services, providing information and counseling

on insurance to residents and organizations.

Ms. Malone counsels residents on property

insurance issues and represents NHS Brooklyn

as a subject matter expert in homeownership,

insurance, and the National Flood Insurance


She organized and delivered recovery process

and insurance trainings for the New York

State Disaster Case Management Program,

the Center for New York City Neighborhoods,

The New York City Citizen Corps Council, and the NY Legal Services Task

Force, among others.

She was a Vice-Chair of the Brooklyn Long-Term Recovery Group, a

coalition of nonprofits and agencies supporting residents and businesses

recovering from Superstorm Sandy. She is currently the co-chair of the

Finance Committee of the Rise 2 Resilience Project.

Ms. Malone has been involved with community-based organizations on

insurance and housing recovery issues since 2000. She works closely

with numerous organizations at the local, state and national level on the

development of insurance-related policy and programs.


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Assemblymember 42 nd District



Chair, Subcommittee on Oversight of

Minority and Women-Owned Business

Enterprises (MWBE)

Chair, Task Force on Women’s Issues



Governmental Operations


Higher Education


Ways and Means

October 12, 2022

Dear Friends,

Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn Community Development Corporation, Inc. was birthed from a

community in need of housing revitalization and rehabilitation, then known as Neighborhood Housing Services of

East Flatbush, Inc. Forty years later, Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn Community Development Corp.

Inc., best known as NHS Brooklyn, still stands strong with our community.

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate NHS Brooklyn on this milestone. Their services provide critical support to

the Brooklyn community, covering a broad scope of needs from first time homeownership, to financial resources, to

maintenance. In addition, they address the needs of not only homeowners, but small landlords and tenants. NHS

Brooklyn understands the value of education and has passed along their knowledge through an array of workshops

and forums. Their dedication and commitment to providing the necessary tools to sustain a vibrant community

shows us that they are true community partners.

I would like to congratulate Executive Director, Tonya Ores for her great leadership and to the NHS Brooklyn team,

who together make this organization a place the community can count on.

I would also like to congratulate this year’s distinguished honorees: Dime Community Bank; Marc Jahr; Senior

Advisor at Forsyth Street Advisors; and Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, NY 8 th District.

Congratulations again to NHS Brooklyn CDC Inc. for its accomplishments! I look forward to its continued

partnership with the community.


Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn

ALBANY OFFICE: Room 727, Legislative Office Building, Albany, New York 12248 • 518-455-5385, FAX: 518-455-3881

DISTRICT OFFICE: 1312 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11210 • 718-940-0428, FAX: 718-940-0154

EMAIL: bichotter@nyassembly.gov















(718) 287-8917



NEW YORK, NY 10007

(212) 788-7352















Dear NHS Brooklyn Leadership Team,

Thank you for the invaluable work that your organization has done since its inception.

It’s not a secret that the last few years have been difficult for our communities. All over

Brooklyn and New York City, so many of us were irreparably harmed by COVID. Neighbors

lost their jobs, homes, and loved ones. However, even with the challenges that so many

people faced, we always had hope, in part because of the wonderful CBOs like NHS Brooklyn

that so many people were able to rely on. In one of the darkest periods of our city, NHS

Brooklyn served our neighbors in profoundly important ways.

For forty years now, your organization has been doing the tiring, often thankless work of

helping people when they need it most. I salute you for your service, and I am so proud to call

you a partner in the work of helping those who are working to get by.

I thank you for your steadfast leadership in working to ensure that our community is all it can

be. It’s individuals and organizations like you that do the legwork of improving our

neighborhoods and city. I am grateful for your service, but even more grateful that I have the

privilege of calling you neighbors.

Lastly, I would like to offer my most heartfelt thanks to tonight’s honorees: Dime Community

Bank, Marc Jahr, and Congressman Hakeem Jefferies. Collectively, the work you have done is

too great to enumerate here, but please know that the entirety of Brooklyn is thankful for your


Should you ever need assistance in fulfilling your mission of service toward others, know that I

am always just a phone call away.


Council Member Rita Joseph








September 21, 2022

To the Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn,

On behalf of the City of New York, I would like to offer you my congratulations and

well-wishes as you celebrate your fortieth anniversary. Neighborhood Housing Services

of Brooklyn has long been committed to its mission of serving and housing youth,

families, and seniors throughout our City, and I offer you my gratitude for your tireless

efforts. Your work providing support, training, and education for both homeowners and

renters makes our entire city a better and more vibrant place to live. I have been honored

to work with you throughout my time in government, beginning in the City Council, to

engage and inform constituents.

As Public Advocate, I know the importance of providing housing services and resources

to meet the needs of each unique community. Community institutions like

Neighborhood Housing Services of Brooklyn are vital in supporting our neighbors,

ensuring New Yorkers remain in safe and affordable housing, and providing and

disseminating essential information. I applaud your work and appreciate your successes

over these four decades. I hope that you celebrate today, and continue that work

tomorrow. Congratulations on your achievements, and I wish you success for many years

to come.


Jumaane D. Williams

Public Advocate for the City of New York



Thank you to all those who tirelessly helped to make our

40th Anniversary Celebration a success!

Serghio Adams

Board President

Tonya Ores

Executive Director

Gary Campbell

Board Treasurer


Marjorie Faison

Board Member

Andrea Hodge

Board Member

Larry Pampellone

Board Member

Patricia Strong

Board Member

Melissa Marius-Burke

Committee Member

Zenobia McNally

Committee Member

Laura McKenna

Marketing Manager


Brooklyn Museum

Gala Producer &


The DG Group

Graphic Design

Little Moon, LLC


Flatbush Copy Center



Gear 4 Productions, Inc.


Carlota New York


Keep Interacting



Great Performances


Soundhouse Rentals




Rhonda Denet Music


Mister Phantastick

Video Services

Nimble Pictures


NHS Brooklyn would like to

acknowledge and give thanks to our

volunteers for their contributions:

Alycia Benjamin • Keiona

Lightfoot • Jasmin McCraw •

Ashley Mosley • Jaylen Seay

Oneil Ores


NHS Brooklyn would like to give

special mention to

Board Member Marjorie Faison

for her generous gift-in-kind



For a complete list of our Upcoming Events,

visit www.nhsbrooklyn.org and subscribe

■ For Homeowners ■ For Tenants ■ For Home Buyers

■ ■

■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■

First-Time Home Buyer Orientation

Tuesday, October 18 | 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Landlord Training – Afternoon Class

Tuesday, October 18 | 3:00pm – 5:00pm

Home Insurance: Know What It Buys, Don’t Overpay

Wednesday, October 19 | 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Affordable Property Management: Program Overview

Thursday, October 20 | 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Emergency & Disaster Preparedness

Tuesday, October 25 | 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Foreclosure Avoidance: Homeowner Assistance Fund

& Court Updates

Wednesday, October 26 | 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Financial Coaching & Credit Improvement

Thursday, October 27 | 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Flood Insurance: Who Needs It is Changing

Tuesday, November 1 | 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Renter’s Insurance: What It Covers & Costs

Wednesday, November 9 | 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Tenants, Know Your Rights: Repairs, Heat & Forming

a Tenant Association

Thursday, November 10 | 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Energy Efficiency: Strategies & Resources

Thursday, December 1 | 6:00pm – 7:00pm


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