Un Ospite di Venezia - Settembre 2023

Julio Larraz: The Allegory of Dream Painting Dreams: Julio Larraz and the Art of Imagination Introduction Julio Larraz, the renowned Cuban artist, approaches art as a journey into the realm of dreams and visions. His work is not merely material; it's an anticipation of what could be. This striking perspective is reflected in "Summer Ice," a piece that captures imagination and opens the doors to a dreamlike universe. In this issue, we will delve into his world through the canvases exhibited in the "The Allegory of Dream" showcase in Venice, and through the discerning eyes of Contini Arte gallery. A Temple of Contemporary Art Contini Arte is far more than a simple art gallery. Founded and directed by Stefano Contini, this institution stands as a beacon in the realm of contemporary art. With its main location on Calle Larga XXII Marzo, the gallery showcases a modernist building that stands among international icons. Beyond this, Contini Arte boasts four additional venues, including an exhibition space in Cortina d'Ampezzo. Stefano Contini's passion and decades-long experience have transformed him into a modern "art merchant," curating works by masters like Fernando Botero, Pablo Atchugarry, Julio Larraz, and many others. Julio Larraz: The Allegory of Dream Taking the spotlight is the captivating retrospective dedicated to Julio Larraz, an artist whose realistic and refined brushwork has defined Caribbean art. Larraz captures imagination through canvases that oscillate between allegory and dream. "The Allegory of Dream" showcases artworks that evoke fantastical worlds and dreamlike visions. Larraz paints the future before it even materializes in the present, and this exhibition invites the audience to wander through his enchanting creations. Conclusions Julio Larraz continues to mesmerize the art world with his unique perspective. "The Allegory of Dream" exhibition offers an extraordinary opportunity to immerse oneself in his vision and get lost in the intersection between reality and imagination. Thanks to Contini Arte, this journey into contemporary art is made possible, and the legacy of Venice's "art merchants" lives on through Stefano Contini's passion. Julio Larraz: The Allegory of Dream

Painting Dreams: Julio Larraz and the Art of Imagination

Julio Larraz, the renowned Cuban artist, approaches art as a journey into the realm of dreams and visions. His work is not merely material; it's an anticipation of what could be. This striking perspective is reflected in "Summer Ice," a piece that captures imagination and opens the doors to a dreamlike universe. In this issue, we will delve into his world through the canvases exhibited in the "The Allegory of Dream" showcase in Venice, and through the discerning eyes of Contini Arte gallery.

A Temple of Contemporary Art
Contini Arte is far more than a simple art gallery. Founded and directed by Stefano Contini, this institution stands as a beacon in the realm of contemporary art. With its main location on Calle Larga XXII Marzo, the gallery showcases a modernist building that stands among international icons. Beyond this, Contini Arte boasts four additional venues, including an exhibition space in Cortina d'Ampezzo. Stefano Contini's passion and decades-long experience have transformed him into a modern "art merchant," curating works by masters like Fernando Botero, Pablo Atchugarry, Julio Larraz, and many others.

Julio Larraz: The Allegory of Dream
Taking the spotlight is the captivating retrospective dedicated to Julio Larraz, an artist whose realistic and refined brushwork has defined Caribbean art. Larraz captures imagination through canvases that oscillate between allegory and dream. "The Allegory of Dream" showcases artworks that evoke fantastical worlds and dreamlike visions. Larraz paints the future before it even materializes in the present, and this exhibition invites the audience to wander through his enchanting creations.

Julio Larraz continues to mesmerize the art world with his unique perspective. "The Allegory of Dream" exhibition offers an extraordinary opportunity to immerse oneself in his vision and get lost in the intersection between reality and imagination. Thanks to Contini Arte, this journey into contemporary art is made possible, and the legacy of Venice's "art merchants" lives on through Stefano Contini's passion.

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• RIVOLUzIONE VEDOVA.Un'importante mostra dedicata al maestro venezianodell’informale presenta presso gli spaziespositivi del museo M9, Museo del '900 di Mestre,130 opere, tra installazioni e tele a parete,che testimoniano il cambiamento delle modalitàdi fare arte intesa come impegno civile.L’esposizione curata da Gabriella Belli si presentaattraverso alcuni dei fondamentali lavori dell’artistacome percorso inedito che sceglie l’artecontemporanea come strumento per esploraree interpretare la storia sociale, culturale, politicaed economica del NovecentoLa mostra resterà visibile fino al 26 novembre.10-18 (Sab. Dom. 10 -19) Lun. Mar. 10 / 8• KENGO KUMA. Onomatopeia Architecture.In concomitanza con Biennale Architettura a PalazzoFranchetti si presenta questa originale retrospettivarivolta ad una tematica unica dell’innovativoarchitetto giapponese: l’onomatopea, cioèl’atto di creare o usare parole che includono suonisimili ai rumori ai quali si riferiscono.Attraverso l’esposizione di alcune maquette deisuoi edifici più celebri, espressione della sua ideadi architettura sostenibile, i visitatori saranno incoraggiatia scoprire i suoni dei diversi materiali.Fino al 26 novembre.10.00-18.00 Martedì 10,00 / 8,00• LUCIANO BALDESSARI.Architetture per la scena.In occasione di Biennale Architettura la FondazioneGiorgio Cini racconta in questa mostra l’operae la visione di Luciano Baldessari, architetto, designer,scenografo, figura eclettica e libera la cuivita e carriera di sperimentatore coraggioso e anticonformistaattraversa le Avanguardie storichedel Novecento tra Europa e Stati Uniti.Un corpus di disegni e progetti, valorizzati da unparticolare allestimento saranno esposti accantoalla lampada-manichino Luminator negli spazidella Manica lunga fino al 26 novembre.11.00-19.00 Mercoledì gratuito• VedOVA ReVOLUTiOnAt the exhibition venues of the mestre m9 museum,an important exhibition dedicated to thisVenetian master of the informal is presenting130 artworks, between installations and wall canvases,testifying to the change in the manner ofcreating art, understood as a civil commitment.The exhibition, by curator Gabriella Belli, is presentedthrough some of the artist's seminalworks, as a novel journey choosing contemporaryart as a tool for exploring and interpreting thesocial, cultural, political and economic history ofthe Twentieth century. The exhibition will remainvisible until 26 november.10am - 6pm / Sat. and Sunday 10am-7pmMonday- Tuesday 10.00 - 8.00• icOne - icÔneSConceived for the grandiose spaces at Punta dellaDogana, in a viewpoint open to all dimensionsof the artistic imagination, a striking exhibition,between figuration and abstraction, presents aselection of emblematic works belonging to thePinault Collection.They are paintings, videos, sounds, installations,performances, which invite the viewer to sharethe visible through exploration of the state ofimages morphing into appearance, illumination,revelation... The exhibition will be visible until 26november 2023.10.00am - 7.00pm Tuesday 15.00 - 12.00• KenGO KUmA. Onomatopoeia Architecture.Concurrently with the Architecture Biennale,this original retrospective is being presented atPalazzo Franchetti, addressing a unique themeby this innovative Japanese architect: onomatopoeia,that is, the act of creating or using wordsincluding sounds similar to noises they refer to.Visitors shall be encouraged to discover thesounds of various materials through the displayof some models of his most famous buildings,expressing his ideal of sustainable architecture.Until 26 november.10am - 6.00pm Tuesday 10.00 - 8.00• eGO. charles Valverde, didier Guillon, GospelsKyrs and Anatoli Georgiev.In the Venetian venues of the Valmont Foundationat Palazzo Bonvicini, four artists have met inVenice, immersed within one of the loftiest expressionsof beauty, fragile yet eternal. This contacthas led them to convey their reflections on thetheme of the Ego and its many representations.Until February 25/2024 in Calle Agnello 2161/A.10am - 6 pm Admission free38un Ospite di Venezia

• EGO. Charles Valverde, Didier Guillon, VangeliKyrs e Anatoli Georgiev.A Palazzo Bonvicini, negli spazi veneziani dellafondazione Valmont, quattro artisti si sono ritrovatia Venezia immersi in una delle massimeespressioni di bellezza, fragile e al tempo stessaeterna. Questo contatto li ha portati ad esprimerele loro riflessioni sul tema dell’Ego e sulle suemolteplici espressioni. Apertura fino al 25 febbraio2024 in Calle Agnello, San Polo 2161/A.10.00 - 18.00 ingresso libero• DOVE STIAMO ANDANDO? Clima e persone”SULLE MIGRAzIONI CLIMATICHE.Promossa e allestita quale progetto espositivodalla sede di EMERGENCY di Venezia (Giudecca212) con la collaborazione del fotoreporter eambasciatore del clima, Simone Padovani questamostra visualizza attraverso fotografie, mappe,info-grafiche e un’installazione, i cambiamenti climaticie i suoi effetti sugli spostamenti delle persone.In esame quindici Paesi, tra cui l’Italia, doveEMERGENCY opera o da cui molte persone simuovono per raggiungere l’Europa, anche a causadi fenomeni ambientali estremi. La mostra saràvisibile dal 6 settembre al 30 novembre.10-17 Domenica, Lun.edì, Martedì. Gratuito• DOORSCAPELo Spazio oltre la Soglia.Presentata da Oikos Venezia e FondazioneQuerini Stampalia e inserita negli ambienti diquest’ultima realizzati dall’architetto Carlo Scarpa,questa esposizione presenta i dieci progettivincitori della prima edizione di un concorso internazionaleideato per offrire una inedita riflessioneallo spazio di ingresso interpretato nei suoimolteplici collegamenti, accezioni e funzioni.Fond. Querini Stampalia, fino al 26 novembre.10 - 18 Lunedì 15 / 12 (ingresso museo)• “WHeRe ARe We GOinG? climate and people”On cLimATe miGRATiOnSPromoted and set up as an exhibition project bythe Venice emeRGency office (Giudecca 212)with the collaboration of photojournalist andclimate ambassador Simone Padovani, this exhibitionillustrates climate change and its effectson people's movements through photographs,maps, info-graphics and an installation. fifteencountries are under scrutiny, including Italy, countrieswhere EMERGENCY operates or from wheremany people move to reach Europe, also due toextreme environmental phenomena. The exhibitionwill be visible from 6 September to 30 Nov.10am-5pm Sun. - Mon. - Tue. free• THUS WAVeS cOme in PAiRSSimone Fattal and Petrit Halilaj & Álvaro UrbanoThe series of exhibitions curated by TBA21–Academy,dedicated to the relationship between manand the sea, continues in the venues of OceanSpace, located at the former church of SanLorenzo, in Castello.Inspired by the "Sea and fog" poem by Etel Adnan,this new project curated by Barbara Casavecchiasees the encounter between the monumental ceramicand glass sculptures of this American-Lebaneseartist and the new installation co-commissionedby TBA21–Academy and Audemars PiguetContemporary, until 5 november.11am - 6.00pm Mon.Tue. free• THUS WAVES COME IN PAIRS.Simone Fattal e Petrit Halilaj & Álvaro UrbanoProsegue nello spazio di Ocean Space inseritonell’ex chiesa di San Lorenzo, a Castello, il ciclodi mostre curate da TBA21–Academy dedicate alrapporto tra uomo, sostenibilità e mare.Ispirato dal poema "Sea and Fog" ("Mare e nebbia")di Etel Adnan, questo nuovo progetto vedel'incontro tra le monumentali sculture in ceramicae vetro dell'artista americano-libanese e lanuova installazione del duo Petrit Halilaj & ÁlvaroUrbano, co-commissionata da TBA21-Academye Audemars Piguet Contemporary. Fino al 5 / 11.11.00-18.00 Lunedì e Martedì gratuitoMostre d’Arte | Art Exhibitions 39

• EGO. Charles Valverde, Didier Guillon, Vangeli

Kyrs e Anatoli Georgiev.

A Palazzo Bonvicini, negli spazi veneziani della

fondazione Valmont, quattro artisti si sono ritrovati

a Venezia immersi in una delle massime

espressioni di bellezza, fragile e al tempo stessa

eterna. Questo contatto li ha portati ad esprimere

le loro riflessioni sul tema dell’Ego e sulle sue

molteplici espressioni. Apertura fino al 25 febbraio

2024 in Calle Agnello, San Polo 2161/A.

10.00 - 18.00 ingresso libero

• DOVE STIAMO ANDANDO? Clima e persone”


Promossa e allestita quale progetto espositivo

dalla sede di EMERGENCY di Venezia (Giudecca

212) con la collaborazione del fotoreporter e

ambasciatore del clima, Simone Padovani questa

mostra visualizza attraverso fotografie, mappe,

info-grafiche e un’installazione, i cambiamenti climatici

e i suoi effetti sugli spostamenti delle persone.

In esame quindici Paesi, tra cui l’Italia, dove

EMERGENCY opera o da cui molte persone si

muovono per raggiungere l’Europa, anche a causa

di fenomeni ambientali estremi. La mostra sarà

visibile dal 6 settembre al 30 novembre.

10-17 Domenica, Lun.edì, Martedì. Gratuito


Lo Spazio oltre la Soglia.

Presentata da Oikos Venezia e Fondazione

Querini Stampalia e inserita negli ambienti di

quest’ultima realizzati dall’architetto Carlo Scarpa,

questa esposizione presenta i dieci progetti

vincitori della prima edizione di un concorso internazionale

ideato per offrire una inedita riflessione

allo spazio di ingresso interpretato nei suoi

molteplici collegamenti, accezioni e funzioni.

Fond. Querini Stampalia, fino al 26 novembre.

10 - 18 Lunedì 15 / 12 (ingresso museo)

• “WHeRe ARe We GOinG? climate and people”

On cLimATe miGRATiOnS

Promoted and set up as an exhibition project by

the Venice emeRGency office (Giudecca 212)

with the collaboration of photojournalist and

climate ambassador Simone Padovani, this exhibition

illustrates climate change and its effects

on people's movements through photographs,

maps, info-graphics and an installation. fifteen

countries are under scrutiny, including Italy, countries

where EMERGENCY operates or from where

many people move to reach Europe, also due to

extreme environmental phenomena. The exhibition

will be visible from 6 September to 30 Nov.

10am-5pm Sun. - Mon. - Tue. free

• THUS WAVeS cOme in PAiRS

Simone Fattal and Petrit Halilaj & Álvaro Urbano

The series of exhibitions curated by TBA21–Academy,

dedicated to the relationship between man

and the sea, continues in the venues of Ocean

Space, located at the former church of San

Lorenzo, in Castello.

Inspired by the "Sea and fog" poem by Etel Adnan,

this new project curated by Barbara Casavecchia

sees the encounter between the monumental ceramic

and glass sculptures of this American-Lebanese

artist and the new installation co-commissioned

by TBA21–Academy and Audemars Piguet

Contemporary, until 5 november.

11am - 6.00pm Mon.Tue. free


Simone Fattal e Petrit Halilaj & Álvaro Urbano

Prosegue nello spazio di Ocean Space inserito

nell’ex chiesa di San Lorenzo, a Castello, il ciclo

di mostre curate da TBA21–Academy dedicate al

rapporto tra uomo, sostenibilità e mare.

Ispirato dal poema "Sea and Fog" ("Mare e nebbia")

di Etel Adnan, questo nuovo progetto vede

l'incontro tra le monumentali sculture in ceramica

e vetro dell'artista americano-libanese e la

nuova installazione del duo Petrit Halilaj & Álvaro

Urbano, co-commissionata da TBA21-Academy

e Audemars Piguet Contemporary. Fino al 5 / 11.

11.00-18.00 Lunedì e Martedì gratuito

Mostre d’Arte | Art Exhibitions 39

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