Un Ospite di Venezia - Settembre 2023

Julio Larraz: The Allegory of Dream Painting Dreams: Julio Larraz and the Art of Imagination Introduction Julio Larraz, the renowned Cuban artist, approaches art as a journey into the realm of dreams and visions. His work is not merely material; it's an anticipation of what could be. This striking perspective is reflected in "Summer Ice," a piece that captures imagination and opens the doors to a dreamlike universe. In this issue, we will delve into his world through the canvases exhibited in the "The Allegory of Dream" showcase in Venice, and through the discerning eyes of Contini Arte gallery. A Temple of Contemporary Art Contini Arte is far more than a simple art gallery. Founded and directed by Stefano Contini, this institution stands as a beacon in the realm of contemporary art. With its main location on Calle Larga XXII Marzo, the gallery showcases a modernist building that stands among international icons. Beyond this, Contini Arte boasts four additional venues, including an exhibition space in Cortina d'Ampezzo. Stefano Contini's passion and decades-long experience have transformed him into a modern "art merchant," curating works by masters like Fernando Botero, Pablo Atchugarry, Julio Larraz, and many others. Julio Larraz: The Allegory of Dream Taking the spotlight is the captivating retrospective dedicated to Julio Larraz, an artist whose realistic and refined brushwork has defined Caribbean art. Larraz captures imagination through canvases that oscillate between allegory and dream. "The Allegory of Dream" showcases artworks that evoke fantastical worlds and dreamlike visions. Larraz paints the future before it even materializes in the present, and this exhibition invites the audience to wander through his enchanting creations. Conclusions Julio Larraz continues to mesmerize the art world with his unique perspective. "The Allegory of Dream" exhibition offers an extraordinary opportunity to immerse oneself in his vision and get lost in the intersection between reality and imagination. Thanks to Contini Arte, this journey into contemporary art is made possible, and the legacy of Venice's "art merchants" lives on through Stefano Contini's passion.

Julio Larraz: The Allegory of Dream

Painting Dreams: Julio Larraz and the Art of Imagination

Julio Larraz, the renowned Cuban artist, approaches art as a journey into the realm of dreams and visions. His work is not merely material; it's an anticipation of what could be. This striking perspective is reflected in "Summer Ice," a piece that captures imagination and opens the doors to a dreamlike universe. In this issue, we will delve into his world through the canvases exhibited in the "The Allegory of Dream" showcase in Venice, and through the discerning eyes of Contini Arte gallery.

A Temple of Contemporary Art
Contini Arte is far more than a simple art gallery. Founded and directed by Stefano Contini, this institution stands as a beacon in the realm of contemporary art. With its main location on Calle Larga XXII Marzo, the gallery showcases a modernist building that stands among international icons. Beyond this, Contini Arte boasts four additional venues, including an exhibition space in Cortina d'Ampezzo. Stefano Contini's passion and decades-long experience have transformed him into a modern "art merchant," curating works by masters like Fernando Botero, Pablo Atchugarry, Julio Larraz, and many others.

Julio Larraz: The Allegory of Dream
Taking the spotlight is the captivating retrospective dedicated to Julio Larraz, an artist whose realistic and refined brushwork has defined Caribbean art. Larraz captures imagination through canvases that oscillate between allegory and dream. "The Allegory of Dream" showcases artworks that evoke fantastical worlds and dreamlike visions. Larraz paints the future before it even materializes in the present, and this exhibition invites the audience to wander through his enchanting creations.

Julio Larraz continues to mesmerize the art world with his unique perspective. "The Allegory of Dream" exhibition offers an extraordinary opportunity to immerse oneself in his vision and get lost in the intersection between reality and imagination. Thanks to Contini Arte, this journey into contemporary art is made possible, and the legacy of Venice's "art merchants" lives on through Stefano Contini's passion.


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WHen dReAmS BecOme ART

“I paint because I want to view a dream, before it

even appears…”

Internationally known Cuban artist Julio Larraz

thus imagines and develops his artwork, keeping

the spectator suspended, in an amusing game

between allegorical and dreamlike images, or a

vision balanced between the real world and the

fruit of imagination.

Therefore we wished to open this issue, packed

with events, with “Ice in Summer” - the title of

this artwork - dedicating it to an artist featured

in an important exhibition in Venice, and more in

particular, to a gallery which has been an integral

part for many years of the already prestigious artistic

scenario in town.

The reference is to contini Arte, a gallery we

may define today as a true temple for contemporary


Its headquarters, with nothing to envy from an

actual museum - a modernist building situated

among the elite of top international brands

in Calle Larga XXII Marzo - is flanked by a good

four more venues, totalling over 1000 exhibition

square metres, the one at Cortina d’Ampezzo

among them.

Directing it, like an orchestra conductor, is Stefano

contini, the creator, founder and owner of

the gallery, who may be said nowadays to embody

the modern version of what used to be a

fundamental historical role which counted a lot

in Venice, the "art merchant".

His instinct, his passion, his experience over forty

years, have all led him to success, and to head a

gallery which is among the bestknown

in Italy nowadays, and not

only. Art - he says - "is like a rainbow,

endlessly fascinating".

His collection, set out along the

four floors of the building, features

masters of the calibre of fernando

Botero, Pablo Atchugarry,

Julio Larraz, Igor Mitoraj, Manolo

Valdés, Zoran Music, Park Eun Sun

and Italians such as Enzo fiore,

Mario Arlati, Paolo Vegas…

However, these days the focus is

on “The Allegory of dream” the

retrospective exhibition dedicated

to Julio Larraz, the realist painter

deemed among the top exponents

of Caribbean art.


Chi conosce Venezia ma soprattutto chi ama vivere

la città anche attraverso i suoi eventi, sa che c’è

un periodo che non potrà lasciarsi scappare… è il

mese di settembre.

Avvantaggiato da un clima che coglie i piaceri del

passaggio di stagione, si distingue da sempre per

una sequenza di appuntamenti che sanno attrarre

l’attenzione internazionale e, con questa, quella dei

molti ospiti in città. Ecco in sintesi i principali.

La Mostra del Cinema.

Come consueto apre in pratica il mese, anche se

in effetti, ha da poco debuttato con le proiezioni di

preapertura e con il film Comandante, diretto da

Edoardo De Angelis.

La Mostra internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica

- questa la dizione esatta – si pone ancora una

volta come l’evento più atteso del mese.

Giunta alla prestigiosa ottantesima edizione – la

prima è del 1932 – si presenta, diretta ancora una

volta da Alberto Barbera, con una programmazione

di 82 nuovi lungometraggi suddivisi nelle

classiche sezioni, a partire da quella “a Concorso”

denominata Venezia 80, che presenterà 23 opere.

Qui, tra i molti registi italiani si inseriranno per la

corsa al Leone d’Oro nomi del calibro di David Fincher,

Yorgos Lanthimos, Bradley Cooper e Sofia


Altri importanti protagonisti come Woody Allen,

Roman Polański e Wes Anderson tornano invece a

Venezia tra le 19 opere della sezione Fuori Concorso

A queste prime due sezioni si affiancheranno ancora

per le opere in Concorso, Orizzonti e Orizzonti

Extra (nuove tendenze espressive) e Biennale College


Editoriale | Editorial


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