Atos Care Laryngectomy Travel Guide

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FLGT NO.<br />

Important phrases for the<br />

Laryngectomee traveller with<br />

translations in French, Italian,<br />

German, Spanish and Portuguese

Personal details<br />

Name<br />

Address<br />

Postcode<br />

Signature<br />

Passport number<br />

Doctor<br />

Address<br />

Postcode<br />

Telephone<br />

Doctor’s signature

Planning your trip<br />

It can be natural to feel a<br />

little nervous before travelling<br />

at home or aboard.<br />

Starting with a shorter<br />

trip can help you get used<br />

to being away from home<br />

and build your confidence<br />

when travelling after a<br />


travel guide<br />

In your hand luggage<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Flight letter from your doctor<br />

Your Speech Therapist or Nurse’s<br />

phone number<br />

Phone number for <strong>Atos</strong> Customer<br />

Service<br />

<strong>Travel</strong> documentation<br />

Prescription in English or local<br />

language<br />

Electrolarynx (if used)<br />

Torch + spare batteries<br />

Mirror<br />

Wipes and cleaning towels<br />

<strong>Atos</strong> Emergency Card<br />

Products for the duration of your<br />

stay and consider taking some<br />

spares<br />

Face mask (as required by the<br />

airline authorities)<br />

Portable nebuliser and nebuliser<br />

ampoules, less than 100ml saline (if<br />

part of care regime)<br />

Voice prosthesis plug (if used)<br />

Spare voice prosthesis<br />

Voice prosthesis dilator (if used)

travel guide<br />

Tips<br />

When preparing to travel it’s important to think ahead to<br />

ensure you are prepared for your trip so that you can feel<br />

confident when you travel. There are a few things you can do<br />

and think about ahead of your trip.<br />

Products<br />

Think about the weather<br />

where you are travelling, and<br />

if your product needs might<br />

change where you go.<br />

Ensure that you take spare<br />

adhesives and HMEs for<br />

the duration of your trip.<br />

Also consider taking a spare<br />

voice prosthesis in case you<br />

encounter any changes or<br />

problems with your voice<br />

prosthesis while you travel.<br />

Flying<br />

Often when you are travelling<br />

you might be taking a flight<br />

to get to your destination.<br />

Remember that the aeroplane<br />

environment can be quite dry,<br />

so ensure you take in lots of<br />

fluids for the duration of the<br />

trip. Think about the products<br />

you might need on the plane,<br />

and consider bringing a<br />

portable nebuliser if you need<br />

one. You also might want<br />

to think about using Provox<br />

Life Protect HME for added<br />

protection when in a closed<br />

and crowded environment.<br />

Research<br />

Another thing to think about<br />

when you are travelling is to<br />

know the name of a hospital<br />

that has a Head and Neck<br />

service. In case you encounter<br />

any problems with your<br />

voice prosthesis and need<br />

assistance with it, try to find<br />

one that is closest to where<br />

you are staying.

travel guide<br />

English<br />

Emergency!<br />

I am a Laryngectomee (I have no voice box).<br />

I breathe through a hole in my neck. This is my<br />

only airway. I do not breathe through my nose<br />

or mouth.<br />

If artificial respiration is necessary:<br />

1. Keep the hole in my neck clear of all matter<br />

— Remove anything covering my neck<br />

(clothing…)<br />

— Remove the filter button just on the outside<br />

of my neck<br />

— DO NOT remove the speaking valve (i.e.<br />

the white button inside my neck)<br />

2. DO NOT twist my neck sideways<br />

3. Apply oxygen to the hole in my neck<br />


4. DO NOT throw water over my head or neck<br />

5. Mouth to neck hole treatment is effective<br />

I may sound different or use<br />

a communication aid to help<br />

me speak.<br />

My name:

travel guide<br />

French<br />

Cas urgent!<br />

Je suis Laryngectomee (Je n’ai pas de larynx).<br />

Je respire par un trou au cou. C’est ma seule<br />

voie respiratoire. Je ne peux pas respirer ni par<br />

le nez, ni par la bouche.<br />

S’il arrive qu’il soit nécessaire de m’administrer<br />

de la respiration artificielle:<br />

1. Gardez le trou au cou libre de toute<br />

matière.<br />

— Enlevez le bouton stomate, (c.-à-d., le filtre<br />

à l’extérieur du cou)<br />

— Enlevez n’importe quoi qui couvre le cou.<br />

— Ne pas dégager la valve de parler, (c.-à-d.,<br />

le bouton blanc à l’intérieur du cou)<br />

2. Evitez de tordre le cou latéralement.<br />

3. Administrez l’oxygène uniquement au trou<br />

au cou.<br />

4. Ne pas jeter de l’eau ni au visage, ni au cou.<br />

5. La réanimation, bouche-à trou au cou, est<br />

efficace<br />

German<br />

Notfall!<br />

Ich bin Kehlkopf operiert (Ich habe keinen<br />

Kehlkopf mehr). Ich atme durch ein Loch in<br />

meinem Hals – das ist die einzige Möglichkeit<br />

für mich zu atmen Ich kann nicht durch meine<br />

Nase oder meinen Mund atmen.<br />

Wenn künstliche Beatmung notwendig ist:<br />

1. Halten Sie das Loch an der Vorderseite<br />

meines Halses frei von allen Gegenständen.<br />

— Entfernen Sie alles was meinen Hals<br />

bedeckt (Kleidung etc.)<br />

— Entfernen Sie den Filter von der Kanüle oder<br />

dem Sprech-Ventil an der Atemöffnung<br />

meines Halses (vorne)<br />

— Entfernen Sie auf keinen Fall das Sprech-<br />

Ventil oder die Kanüle aus meinem Hals<br />

(das Kunststoff Produkt in meinem Hals)<br />

2. Verdrehen Sie auf keinen Fall meinen Hals<br />

seitlich<br />

3. Versorgen Sie mich mit Sauerstoff durch das<br />

Loch in meinem Hals<br />

4. Lassen Sie KEIN Wasser über meinen Kopf<br />

oder Hals laufen<br />

5. Mund zu Hals-Beatmung ist möglich und<br />


travel guide<br />

Italian<br />

Portuguese<br />

Emergenza!<br />

Sono un Laryngectomee (non ho scatola do<br />

voce). Respiro attraverso un foro nel mio collo<br />

– ciò è le mie soltanto vie respiratorie. Non<br />

respire attraverso il mio naso o bocca.<br />

Se la respirazione artificiale è necessaria:<br />

1. Mantenga il foro nella mia rodura del collo<br />

di tutti gli oggetti.<br />

— Rimuova qualche cosa che copre il mio collo<br />

(vestiti)<br />

— Rimuova il tasto del filtrante appena sulla<br />

parte esterna del mio collo<br />

— Non remuova la valvola parlane (il tasto<br />

bianco all’interno del mio collo)<br />

2. Non torca il mio collo obliquamente<br />

3. Applichi l’ossigeno al forno nel mio collo<br />

4. Non getti l’acqua sopra la mia testa o collo<br />

5. La bocca al trattamento del foro del coll è<br />

efficace<br />

Emergência!<br />

Eu sou um Laryngectomee (eu não tenho<br />

nenhuma laringe). Eu respiro por um buraco<br />

no meu pescoço. Isto é minha única via aérea.<br />

Eu não respiro embora o meu nariz nem boca.<br />

Se respiração artificial é necessária:<br />

1. Mantenha o buraco no meu pescoço<br />

aclarar de todo a matéria<br />

— Remova qualquer coisa que cobre minha<br />

garganta (a roupa)<br />

— Remova qualquer coisa que cobre minha<br />

garganta (a roupa)<br />

— Não remova a válvula faladora (IE. a tecla<br />

branca dentro de minha garganta)<br />

2. Não torça minha garganta lateralmente<br />

3. Aplique o oxigênio ao furo em minha<br />

garganta<br />

4. Não jogue a água sobre minha cabeça ou<br />

garganta<br />

5. A boca ao tratamento do furo da garganta<br />

é eficaz

travel guide<br />

Spanish<br />

Emergencia!<br />

Soy un Laryngectomee (No tengo caja de voz)<br />

Puedo respirar por el agujero en el cuello, es el<br />

solo respiratoria.<br />

No puedo respirar por la nariz o la boca, si<br />

necesito respiration artificial:<br />

1. El agujero en el cuello tiene que estar libre y<br />

limpia.<br />

— Tiene que quitar toda la ropa del cuello.<br />

— Tiene que quitar el botón de filtro en el<br />

exterior del cuello.<br />

— No le quite la válvula para hablar. El botón<br />

blanco en el interior del cuello.<br />

2. No tuerza el cuello de lado.<br />

3. Me da oxígeno solo por el agujero en el<br />

cuello.<br />

4. No le ponga agua encima mi cabeza o<br />

cuello.<br />

5. Resusitación por la boca con agujera del<br />

cuello es eficaz.

travel guide<br />

Provox Life Protect<br />

Provox Life Protect HME has a highly<br />

effective electrostatic filter that protects<br />

against viruses, bacteria, pollen and dust<br />

with a filtration efficiency of more than 98%*.<br />

<strong>Travel</strong>ling<br />

Public transit<br />

Provox Life Protect HME<br />

is designed for use when<br />

you are away from home<br />

and need extra protection,<br />

such as travelling on<br />

planes or trains; or when<br />

you are in crowded places.<br />

Moreover, it offers you<br />

good breathability so you<br />

can stay protected without<br />

struggling for breath when<br />

doing activities on your<br />

holiday.<br />

Gardening<br />

Restaurants<br />

Crowded<br />

places<br />


travel guide<br />

English<br />

French<br />

For the attention of airport personnel<br />

It is essential that I carry these items with me<br />

to care for my airway:<br />

— Atomiser/Nebuliser<br />

— Brushes<br />

— Tubes/Buttons<br />

— Filters (Heat and Moisture Exchanger<br />

cassettes)<br />

— Mirror<br />

— Pipette<br />

— Scissors<br />

— Spare tubes<br />

— Tissues<br />

— Torch<br />

— Tweezers<br />

— Wipes<br />

Here is a letter from my doctor<br />

My name, address and phone number is...<br />

A l’attention du personnel aux aéroports<br />

Pour le soin de ma voie respiratoire il est<br />

indispensable que je garde sur moi:<br />

— Un atomiseur<br />

— Des brosses<br />

— Des boutons<br />

— Des filtres<br />

— Un miroir<br />

— Un nébuliseur<br />

— Une pipette<br />

— Des ciseaux<br />

— Des tubes de réserve<br />

— Des kleenex<br />

— Des torchons<br />

— Une pince fine<br />

— Des lingettes<br />

Voici une lettre de mon medécin Voici cidessous<br />

mon nom, mon adresse et mon<br />

numéro de téléphone...

travel guide<br />

German<br />

Italian<br />

Zu Händen des Flughafenpersonals<br />

Es ist lebenswichtig, dass ich diese<br />

Gegenstände mitnehme und unmittelbar bei<br />

mir trage, um meine Atemwege zu versorgen:<br />

— Sprayfläschchen<br />

— Reinigungs-Bürsten<br />

— Verschlußvorrichtung<br />

— Austausch-Filter<br />

— Taschenspiegel<br />

— Luft-Zerstäuber, Atem-Luft-Vernebeler<br />

— Pipette<br />

— Scheren<br />

— Ersatzschläuche<br />

— Gewebetücher, Taschentücher<br />

— Taschenlampe<br />

— Pinzette (Borken-Pinzette)<br />

— Tücher<br />

Hier ist ein Brief von meinem Doktor Mein<br />

Name, adresse, und die telefonnummer sind...<br />

Per attenzione del personale dell’aeroporto<br />

È essenziale che mi transporti questi<br />

articoli con per preoccuparmi per le mie vie<br />

respiratorie:<br />

— Atomizzatore<br />

— Spazzole<br />

— Tasti<br />

— Filtri<br />

— Specchio<br />

— Nebulizzatore<br />

— Pipetta<br />

— Forbici<br />

— Tubo di ricambio<br />

— Tessuti<br />

— Torcia<br />

— Pinzette<br />

— Stofinate<br />

Qui è una lettera dal mio medico Il miei nome,<br />

indrezzo e numero di telefono è...

travel guide<br />

Portuguese<br />

Spanish<br />

Para a atenção de pessoais do aeroporto<br />

É essencial que eu carreg estes artigos comigo<br />

para se importar com minha via aérea:<br />

— Atomizador<br />

— Escovas<br />

— Teclas<br />

— Filtros<br />

— Espelho<br />

— Nebuliser<br />

— Pipeta<br />

— Tesouras<br />

— Tubos de reposição<br />

— Tecidos<br />

— Tocha<br />

— Tweezers<br />

— Limpezas<br />

Está aqui uma letra de meu doutor Meus<br />

nome, endereço e número de telefone são...<br />

A la attention de personal aeropuerto<br />

Es imprescindible que Ileve estos articulos<br />

para cuidado por la respiration<br />

— Atomizador<br />

— Brochas<br />

— Botónes<br />

— Filtros<br />

— Espejo<br />

— Nebulizador<br />

— Pipeta<br />

— Tijeras<br />

— Tubos de reserva Botones<br />

— Panuelo de papel<br />

— Linterna<br />

— Pinzas<br />

— Tropos para limpiar Linterna<br />

Aqui tiene una carta del medico Mi nombre es,<br />

mi direción es y ni numero de telefono es..

travel guide<br />

<strong>Atos</strong> <strong>Care</strong> Emergency Card<br />

Our specially designed card for people who<br />

breathe through their neck gives<br />

both you and your loved ones extra peace of mind<br />

in the case of an unexpected accident.<br />

By carrying an emergency card<br />

in your wallet, you take the<br />

guesswork out of the equation.<br />

You are equipped with the<br />

correct information and<br />

more likely to get the<br />

help you need from<br />

those around you.<br />

FREE<br />


I may sound different or use<br />

a communication aid to help<br />

me speak.<br />


Emergency contact<br />

Name:<br />

Please don’t shout<br />

Tel: I can understand what you say<br />

Please be patient<br />

I cannot always answer straight away<br />

www.atos-care.co.uk<br />

If you would like a free <strong>Atos</strong><br />

Emergency Card, please contact<br />

our helpful Customer <strong>Care</strong> team.<br />

Disclaimer<br />

This card was designed for informational purposes only and not for the purposes of<br />

rendering medical advice or diagnosis. The information presented is not intended to<br />

replace the counsel of a physician or emergency professional.

Call us<br />

0800 783 1659<br />

Email us<br />

info@atos-care.co.uk<br />

Visit our website<br />


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