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16 Idenntiy

night at eight o'clock sharp, thenthe dignity of the term seems~

to vary greatly. The quotation marks are as important as the

termtheybracket: everybody hasheard of "identity crisis" and

it arouses a mixture of curiosity, mirth, and discomfon which

yet promises, by the very play on the word "crisis," not

toturn out tobe something quite as fatal as it sounds. In other

words, a suggestive term has begun to lend itself to ritualized


Social scientists, on the other hand, sometimes attempt to

achieve greater speciicity by making such terms as "identity

crisis," "self-identity," or "sexual identity" it whatever more

measurable item they are investigating at a given time. For the

sakeoflogicalorexperimentalmaneuverability (andinorder to

keepingoodacademiccompany) theytrytotreatthesetermsas

matters of social roles, personal traits, or conscious self-images,

shunning the less manageable and more sinister-which often

also means the more vital-implications of the concept. Such

usages have,infact,becomesoindiscriminate thattheother day

a Germanreviewerofthebook inwhichI irstusedthetermin

the context of psychoanalytic egotheorycalledit the pet subjectoftheamerikanischePopulaerpsychologie.

But one maynote with satisfaction that the cosnceptualization

of identity has led to a series of valid investigations which, f

they do not make clearer what identity s, nevertheless have

provedusefulinsocialpsychology. And it may be a good thing

that the word "crisis" no longer connotes impending catastrophe,

whichat onetimeseemedtobeanobstacle totheunderstanding

of the term. It is now being accepted as desig.z.{ating a

necessary tun|ing point, a crucial moment, when development

must move one way or another, marshaling resources of

growth, recovery, and funher diferentiation. This proves applicabletomanysituations:

acrisisinindividualdevelopment or

inthe emergence of a new elite, inthe therapy of an individual


The term "identity crisis" was irst used, if I remember correctly,

for a speciic clinical purpose in the Mt. Zion Veterans'

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