SL welcome guide - Hider - JULY 23 (2)

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Supported Living<br />

<strong>welcome</strong> <strong>guide</strong><br />



Contents<br />

about us 4<br />

staff team 5<br />

accommodation 6&7<br />

house rules 8<br />

entitlements 9<br />

support 10<br />

taking responsibility 11<br />

education &<br />

employment<br />

12<br />

expectations 13<br />

Absent from the home 14<br />

useful to know 15<br />

key contacts 16<br />

If reading this <strong>guide</strong> is challenging, don't hesitate to seek help. We're here to support you. Request<br />

assistance from our team or reach out to someone you trust. Accessibility is essential, and we aim to<br />

make knowledge inclusive for all.

About us<br />

Fair Ways offers accommodation for young people under the local authority's care, typically aged 16 to<br />

18. We focus on developing essential life skills, including cooking, safe living, and semi-independent<br />

living while respecting the home and fellow residents. Our staff assists in finding educational or<br />

employment opportunities, managing health, making positive decisions, and handling finances. Our<br />

goal is to prepare you for complete independence, equipping you with the necessary tools and<br />

knowledge for a successful future.<br />

We understand that transitioning to a new home with unfamiliar faces can be challenging. However, we<br />

are committed to providing unwavering support without judgment, no matter the circumstances. Please<br />

know that we are dedicated to assisting you with any physical, emotional, or mental health difficulties.<br />

While we may not have immediate answers, we will work with you to find the help or direction you<br />

need.<br />

Our top priority is your fulfilling and enjoyable stay with us. We aim for your personal growth and<br />

meaningful relationships with our team. Our objective is to offer an enriching and secure experience,<br />

preparing you to navigate the world confidently after leaving supported living. Our dedicated team is<br />

committed to your comfort and providing the necessary resources for your success.

Staff team<br />

Meghan<br />

Teresa<br />

TBC<br />

Georgette<br />

Support Worker<br />

Senior Support Worker<br />

Deputy Manager<br />

Senior Support Worker<br />

Dedicated staff are available to provide assistance and support throughout your<br />

stay. Trained and qualified, they meet stringent safety requirements. You will be<br />

assigned a key worker to address your care needs, including health<br />

appointments. Staff work in shifts to maintain appropriate staffing levels day and<br />

night, ensuring effective planning and communication. Feel free to approach<br />

them for any help.<br />

<br />

Please be aware that the management team for Supported Living consists of:<br />

<br />

Jim Windebank: Head of Service<br />

Charlene Hacking: Operations Manager<br />

TBC: Deputy Manager for <strong>Hider</strong>

Accommodation<br />

Conveniently located near the heart of Southampton City centre, our home offers easy access to a variety of amenities,<br />

including shops, transportation links, and educational and employment opportunities.<br />

The 'Sholing' train station is conveniently close, just 0.5 miles away, reachable within a quick 10-minute walk. Moreover,<br />

there are nearby bus stops and local taxi services easily accessible.<br />

For those seeking higher education, 'Itchen College' is just a short 20-minute public transport journey away, providing<br />

accessible opportunities for learning and skill development.<br />

Additionally, supermarkets are within walking distance from the home, ensuring effortless access to grocery shopping.<br />

The home accommodates up to 5 young people, featuring shared<br />

spaces like a communal lounge, bathroom, and kitchen. Your<br />

individual bedroom comes furnished with furniture, a fridge, a TV,<br />

and Wi-Fi.<br />

<br />

Upon move-in, we provide fresh bedding and a <strong>welcome</strong> pack with<br />

towels, and toiletries for your comfort. Here are pictures of one of our<br />

properties to give you an idea of what to expect.

<strong>Hider</strong><br />

Upon moving in, you will have your own personal room that you can customize with a provided budget,<br />

and our staff will support you in this process. Your room will only be entered with your explicit permission,<br />

except in health and safety emergencies, where staff will seek consent.<br />

<br />

You will receive keys to both the front door and your bedroom door. It is recommended to lock your<br />

bedroom when away to protect your belongings. We cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen items, so<br />

please take necessary precautions. Assistance in keeping your room clean will be provided based on valid<br />

reasons or health and safety concerns.<br />

<br />

CCTV cameras are in operation outside the home to ensure everyone's safety.<br />

At Fair Ways, each home is equipped with Wi-Fi to offer<br />

you the convenience of staying connected with friends and<br />

family through apps like WhatsApp. We encourage you to<br />

use this privilege responsibly.<br />

<br />

However, we prioritize your well-being and safety above<br />

all else. In the event of any concerns or potential harm, Wi-<br />

Fi privileges may be restricted or revoked. This decision<br />

will be made in consultation with your social worker or<br />

personal assistant to ensure your safety and best interests<br />

are protected.<br />

At Fair Ways, we focus on providing support rather than traditional<br />

care, which may differ from your previous living arrangements. Our<br />

role is to offer guidance and assistance, but there are limitations; we<br />

cannot control your finances, restrict your freedom to go out, or make<br />

decisions on your behalf.<br />

<br />

To meet your specific needs, you'll have allocated weekly support<br />

hours tailored to you. The home will have staff available throughout<br />

the day and evening, with a sleep-in staff member present every<br />

night for continuous support.<br />

Visitors are <strong>welcome</strong> on the premises between 09:30 am - 10:00 pm daily. Friends must present identification, sign<br />

the visitor's book, and be at least 16 years old (excluding family members).<br />

<br />

One guest is allowed at a time, and overnight stays are not permitted. All visitors must follow house rules, and failure<br />

to do so may lead to them being asked to leave. It is your responsibility to ensure your visitors respect the house<br />

expectations and rules. Please communicate this to your guests accordingly.

House rules<br />

During your stay, we will discuss house rules to promote harmonious relationships and mutual respect among<br />

residents. These rules prioritize everyone's well-being and ensure a sense of security.<br />

<br />

Some rules are non-negotiable and will be thoroughly explained by staff. Feel free to engage in open dialogue<br />

with staff for any inquiries or clarifications. A comprehensive understanding of the rules is essential for their<br />

effective implementation.<br />

The rules include:<br />

We strictly prohibit violence, intimidation, or bullying in any form.<br />

It is crucial to refrain from intentionally damaging any property owned or provided by Fair Ways.<br />

The introduction of illegal drugs or alcohol into the home is strictly prohibited.<br />

Bringing pets or animals into the property is not allowed unless prior discussion and approval from management have<br />

taken place. Special circumstances will be considered, taking into account the presence of other residents and<br />

associated risks.<br />

To respect the community and fellow residents, please keep music and noise levels at a reasonable level.<br />

Respect others' privacy and safety by obtaining consent before entering other residents' bedrooms. Safety measures<br />

such as keeping the door open may be necessary.<br />

Theft, whether from Fair Ways or fellow residents, is strictly forbidden.<br />

Please dress appropriately within communal areas to maintain a respectful atmosphere.<br />

Failure to comply with the above <strong>guide</strong>lines may lead to a review of the suitability of your placement.

Entitlements<br />

Key worker<br />

Upon your arrival, you will be assigned a dedicated key worker who will serve as your primary point of contact and advocate. The key worker's role<br />

entails establishing a trusting relationship with you, providing guidance on your entitlements, and keeping you informed about any relevant<br />

updates or changes on a regular basis.<br />

Outcome star<br />

A personalised Outcome Star is developed in collaboration with you, identifying your specific needs, goals, and entitlements. This comprehensive<br />

plan is regularly reviewed and updated with your active participation, ensuring that you remain informed about your entitlements and the progress<br />

made towards attaining your goals.<br />

Advocacy<br />

You will receive assistance and guidance from your social worker to access advocacy services. Alongside your key worker, external advocates can<br />

also be engaged to provide additional support as needed.<br />

House meetings<br />

These meetings offer a valuable platform for you to engage in discussions about your entitlements, address any concerns or issues you may have,<br />

and ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are upheld within a group setting. They also provide an opportunity for you to contribute ideas<br />

and suggestions for bringing about positive changes.<br />

Regular communication<br />

We prioritise open and transparent communication channels between you and our staff members, ensuring regular check-ins and the dissemination<br />

of important updates through notice boards. Furthermore, our staff will provide updates following any meetings with professionals, keeping you<br />

informed about relevant developments and maintaining a consistent flow of information.<br />

Consent forms<br />

Our objective is to provide you with exceptional support, which necessitates maintaining records about you. Rest assured that this information is<br />

shared solely with the relevant professionals involved in your care. At the commencement of your placement with Fair Ways, you will receive a<br />

Consent to Share Information Form containing more comprehensive details, which you will have the opportunity to read and sign.<br />

<br />

We prioritise obtaining your consent when sharing information, ensuring that you have the right to refuse without facing any negative<br />

consequences. Additionally, we make it easy for you to withdraw your consent at any time, and we will clearly communicate the process for doing<br />


Support<br />

Food shopping<br />

Once a week, staff will accompany you on a food shopping trip to a nearby supermarket or retailer. This helps you acquire groceries for the<br />

upcoming week and develop skills for independent living. You have the freedom to choose items based on your preferences, but healthy choices are<br />

encouraged. Staff will assist with reasonable decisions and offer financial management suggestions. Using a shopping list will help organize<br />

purchases and ensure you get everything needed.<br />

Cooking<br />

We encourage independence by having residents prepare their meals with staff assistance as needed. Please clean up after using the kitchen to<br />

maintain its accessibility for others. You have control over your food choices from the weekly shopping trip. There will be a communal house meal<br />

once a week, prepared collaboratively by staff and residents, fostering a shared dining experience.<br />

Allowance<br />

Each young person will receive a payment comparable to a job seekers allowance, covering food shopping, toiletries, and other expenses. The<br />

method of receiving the allowance will be determined through discussions with your social worker. £25 is typically set aside for food shopping. Staff<br />

will encourage saving a portion of the allowance to develop financial responsibility. There is an opportunity to earn an additional £10 per week<br />

through personalized incentives, such as punctuality or contributing to house tasks.<br />

Meetings & appointments<br />

Our staff will keep you informed about upcoming meetings and appointments, providing support until you feel comfortable attending on your own.<br />

We use a notice board for important announcements and schedules to help you plan and prepare. Prompt attendance at local medical<br />

appointments is essential, and our staff will <strong>guide</strong> and assist you in navigating healthcare services.<br />

Physical & mental health support<br />

Our primary goal is your well-being through comprehensive support. We conduct risk assessments and create personalised support plans to<br />

understand your needs better. If we have welfare concerns, we communicate them promptly to you and your professional network to foster effective<br />

collaboration in addressing issues. Open and transparent communication helps safeguard your well-being and ensures you receive appropriate<br />

support at all times.

Taking Responsibility<br />

Tidiness<br />

Keeping a clean and hygienic living environment fosters respect for the home and fellow residents. You will receive clear cleaning instructions and<br />

are expected to fulfill daily tasks. Active participation may lead to rewards as a gesture of appreciation for your dedication.<br />

Timekeeping<br />

To ensure personal safety and property security, it is crucial that both you and the staff are aware of your planned absences from the home, as well<br />

as the expected times of departure and return. While Fair Ways respects your freedom to leave the house, we kindly request that you inform the<br />

staff of your departure and return for health and safety purposes. This proactive communication helps maintain a secure and supportive<br />

environment.<br />

Security<br />

Ensuring household security is paramount. Please lock appropriate doors and take responsibility for your guests. Protect your bedroom by locking it<br />

with the provided key. Fair Ways cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to items in bedrooms. CCTV cameras are installed for overall<br />

property security and safety.<br />

Medication<br />

You are responsible for self-administering prescribed medication. Fair Ways do not hold medication for residents. Staff can provide reminders but<br />

cannot administer, record, or store medication. A lockable medical cabinet in your bedroom will securely store your medication, and staff will have a<br />

spare key if needed.<br />

Use of communal areas<br />

You will be granted complete access to the shared areas of the home, and it is expected that you take on the responsibility of maintaining<br />

cleanliness in these spaces. It is important to clean up after yourself and leave the areas in a satisfactory state. Living in a communal home requires<br />

mutual respect among residents, so please be mindful of others and their living experience.<br />

Respecting neighbours<br />

Showing respect towards both your neighbours and the local community is crucial, and this includes being mindful of the noise levels you generate.

Education and Employment<br />

We will actively encourage and support you to pursue education and employment opportunities while you are<br />

residing with us. If you are already enrolled in education, we will assist you in attending your classes and<br />

provide the necessary support.<br />

<br />

We recognise that each individual has unique learning styles and aspirations. Our dedicated team is here to<br />

assist you in various ways, including arranging college interviews, exploring apprenticeships, and assisting<br />

with job searches.<br />

<br />

Rest assured, if you secure employment or engage in education, you will still receive your allowance.<br />

<br />

We are committed to providing comprehensive assistance and support in any way we can.<br />

<br />

At Fair Ways, we have an "education lead" who specializes in supporting you with various educational needs.<br />

This may involve helping with application forms or preparing for interviews. If you require any assistance,<br />

please don't hesitate to speak to our staff, who will make the necessary arrangements for you.

Expectations<br />

Smoking<br />

We acknowledge that individuals may opt to smoke, and we kindly request that you utilize the designated outdoor area and provided ashtrays for<br />

this purpose.<br />

<br />

To ensure the safety of everyone in the home, smoking indoors is strictly prohibited as it violates our house rules and poses a fire hazard to both<br />

yourself and others.<br />

Drugs/alcohol<br />

Fair Ways strictly prohibits the presence and use of drugs or alcohol within the premises. Failure to comply with this policy may lead to a<br />

reassessment of your placement by the management team.<br />

If you are struggling with substance misuse, we offer support and assistance to help you overcome these challenges. We can help you access<br />

intervention services or simply provide a listening ear whenever you need someone to talk to.<br />

Racism<br />

Racism has no place within our home. We are committed to fostering an environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and free from<br />

discrimination.<br />

Inappropriate sexualised behaviours<br />

We are dedicated to upholding a zero-tolerance approach towards any kind of inappropriate sexual conduct. This encompasses un<strong>welcome</strong><br />

advances, remarks, gestures, or behaviors that may cause discomfort, objectification, or violation to others.<br />

Bullying<br />

Every individual deserves to be treated with respect, kindness, and empathy. Bullying, in any form, is strictly prohibited within our home. We are<br />

committed to maintaining a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying to ensure the well-being and happiness of all our young people.<br />

Sexism<br />

Sexism has no place within our home. We firmly believe in promoting gender equality and dismantling discriminatory practices. We recognize the<br />

value and potential of every individual, regardless of their gender or gender identity.

Absent from home<br />

Returning to the home<br />

You have the freedom to come and go, including approved absences. Please return to the home by<br />

10:30 pm for safety. Staff will make welfare calls while you are out to ensure your well-being. If you will<br />

be late, inform us in advance. Adhering to the agreed-upon return time and responding to welfare calls<br />

ensures your safety and well-being.<br />

Missing persons<br />

Your safety is essential to us. If you do not return without contacting us, and it is not an authorized<br />

absence, we may report you as a missing person to the police. If you stay with family or friends,<br />

we will verify your presence for safety. Your well-being is our priority, and we will take necessary<br />

actions to ensure it.<br />

Reporting as a missing person is serious, and we hope to avoid it. We prioritize your safety and<br />

appreciate your understanding.

Useful to know<br />

Compliments/complaints<br />

To express appreciation, you can send an email to compliments@fairways.co or request a compliments form from<br />

staff.<br />

<br />

For complaints, you can email complaints@fairways.co, request a form, or speak to a staff member.<br />

<br />

We value open communication and promptly address concerns or compliments to ensure your safety and wellbeing.<br />

Feel free to share anything you would like to discuss or raise.<br />

Confidentiality<br />

Respecting confidentiality is a priority in our home. Talk to your assigned key worker to understand how and<br />

when confidential information may be shared with staff and professionals involved in your care. Keep private<br />

information to yourself and respect others' privacy.<br />

Criminal proceedings<br />

We aim to reduce criminal involvement in our community through a collective approach. Instances of criminal<br />

activity are taken seriously and continuously assessed. We maintain a positive relationship with the local police,<br />

including regular conversations with residents and staff through Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs).

Key contacts<br />

Fair Ways 0<strong>23</strong>80 <strong>23</strong>0 400<br />

Childrens<br />

commissioner<br />

0800 528 0731<br />

Ofsted 0300 1<strong>23</strong> 1<strong>23</strong>1<br />

ChildLine 0800 11 11<br />

Voice 0808 800 5792<br />

(Advocacy<br />

helpline)<br />

Talk to Frank 0300 1<strong>23</strong> 6600 Drug helpline<br />

SHOUT Text 85258<br />

Help with<br />

mental health<br />

Coram Voice 0808 800 5792<br />

(Advocacy<br />

helpline)<br />

THE MIX 0808 808 4994<br />

Help with<br />

multiple<br />


Questions<br />

We highly encourage you to reach out if you have any inquiries or<br />

concerns.<br />

<br />

Our dedicated team is committed to providing thorough responses to your<br />

questions. Please don't hesitate to share any queries or uncertainties you<br />

may have, as we are here to assist you to the best of our abilities.

We look forward<br />

to meeting you!<br />


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