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understand what you want from me. In a matter of days, I’ve lost everything. I’ve had to leave my

apartment, the home I built and loved, to move in with someone who doesn’t want me here. How do

you think I’m feeling? What do you think it’s like to be married to someone who avoids me because

looking at me reminds me of the woman he’d rather see? Don’t you think Hannah owes me an apology

for making me take responsibility for her selfishness? Don’t tell me to call her and console her

because this mess that we’re both trapped in is of her making.”

“You selfish little girl,” she snaps. “You’ll never change, will you? You will never have it in you

to be the bigger person, will you? Can’t you see that this is going to ruin your relationship with your

sister? Hannah isn’t going to reach out because she’s heartbroken, and she’s never been good at

telling us when she’s in pain. You know exactly why that is, Raven. It’s the result of years and years

of her being sick, of feeling like a burden. I’m not saying Hannah isn’t wrong, but so are you. We both

know that your marriage to Ares is just temporary, so why not just make her feel better? Would it

really kill you to pick up the phone and reassure her?”

“Would it kill her to do the same for me?”

Mom sighs. “I’m so incredibly disappointed in you, Raven. I don’t understand how you two can

both be my daughters when you’re so different. I wish you could be more like your sister.”

I laugh humorlessly. “Yeah, join the club, Mom. Everyone wishes I could be Hannah, but I’m not.

I’ll never be her.” I run a hand through my hair and stare up at the ceiling.

“No,” Mom agrees. “You’ll never be her, but you can at least try to be half the woman she is. Call

your sister, Raven.”

She hangs up on me, and I bite down on my lip harshly in an effort to suppress my tears, yet they

fall anyway. Each and every time I speak to her, I’m left feeling like an awful daughter. I should just

give in and do what she asks, but I know I’d hate myself even more if I did.


I turn around to find Ares leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. The way he’s looking at me

tells me he’s been standing there a while, and I sigh as I let my eyes fall closed for a moment as

mortification washes over me.

“Cupcake,” he says, his tone gentle.

“I don’t want your pity.” I glance at him, taking in the gray sweatpants he’s wearing and the white

t-shirt that showcases his muscular arms. Just looking at him hurts. I hate that I want him. I hate that

I’m his wife, yet I’m the one person he least wants to see. “Or is it not pity you’re offering me? Let

me guess, you agree that I should call your precious Hannah, don’t you?”

He pushes away from the wall and walks toward me, but I hold up my hand and shake my head.

“Forget it. Whatever it is, I don’t need to hear it.”

I move to walk past him, but he grabs my wrist and holds me in place. “Cupcake, all I wanted to

ask is if you’ve had time to eat today. Shall I warm something up for you?”

I blink in surprise and shake my head. “No,” I tell him, my shoulders slumping. “Thank you, Ares,

but I just… I’m going to bed early tonight.”

I pull my wrist out of his grip and escape into our bedroom, my heart heavy. Tonight is the first

night that he’s been home before me, and I have no doubt it has everything to do with the conversation

we had this morning. I asked him to stop avoiding me, yet here I am, running away.

My breathing is labored as I walk to our bathroom. I should be happy that Ares is home with me

for once, but right now, in this moment, I wish he wasn’t. Pure agony spreads from my heart to the rest

of my body, until my throat closes up. Hot tears stream down my face as I undress, and I only barely

manage to hold it together. I try my hardest to breathe through it, to keep my sobs in, but the moment

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