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Chapter Twenty-Seven


I look up in surprise when the kitchen door opens. Raven walks in wearing a sports bra and some

really tight leggings that make it impossible to keep my eyes off her. She freezes when she sees me,

her eyes wide.

“Morning,” she says, a forced smile on her face.


Things have been weird between us lately. It’s like we no longer know how to behave around

each other, when we used to be such good friends. I suppose most of that is caused by me. I’ve been

waking up early and working late to avoid going to bed with her. I feel horrible about forcing her into

this marriage, but I’m not making it any better by avoiding her. If anything, I just seem to be making

her uncomfortable, and I have no doubt she’s started to feel unwelcome around me. I need to get my

shit together.

Raven walks over to the coffee machine, giving me one hell of a view of her ass. This is part of

the reason I’ve been staying away from her all week. Having her here at home with me has made it

impossible to ignore how fucking beautiful she is. Just seeing her in the sexy nightgowns she wears at

night makes it impossible to think straight. I’m scared I’ll do or say something inappropriate. Raven

and I are straddling this weird line of being married yet being nothing more than friends, and I don’t

know how to deal with it.


I look up at Raven and force a smile onto my face.

“I asked if you wanted another cup of coffee?”

I shake my head and tip my head toward the fridge. “No, thank you. There’s some breakfast for

you in the fridge. Donna told me you haven’t been eating much? Is the food not to your liking?”

She tenses for a moment and shakes her head. “No, it’s not that. I just… I can’t eat much, Ares.

I’m a model, remember?”

I push away from the kitchen counter and walk up to her, my hands wrapping around her waist, my

fingers touching on either end. “Rave, you can afford to eat a little more. You’d still be the sexiest

woman alive, you know?”

Her eyes widen, and then she smirks. “Is that so?”

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